P. Osenova. Names phrases in Bulgarian language
П. Осенова. Именните фрази в българския език
More...Various aspects of slang are placed in the focus of the numerous existing definitions of the phenomenon in Western and Bulgarian sources. Some of the mentioned characteristics, however, seem to be incompatible with each other. The article points to such inconsistencies and offers as a solution to associate the conflicting features to two different phenomena, or stages, in the life of slang vocabulary: a) the formation of slang, which belongs strictly to speech and is a type of language behaviour, and b) the use of slang as just one of the possible registers available in language. A crucial fact supporting the distinction is that less than mere 10 percent of the slang vocabulary in speech penetrates the colloquial style of language. The speakers of b) are by default different from the speakers of a), and greatly outnumber them.
More...The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.
More...The article traces the 35-year-long history of the journal since its foundation in 1976 and outlines its evolution through the years. It presents the main goals pursued by the editorial board, the presence of the journal in bibliographies and reference books, comments about it abroad, special monothematic issues and the rubrics it maintains. Special attention is given to some of the outstanding articles published, memoirs reflecting the human history of Bulgarian linguistics, articles dedicated to anniversaries (300), obituaries (100), and book reviews (1600). The establishment of an international advisory board is noted and the address for access to the journal in the Internet is listed: http//www.slav.unisofia.bg/Pages/contrastive.html. An evaluation is made of the work and achievements of the first two editors-in-chief Prof. Svetomir Ivančev (1976-1991) and Prof. Živko Bojadžiev (1992-2007). The newly published Annotated Bibliography of Contrastive Linguistics (1976–2009) is also presented, which contains 3940 titles dealing with over 50 languages and authored by 750 Bulgarian and 440 foreign linguists. Some of the prospects for future development are also touched upon.
More...Asterisc de Eugen Lungu – Trandafirul din turn • Versuri de Eugenia Bulat • Mircea V. Ciobanu – note de lectură la romanul „Temă pentru acasă” de Nicolae Dabija • Aureliu Busuioc: Amintiri dintr-un alt secol • Meridian polonez: interviu cu Bogdan Lis • Praga literară – scriitori cehi contemporani: Václav Havel şi Michal Viewegh • Iulian Ciocan – O săptămână la New York • Foametea din Basarabia, anii 1946-1947 (III) Un studiu de Aurelia Felea Zilele Literaturii
More...Keywords: demographic capital; vital statistics; migration; population structures; population projection; demographic senility
This article presents an analysis of the most important demographic phenomena and processes connected with vital statistics and migration which took place in Silesian viovodeship between 2002 and 2007. The analysis are compared to population transformations in Poland. The author describes demographic phenomena in Silesian voivodeship such as: contracting marriages and dissolving marriages, reproduction, fertility and mortality as well as internal and international migration. She also presents population structure by sex and age. The last part of the article contains long-term population projection related todemographic potential of Silesian voivodeship.
More...Keywords: etnic identity; cultural capital; young Silesians; separate Silesian identity; the primary habitus dynamics
This article presents the diagnosis of the national-ethnic identitiy features among the students of secondaryschools in Silesian province. It compares the significance of two sets of social features (status and interactivity) based on the data from latest survey (3986 pupils questionnaired) for the differentiation of the Silesian-Polish and Silesian identity on background of the Poles’ self-identification. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the meaning of the cultural capital components for defining separate Silesian identity. The question emerges about the interactive (J. Mucha, P. Starosta), social networks (W. Lukowski) or costume (A. A. Zięba) character of such ethnic identifications. Referring to the theory of cultural capital ( P. Bourdieu) and the concept of regional identity (M. S. Szczepański), the main thesis about attenuation, but not decline, of the social status factors' significance for the national-ethnic Silesian self-identificationis substantiated. Apparently, the distinguishing of the Silesian-Polish and Silesian identity is reasonable. The young school generation takes after the status identity partially from their partents and grandparents but modifies it in interactive peer relations. Therefore, we need a new theoretical outlook on the dynamics of the primary etnic habitus formation.
More...Keywords: Upper Silesia; identity; dialect; stranger-familiar; social space
The social background of „Ruch” Chorzów sports club with its concentric semi-institutional structure (from ultras via supporters to sympathizers) manifests symbols/signs understood in a very specific way. They emphasize Silesian separateness referring in different ways to the redefined identity of the Silesian club. It happens so in the situation when social and cultural indexes of this identity are gradually disappearing – fewer and fewer players in the team are Silesian homegrown of “Ruch” Chorzów, the football squad being based to a growing extent on “newcomers”. The process of disappearance of Silesian identity indexes – such as place of birth (of players and their parents) or ability to communicate in Silesian dialect – both among the players and the supporters is accompanied by redefinition and instrumentalization of the Silesian identity also as an element of space division/closure in Silesian cities. “Ruch” offers then, in many cases, flexible, symbolic dimension which can be redefined and modified so freely, that it can take the forms distinctly contradictory to tradition. It doesn’t mean that the manifestations of the Silesian identity shown in the article are suspended in the social vacuum. However, using quasi-traditional forms they describe and express new, postmodern reality, stressing particularly (and aggressively) the element of diversity.
More...Keywords: multiculturalism; cultural diversity; nation and ethnic minorities
The multiculturalism of Upper Silesia has been influenced by the combination of three cultures: Polish, German, and Czech. It is also important to note the influence from the Jews and the Roma which enriched the region’s culture. Contemporary multiculturalism of Silesia stems from the rule of the Silesian Piasts, when colonization led to increase of German settlements in urban and rural Silesia. The multiculturalism of this region gradually changed from the times of socialism to become what today is known as contemporary multiculturalism. Today multiculturalism continues to flourish through the institutionalized organizations of ethnic minorities that uphold their cultural traditions. The multiculturalism of Silesia has always remained an integral part of this region and the cultural identity of its inhabitants.
More...Keywords: urban sociology; demographic aging of territorial (local) communities; social integration of elderly people; intergenerational transmission of cultural heritage
The aim of the article is to discuss potential consequences of aging process of the population of Silesia. The text highlights certain theoretical problems of old age sociology associated with this issue and suggests areas of research in this field. The author analyzes the process of demographic aging on a mesostructural level. At the beginning of the text local conditions of the isolation and social integration of elderly people in the light of sociological theory and research accentuated in gerontological literature are emphasized. Potential problems of territorial (local) communities undergoing the process of demographic aging are discussed and illustrated by exposing demographic prognoses showing the dynamics of aging in Poland and in our region, analyzing the thesis of degradation of big city settlements that has been put forth by urban sociologists, and discussing the research and press articles on the lives of elderly inhabitants of such settlements. Problems such as the rise of old age enclaves, the potential risk of the formation of old age ghetto’s in aging housing environments, tribalism and the knottiness of the social capital of small, traditional communities gathering seniors in Upper Silesia are examined. The last part of the article, which addresses the issues of the social integration of elderly people in our region, shows the complexity of the social integration of this social category. The key issues are generational identity and the intergenerational transmission of cultural heritage and regional history.
More...Keywords: cemetery sociology; sociology of space; borderland problems; Katowice; Śląsk (Silesia)
The article discusses cemetery issues as the object of sociological analyses. The necropolis treated as a cultural text carrier may constitute a component that facilitates the interpretation of social vicissitude of surrounding places. The cemetery itself, which brings to mind the palimpsest figure, can be analyzed from many points of view. This article has used the example of three old Katowice necropoleis in order to reconstruct on the basis of their functioning the vicissitude of the tricultural borderland community which built the city in the second half of 19th century.