I Don't Believe in Religious Education
Nie wierzę w szkolną katechezę
Keywords: religious education; evangelization; bardel; michał bardel; katechizacja; religia; religia w szkole
More...Keywords: religious education; evangelization; bardel; michał bardel; katechizacja; religia; religia w szkole
More...Keywords: bieńkowska; ewa bieńkowska; polish church; Polish Catholic Church; Catholic Church in Poland; polski kościół; catholic church; katolicyzm; Wielgus; sprawa Wielgusa; dyskusja z łopusznej
More...Keywords: anticorruption; legislation
Countries without developed democractic institutions have favorable climate for “flourishing” organised crime and corruption. Lack of anticorruption institutions and mechanisms contributed to spreading of corruption in Serbia.
More...Keywords: corruption
Idealistic image of a severe serbian host, duke Milos Obrenovic, who achieved freedom after many ages of Turkish ocupation, by clever strategy , was an image that he wanted to preserve in the nation's colective memory. Still, objective analysis of his ugly perspective of the rule violates this idealistic image.
More...Keywords: democracy
Democratic supervision of intelligence sector institutions is a delicate task as the need to limit access is real.
More...Keywords: crime; law; terrorism
During the last twenty years, the most important issue as far as fighting organised crime strategy has been the disabling of criminals in using and legalizing their profit acquired by criminal acts.
More...Keywords: public procurements; European market
The European Public Procurement Network is the international network for cooperation gathering the public procurement officials from European Union member countries, countries that are entering the membership and officials from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
More...Keywords: drugs; trafficking
The importance of the Balkans in international illegal drug trafficking is due to geographic position of the peninsula and direct links to the functioning of western european market. One of the most important euroasiatic traffic courses and the shortest land connection between Asia Minor, Middle East and European Union is spreading over the Balkans. In international drug traffic chain, the counties on the Balkans are the countries of origin, transit and destination of drug industry.
More...Keywords: anticorruption; rule of law
The government of Republic of Serbia drafted the National Strategy for Fighting the Corruption, in May 2005. The Strategy is based on international standardas for fighting the corruption model: prevention, repression, and education. The main aims are establishing the rule of law, normative and institutional changes, runnig down the corruption phenomenon, establishing the responsibility for illegal actions, promotion of ethics standards.
More...Keywords: Germany; corruption
National accomplishment realized in the aftermath of the Second World War is often described as a "germain economic miracle", due to the fact that having a demolished infrastructure, Germany had became the strongest european economic force, in the relativly short period of time.
More...Keywords: Yugoslavia
Jugoslavia tried to resolve encreased social problems by launching an ambitious programme of public works during the years of great economic crisis, suspended parliamentary regime and great rate of unemployment. One part of the programme was construction of the railroad network, and the majority of the construction work was entrusted to the French company “Batignol”.
More...Keywords: transition; international aid; corruption
Relation between corruption and economic development of the transitional neighbouring countries, may be perceived on the results of managing the sources of international multilateral and bilateral aid.
More...Keywords: Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization; Globalization; Regional Cooperation; Turkey; Russia; the Balkans; the Caucasus
This article seeks to explore the organizational development of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and its contributions to the globaliza
More...Keywords: Russia; Chechnya; Media; Security; South Caucasus; Conflict
The great majority of the Russians did not support their country’s military intervention in Chechnya during the 1994-96 Russo-Chechen War. During the Second Chechen War, however, beginning in the autumn of 1999, a turnaround occurred. Now a majority of Russians stood behind their government’s decision to regain control over the hitherto independent Chechnya. Such support was in part in response to a string of high-profile terrorist attacks in Russian cities by Chechen rebels and the spread of the separatist movement into neighboring provinces such as Dagestan. In addition, much of this shift in public support at the time was attributed to the pivotal role broadcast media played in the second Chechen war. This analysis focuses on the marked change in public perception by studying the Russian media, its role in shaping opinions, and how reporting from the conflict zone transformed Russian people’s attitudes.
More...Keywords: Iran; Tajikistan; Afghanistan; Identity; Ahmadinejad
Through the application of an identity based constructivist theoretical framework, this article argues that a gradual embrace of Persian conceptions of state identity by Iranian political elites and wider society has taken place over the last decade. The embrace of what this article terms ‘Persian identity’ has deeply affected how Iran externally ‘portrays itself’ and pursues its foreign policy interests. This has become increasingly apparent in the context of its trilateral relations with Tajikistan and Afghanistan during the Ahmadinejad presidency (2005-present). Increasingly Iran in this context has shifted its identity, interests and actions from that of an Islamic revolutionary ‘Other’, to a so-called Persian ‘Brother’ and a friendly, pragmatic and constructive political partner.
More...Keywords: Azerbaijan; Economic Diversity; Foreign Trade; Germany; Export
The ongoing economic and commecial cooperation between Azerbaijan and Germany for many years led to 2 billion euro worth trade volume. When we check the trade partners of these countries,we can deduce that these two countries are quite significant to each other’s foreign trade. The common idea is the potential is capable of achieving even more. The biggest chance in activating the potential in commercial biliteral relations is undoubtedly the strong basis they possessed so far. In recent years, Azerbaijan due its geographical, political, economic and cultural context has been an important country for Germany. Azerbaijan, having the potential activated, can even be more important for Germany which aims at diversifying the energy import. Accordingly, Azerbaijan should consider new resources as advantages to strengthen relations with Germany. In this context, Azerbaijan would have to consider its national interests and rearrange his bilateral economical relations. Azerbaijan should be in contact with Germany on an equal and mutual interest basis. In this article, an evaluation of Azerbaijan foreign trade, the position of these two countries in foreign trade and the economical and commercial relations between Azerbaijan and Germany.
More...Cet article est basé sur le chapitre final d'une vaste étude des origines du stalinisme dans les conditions de la révolution russe. Contrairement aux nombreuses théories en cours qui prétendent que le stalinisme représente une conséquence inévitable du marxisme ou que le stalinisme n'était qu'une extension de tendances qui virent le jour durant la révolution d'Octobre, l'auteur soutient que le stalinisme représente une rupture décisive avec, et une destruction, du potentiel socialiste de la révolution d'Octobre. Il faut considérer le stalinisme comme une contre-révolution consciente et impitoyable. Il est possible de déterminer la limite précise entre la phase révolutionnaire en Union soviétique, lorsque les idées socialistes étaient encore vivantes et actives, et le point de rupture qui a étouffé et anéanti les réalisations de la période révolutionnaire. A l'appui de cette thèse, l'auteur caractérise les traits essentiels du stalinisme en montrant que ce type d'ordre social représente une société politique bureaucratisée. De plus on peut dégager les choix et les décisions spécifiques qui ont conduit à l'établissement du stalinisme et les conditions qui en ont permis la "victoire". Il ne faut pas voir dans cette analyse un manque d'esprit critique envers la révolution d'Octobre mais une reconnaissance objective de ses tendances contradictoires. C'est en séparant le stalinisme du socialisme qu'on donnera l'impulsion nécessaire au renouvellement de la tradition révolutionnaire dans les pays où le stalinisme menace de détruire tout espoir.