Contemporary glottodidactics in the face of educational changes: New challenges and in-novative solutions
Współczesna glottodydaktyka wobec zmian edukacyjnych. Nowe wyzwania i innowacyjne rozwiązania
Keywords: foreign language teaching; e-learning; MOOC; intimacy; affective barriers; pandemic
The book is a collection of articles devoted to the situation of contemporary glottodidactics, with particular emphasis on the pandemic conditions. The analyses concern the pressures to which the teacher is subjected and the strategies for coping with them; the attitudes of students and lecturers towards the challenges created by distance education; affective issues related to the lack of authentic social contacts, the instructor immediacy, as well as affective barriers in foreign language communication caused by language anxiety. The book also addresses such issues as limitations in the development of communicative language competence; key competences; verification of learning outcomes; professional training of translators and new opportunities created by the use of communicators; educational platforms; MOOCs; digital tools or traditional textbooks, as well as opportunities arising from the application of neurodidactic principles in educational practice or an open-minded attitude in the demanding CLIL education.