INFORMATION BULLETIN "Solidarity abroad" - 59
BIULETYN INFORMACYJNY "Solidarność za granicą" - 59
among others: * czy prosić o łaskę ? * grypsy
More...among others: * czy prosić o łaskę ? * grypsy
More...among others: * wątpliwości i zastrzeżenia *solidarność tak!
More...among others: * FRAGMENTY HOMILII I PRZEMÓWIEŃJANA PAWŁA II W POLSCE * "Solidarność" wita Ojca Świętego - fragmenty oświadczeń organizacji związkowych
More...among others: * Oświadczenie w sprawie podwyżek cen, Stanowisko w sprawie wyborów do Rad Narodowych * Prawo i bezprawie
More...among others: * WRONIE ZWIĄZKI. Czy bojkot przetrwa mimo przywilejów? * W ZAKŁADACH PRACY. Ludzie nie rwą się dospektakularnych akcji
More...Keywords: antiquity; lighting; lamps; Egypt; Middle East
The Bouvier Collection presents a corpus of almost 800 clay oil lamps from Egypt and the Near East, collected by the Swiss Maurice Bouvier in Alexandria in the first half of the 20th century. Far from collections reflecting their owner’s aesthetic taste or iconographic predilection, the series of lamps published in this volume builds a true panoply of almost all the typologies attested in Egypt from the Phoenician period to the Mamluk sultanate, with a large appendix on Near Eastern types, acquired during trips to Lebanon and Syria. This Swiss collection today is second only to the holdings of the Benaki Museum in Athens. The volume is a milestone of Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese lychnological studies. The presentation of the material offers in effect a long awaited synthesis of a field that is both difficult and still understudied. The corpus of lamps in the catalog covers all the major historical periods, bringing to the fore many local specificities of Egypt and the Near East, from Phoenician times through the Mamluk period. Complementing the catalog are reviews of the producer’s marks on the bases of the lamps and of the iconographic motifs decorating the discuses of Roman lamps. These will be a ready aid for studies of the actual lamps, both produced locally in Egypt and imports, as well as of the dissemination of decorative motifs. This synthetic and diachronic approach is illustrated by a set of exceptional photographs taken by the collector’s grandson, Marc Bouvier. Students of this category of objects from Egypt and the Near East are also given an exhaustive bibliography on the subject collected by the author, an expert lychnologist, who has dedicated the past twenty years to research on lighting devices and ancient oil lamps in particular. He has given voice to his interests, including the anthropological, social, religious and macro-economic aspects of lighting in antiquity, in an extensive introduction preceding the catalog. The volume is prefaced by Tomasz Waliszewski and introduced by Jolanta Młynarczyk.
More...Keywords: antiquity; lighting; lamps; Egypt; Middle East
The Bouvier Collection presents a corpus of almost 800 clay oil lamps from Egypt and the Near East, collected by the Swiss Maurice Bouvier in Alexandria in the first half of the 20th century. Far from collections reflecting their owner’s aesthetic taste or iconographic predilection, the series of lamps published in this volume builds a true panoply of almost all the typologies attested in Egypt from the Phoenician period to the Mamluk sultanate, with a large appendix on Near Eastern types, acquired during trips to Lebanon and Syria. This Swiss collection today is second only to the holdings of the Benaki Museum in Athens. The volume is a milestone of Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese lychnological studies. The presentation of the material offers in effect a long awaited synthesis of a field that is both difficult and still understudied. The corpus of lamps in the catalog covers all the major historical periods, bringing to the fore many local specificities of Egypt and the Near East, from Phoenician times through the Mamluk period. Complementing the catalog are reviews of the producer’s marks on the bases of the lamps and of the iconographic motifs decorating the discuses of Roman lamps. These will be a ready aid for studies of the actual lamps, both produced locally in Egypt and imports, as well as of the dissemination of decorative motifs. This synthetic and diachronic approach is illustrated by a set of exceptional photographs taken by the collector’s grandson, Marc Bouvier. Students of this category of objects from Egypt and the Near East are also given an exhaustive bibliography on the subject collected by the author, an expert lychnologist, who has dedicated the past twenty years to research on lighting devices and ancient oil lamps in particular. He has given voice to his interests, including the anthropological, social, religious and macro-economic aspects of lighting in antiquity, in an extensive introduction preceding the catalog. The volume is prefaced by Tomasz Waliszewski and introduced by Jolanta Młynarczyk.
More...Keywords: antiquity; lighting; lamps; Egypt; Middle East
The Bouvier Collection presents a corpus of almost 800 clay oil lamps from Egypt and the Near East, collected by the Swiss Maurice Bouvier in Alexandria in the first half of the 20th century. Far from collections reflecting their owner’s aesthetic taste or iconographic predilection, the series of lamps published in this volume builds a true panoply of almost all the typologies attested in Egypt from the Phoenician period to the Mamluk sultanate, with a large appendix on Near Eastern types, acquired during trips to Lebanon and Syria. This Swiss collection today is second only to the holdings of the Benaki Museum in Athens. The volume is a milestone of Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese lychnological studies. The presentation of the material offers in effect a long awaited synthesis of a field that is both difficult and still understudied. The corpus of lamps in the catalog covers all the major historical periods, bringing to the fore many local specificities of Egypt and the Near East, from Phoenician times through the Mamluk period. Complementing the catalog are reviews of the producer’s marks on the bases of the lamps and of the iconographic motifs decorating the discuses of Roman lamps. These will be a ready aid for studies of the actual lamps, both produced locally in Egypt and imports, as well as of the dissemination of decorative motifs. This synthetic and diachronic approach is illustrated by a set of exceptional photographs taken by the collector’s grandson, Marc Bouvier. Students of this category of objects from Egypt and the Near East are also given an exhaustive bibliography on the subject collected by the author, an expert lychnologist, who has dedicated the past twenty years to research on lighting devices and ancient oil lamps in particular. He has given voice to his interests, including the anthropological, social, religious and macro-economic aspects of lighting in antiquity, in an extensive introduction preceding the catalog. The volume is prefaced by Tomasz Waliszewski and introduced by Jolanta Młynarczyk.
More...Keywords: antiquity; lighting; lamps; Egypt; Middle East
The Bouvier Collection presents a corpus of almost 800 clay oil lamps from Egypt and the Near East, collected by the Swiss Maurice Bouvier in Alexandria in the first half of the 20th century. Far from collections reflecting their owner’s aesthetic taste or iconographic predilection, the series of lamps published in this volume builds a true panoply of almost all the typologies attested in Egypt from the Phoenician period to the Mamluk sultanate, with a large appendix on Near Eastern types, acquired during trips to Lebanon and Syria. This Swiss collection today is second only to the holdings of the Benaki Museum in Athens. The volume is a milestone of Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese lychnological studies. The presentation of the material offers in effect a long awaited synthesis of a field that is both difficult and still understudied. The corpus of lamps in the catalog covers all the major historical periods, bringing to the fore many local specificities of Egypt and the Near East, from Phoenician times through the Mamluk period. Complementing the catalog are reviews of the producer’s marks on the bases of the lamps and of the iconographic motifs decorating the discuses of Roman lamps. These will be a ready aid for studies of the actual lamps, both produced locally in Egypt and imports, as well as of the dissemination of decorative motifs. This synthetic and diachronic approach is illustrated by a set of exceptional photographs taken by the collector’s grandson, Marc Bouvier. Students of this category of objects from Egypt and the Near East are also given an exhaustive bibliography on the subject collected by the author, an expert lychnologist, who has dedicated the past twenty years to research on lighting devices and ancient oil lamps in particular. He has given voice to his interests, including the anthropological, social, religious and macro-economic aspects of lighting in antiquity, in an extensive introduction preceding the catalog. The volume is prefaced by Tomasz Waliszewski and introduced by Jolanta Młynarczyk.
More...Keywords: Austria; energy and climate strategy; energy independence; clean technologies; nuclear and coal energy; low-emission transport;
Rząd austriacki wdraża strategię energetyczno-klimatyczną, której celem jest pobudzenie gospodarki i osiągnięcie niezależności energetycznej poprzez wykorzystywanie czystych technologii. Strategia sygnalizuje potencjalne punkty sporne z Polską, w energetyce jądrowej i węglowej. Jednocześnie wskazuje pola możliwej współpracy w dziedzinie niskoemisyjnego transportu.
More...Keywords: Brexit; United Kingdom; European Union; EU citizens living in UK; EU-UK relations after Brexit; economic migration to the UK; British economy; British labour market;
Wyjście Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii Europejskiej może mieć negatywne konsekwencje ekonomiczno-społeczne zarówno dla obywateli UE mieszkających w Zjednoczonym Królestwie, jak i dla Brytyjczyków w krajach UE. Skala i charakter tego wpływu zależeć będą od modelu przyszłych relacji Wielkiej Brytanii ze Wspólnotą oraz tempa osiągnięcia porozumienia w tej sprawie. Ograniczenie imigracji zarobkowej w wyniku Brexitu zaszkodzi jednak najbardziej brytyjskiej gospodarce i rynkowi pracy. Dla Polski natomiast – w obliczu negatywnych zmian demograficznych – perspektywa powrotu części imigrantów do kraju może być korzystna.
More...Keywords: Koshetz; conductor; Ukrainian Republic Capella; diaries; memoirs
The first Polish language edition of selected fragments of the diary by Alexander Koshetz – world-famous Ukrainian musician, for a long time forbidden in his native country, where he was not allowed to return since he and his ensemble toured Europe and the Americas.
More...Keywords: medieval history; church history; Christianity in the Middle Ages; religious culture; Poland during the Piast dynasty
In the article an analysis has been conducted of the cult of St Peter the Apostle in the early-Piast state and of the relation of the Piast monarchy to the Holy See. The discussed analysis was carried out against the background of other selected early medieval political organisms located in Central Europe. These include, above all, Bohemia and Great Moravia, as well as other Slavic states of the second half of the 9th century, such as Croatia, Serbia or Bulgaria. Among the discussed-in-detail source materials, which indicate the importance of the cult of the Prince of the Apostles for the Piasts, particular significance has been ascribed to Dagome iudex. The author claims that subordinating the Piast state to St Peter by Mieszko I and his family constitutes an analogy for seeking the protection of St Peter for oneself and for one’s peoples by rulers in power in the second half of the 9th century in Slavic lands. This is why, according to the author, it should be recognized that the donation described in Dagome iudex mainly served the purposes of the Church, that is, obtaining Holy See’s support in stabilizing and developing Church structures in the territory of the Piast state. In the author’s opinion, the joint interpretation of the discussed manifestations of St Peter’s cult allows to prove the thesis that the cult of the Prince of the Apostles was important for the Piasts, as it determined the specific features of the politico-religious ideology of the Polish monarchy in Central European context.
More...Keywords: natural selection; selection; speciation; tree of life; altruism; democracy; cultural evolution
An instructive introduction to the theory of evolution and its applications in biology, physics, chemistry, geology and humanities. The author shows that evolution is a physical process, occurring in geological time dimension, describes how the Darwin’s theory of natural selection works in immunology, neurobiology, sociology as well as in certain aspects of culture and political institutions. He also shows the effects achieved through the action of selection in different areas of biological and social life. He discusses such problems as: the ambiguity of the term “theory of evolution”, the falsifiability of evolutionary hypotheses, connection between evolution and thermodynamics, the concept of reductionism, methodological background of phylogenetics, cladistics, evolutionary developmental biology and homeotic genes, as well as the cumulative nature of social and cultural evolution.
More...Keywords: natural selection; selection; speciation; tree of life; altruism; democracy; cultural evolution
An instructive introduction to the theory of evolution and its applications in biology, physics, chemistry, geology and humanities. The author shows that evolution is a physical process, occurring in geological time dimension, describes how the Darwin’s theory of natural selection works in immunology, neurobiology, sociology as well as in certain aspects of culture and political institutions. He also shows the effects achieved through the action of selection in different areas of biological and social life. He discusses such problems as: the ambiguity of the term “theory of evolution”, the falsifiability of evolutionary hypotheses, connection between evolution and thermodynamics, the concept of reductionism, methodological background of phylogenetics, cladistics, evolutionary developmental biology and homeotic genes, as well as the cumulative nature of social and cultural evolution.
More...Keywords: molecular biology; genetics; gene; DNA; RNA; genome; protein; inheritance; medicine
Academic textbook presenting topics from the field of molecular biology. The author discusses fundamental concepts and processes from genetics, such as siRNA, genomic imprinting, structures of DNA, RNA, RNA as catalyst, etc. She presents the key methods and techniques of molecular biology. The textbook includes a description of human genetic diseases, which are caused by dysfunctions of particular processes taking place in the cells. The text is illustrated with numerous photographs, diagrams and figures.
More...Keywords: life imprisonment; prison; treatment of prisoners; adaptation problems; rehabilitation
Who is an average life-term prisoner and how does he act in prison? The research results prove that, with time, most respondents not only adapted to prison conditions, but also raised their social and perhaps even moral status.
More...Keywords: World War II 1939–1945; Holocaust; diaries 1939–1945; limit experiences
The author focuses on the Second World War, but draws attention to the deep genealogy of the phrase “wartime diaries”, treating them as a special form of recording limit situations in which a person is confronted with violence and death, which go beyond the ways of coping with these experiences, and the community is faced with the horror of mass extermination. Culture and civilization are in a state of catastrophe, destruction and collapse. Examples of records of such experiences in the past include plague logs and pogrom chronicles. The concept of “wartime diaries” has two basic features: 1. they are written in borderline situations and contain a record of borderline experiences; 2. the primary distinguishing criterion is the proximity of the record and the experience. The author presents the topography of diaristic records and the circles of experience they testify to. As for the topography of writing, the observation field was narrowed only to the area of the Warsaw, Łódź, Kraków, Vilnius and Kaunas ghettos. From the various experiences within the thematic spectrum of the diaries, the author presents two: the hunger in the ghetto and the siege of the city of Warsaw and Leningrad. The article proposes to expand the genological area of the diaries and draw attention to diaristic borderlands and genological hybrids. This broadened spectrum of forms would fit between the diary and the chronicle, and between the letters and the diary. There are also “texts in extremis”, which can be considered a unique“ ultimate diaristic record”. This separate group consists of various types of inscriptions on the walls of torture rooms and prisons, places where convicts are held. The act of writing and the moment of experience merge.
More...Keywords: Serbia; wojna; Ukraina; Rosja
W ostatniej dekadzie politykę zagraniczną Belgradu determinowały kluczowe dylematy dotyczące kształtu państwa, kwestia Kosowa oraz dążenie do balansowania między głównymi aktorami obecnymi na Bałkanach – Zachodem, Rosją i Chinami. Serbskie elity starały się rozgrywać i równoważyć wpływy tych graczy w celu czerpania korzyści zarówno dla siebie, jak i – częściowo – dla państwa. Inwazja Rosji na Ukrainę istotnie zmniejsza ich pole manewru. Znalazły się one pod presją Zachodu, który chce, by Belgrad prowadził politykę zagraniczną zgodną z jego linią oraz ograniczał powiązania z Moskwą. Mimo symbolicznych gestów wsparcia wobec Kremla serbskie władze zdają się coraz bardziej świadome, że rosyjski potencjał ochrony ich interesów maleje. Choć w niektórych obszarach Moskwę może zastąpić Pekin, to ostatecznie przyspieszy i pogłębi się zbliżenie Serbii ze strukturami zachodnimi.
More...Keywords: Rosja; Ukraina; wojna
Rosyjska inwazja na Ukrainę domyka proces przemian tożsamościowych i kształtowania się ukraińskiego narodu politycznego. Rok wojny, któremu towarzyszyła kompleksowa derusyfikacja życia społecznego, przyspieszył zwrot Ukraińców ku rodzimym historii, kulturze, językowi i symbolom wpisanym w szerszy kontekst europejski. Oba te trendy postępowały od uzyskania niepodległości w 1991 r., a znacznie nasiliły się po aneksji Krymu i wybuchu wojny w Donbasie w 2014 r., gdy państwo jasno zdefiniowało politykę pamięci i zainicjowało całościową ukrainizację życia publicznego. Zmiany tożsamościowe objęły wówczas część społeczeństwa, obecnie zaś konsolidują ogromną jego większość bez względu na region, wiek i język komunikacji. Ukraińcy przechodzą mentalną dekolonizację, odrzucając przekonanie o przewadze Rosji oraz o łączących oba narody więzach kulturowych i przyjmując postawę wyższości wobec dawnego hegemona. Płacą za to jednak wysoką cenę w postaci wyrwy demograficznej, ruiny gospodarczej, zubożenia i traumy wojennej znacznego odsetka obywateli. Heroiczna walka o suwerenność sprawia zarazem, że Ukraina przestała być przez jej społeczeństwo traktowana jako kraj drugiej kategorii. Częsty przed wojną krytycyzm zastąpiły duma i wiara w wysoki potencjał rozwojowy własnego państwa.