The Syndrome of Silesian Anchor – Around the Dilemmas of Creating Innovative Climate
Syndrom śląskiej kotwicy – wokół dylematów tworzenia klimatu innowacyjnego
Keywords: innovations; learning organizations; learning regions; creative class
The sociological reflection over innovative climate in Silesian region is the main intention of this study. The author propose to settle factors making up the syndrome of Silesian anchor, which is fixed in five shoulders: historical conditions, multicultural region, economic monoculture, current political conditions, the inhabitants' mentality and the quality of life. The analysis takes into account certain well-known and discussed concepts of innovation, learning organization and learning region. The article has a fundamentally theoretical character, but in order to argue the proposed thesesreference is made to empirical data resulting from qualitative investigations consisting in interviews with members of regional elites in years 2000, 2001 and 2008 as well as selected results of quantitative research conducted on a random sample of 1297 inhabitants of Silesian province. Conclusions confirm that each of the conditions of "Silesian anchor” has negative influence on observed slowing down in regional development. It is necessary to integrate the province in innovative climate and accumulating trust on a local level.