Jovica Trkulja: Legal Overcoming of Authoritarian Past (Rechtsbeugung) (Vladimir V. Vodinelic, Тhе Past as а Challenge to Law, Belgrade, 2002) Nikola Šuica: Field of Actions (Concerning the exibition "Central-European Aspects of Vojvodinian Avant-gardes 1920-2000: Border Рhenomenа, Рhenomenа of Borders") Dragoljub Todorovic: Book оn the Delict of Thought (Rajko Danilović, Use of Enemy, Belgrade, 2002) Wickedness - Оnе of Seven Deadly Sins
More...Keywords: chetniks; partizans; neo-communism; democratisation; re-assessment of the past
The author writes about one of the most tragic divisions in the Serbian people - that into partizans and chetniks, the civil and the communist option, and, with sound arguments, shows that this division is not yet overcome. The author shows that the misrepresentation of Draža Mihailović and chetniks as traitors and criminals is still at hand. Analysing the text published in the Danas paper, as well as attitudes of Todor Kuljić, Desimir Tošić, Dobrica Ćosić, Miloš Mišović and other authors, Ivanović concludes that even today, when it comes to the civil war in Serbia and the activities of the chetnik movement, the communist option is predominant. The author shows that the political option represented by the chetniks was, as opposed to the communist one, pro-European and democratic, therefore, just as the one the present democratic Serbia is fighting for. The main message of the text is that without reassessment and reevaluation of the past there can be no national reconciliation, and without it, there can be no true democracy in Serbia.
More...Keywords: culture; literature; populism; critic and transformation
In this paper, the author asks how is it possible to find the way out for the culture of a nation, the exit from authoritarian society that has only just embarked upon transition towards a modern democratic society with the same people. The author reminds of ten years of populism in Serbia, in all areas, including culture, where the most eminent artists dealt solely with national issues in an unpermissably wrong manner. This is why the author problematises the issue of new organisation of all social segments, since the entire Serbian society has been placed before the temptation of new valuation, liberation of culture from the constrictions of foul regimes and finding of its own identity.
More...Keywords: kosovo; kosowo; kosovo war; wojna w kosowie; balkans; bałkany; prishtina; prisztina; serbia; albania; history of serbia; prizren; pec; monasteries; klasztory; katarzyna wydra; marcin żyła; milosevic; mladic; sumadija; Belgrade; ahtisaari
More...Keywords: Dariusz Skórczewski; Poland; heritage; history; Polska; postkolonialność; postcolonial literature; Ukrainian literature in Poland; Central and Eastern Europe; Central and Eastern Europen literature; Huelle; Castorp
The text is devoted to the universality of literature.
More...Keywords: religious education; religion; school; panuś; religia w szkole; katechizacja; ewangelizacja; nauczanie
More...Keywords: tadeusz jagodziński; media; mass media; television; news; war coverage; correspondents; war journalism; wojna; dziennikarstwo wojenne; korespondenci; telewizja; wiadomości; przekaz; krystyna strączek; marcin żyła; birma
More...Keywords: wittgenstein; krajewski; radosław krajewski; philosophy; death; filozofia; śmierć
More...Keywords: bortnowska; halina bortnowska; powstanie warszawskie; warsaw uprising
More...Keywords: nepal; kathmandu; war; coup; zamach stanu; kłodkowski; piotr kłodkowski; himalaje; historia nepalu; history of nepal
More...Keywords: łukasiewicz; małgorzata łukasiewicz; literature; inspirations; literatura; inspiracje
More...Keywords: robert wieczorek; central african republic; republika środkowoafrykańska; africa; afryka; war; wojna; darfur; sudan; chad; czad; mission; misja; misjonarze; church in africa; bokassa; kościół w afryce; historia; media
More...Keywords: Garbol; Mariusz Garbol; Arka; Martin Buber; Central Station in Warsaw; Catholic Church
More...Keywords: herrmann; jarosław herrmann; philosophy; art; filozofia; sztuka
More...Keywords: Mother Theresa; Matka Teresa; Nawrocki; Paweł M. Nawrocki; Catholic Church; faith; leprosy; Catholic Saints
More...Keywords: ochojska; janina ochojska; humanitarian aid; help; egotizm; silence; genocide; pomoc humanitarna; egoizm; milczenie; ludobójstwo; wojna