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After the collapse of Soviet system, mass-media in Lithuania became the concomitant element of democracy. However, with the great reliance by society upon and with the enlarged influence of mass-media, it could become not only the scene where formation of cultural and social values of society take place, but, failing to establish an efficient supervision, an autocratic former of public opinion as well. The authority, carried by mass-media, enables it to create different images, which, if the audience fails to be critical, could be treated as real.
Geertz, Clifford. 2005. Kultūrų interpretavimas. Straipsnių rinktinė (sud. Arūnas Sverdiolas; iš anglų kalbos vertė Antanas Danielius, Ingrida Tatolytė, Edgaras Platelis, Arūnas Gelūnas). Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 368 psl. Valantiejus, Algimantas. 2004. Kritinis sociologijos diskursas. Tarp pozityvizmo ir postmodernizmo. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 976 p.
The idea that the utilitarian explanation of social order is dead, established in talcott parsons’ major work „the structure of social action“, had been predominating among sociologists for a long time. Indeed, parsons was commonly thought to be the one who buried the utilitarian explanation. The situation changed after the rise of rational choice approach which could be called a neo-utilitarian social theory. It reanimated utilitarian explanation of social order, recycling it in the framework of the game theory. This article (1) profiles methodological singularity of the neo- utilitarian explanation by describing it as „protosociological“ as opposed to sociological (empirical) application of the rational choice theory; (2) discloses and criticizes the implicit assumption of parson’s „convergence thesis“ that the problem of social order was conceived in the same way in all significant contributions of the classical sociological tradition; (3) compares weberian ideas on social order with those in the neoutilitarian works and discusses the significance of max weber’s theoretical legacy for the current work on the problem of social order.
The article presents sociological research of the atrisk child’s and police officers. By this research the relationships between the at-risk child’s and those police officers directly working with them is analyzed. In addition the following are concerned in causes of delinquency and the relationship between delinquents and their parents, peer group and teachers. The collected data interpretation is based on the contemporary criminological theories.
Caragiale's literary works various areas, but each shape stronger, more surprising portrait of the author. Be it short prose, short stories, drama or literature epistolary writings, Caragiale proves to be a lucid and sarcastic observer of people, sometimes more or less willingly, sensitive or prone to psyhologising.
I. L. Caragiale was a fine observer of his time, taking his subjects from society, satirizing in a bitter but at the same time ”juicy” language. Eugène Ionesco has been influenced in his creation by many authors, the most noticeable relations being established with Caragiale’s work, by whoom he was fascinated. The bonds between the two are numerous and much of Ionescu’s work can be re-read from the perspective of an intertextual dialog with Caragiale’s work. Both dramatists have been concerned with the role of writing in the theatrical act, contributing to its the renewal. I. L. Caragiale has also turned out to be a theoretician, who recommended a well organised manner of theatrical conception. Caragiale’s characters, especially the ones passionate about politics, reflect an obvious ”psychical absenteeism” being bared of even of an authentic inner life, for example - Cațavencu. The demagogy and the absurd in the political speeches will be transcribed in time by Eugène Ionesco in the ”caragialisms” of Ma’am Pipe (Mère Pipe) from Hit Man, a mixture of ”caţavenci, ioneşti, popeşti or farfurizi”.
art of acting, female character, Caragiale
The offer of the multiple possibilities of staging the work of Caragiale is a starting point for studies and workshop shows carried out in the space of higher education in theatre. The dramatic show approached from the perspective of direction or the study of the actor’s art is just the classic option; however, cartoon theatre is an equally challenging option. The proximity to the universe of Caragiale can be explained by the avant-garde vein and the architectural construction of his writings; the imagery created stirs imagination, the acidity of parallels with human torts (which are universal and atemporal), the structures which are considered to be classic to new approaches.
Starting from the idea of creating a puppetry show using a dramatic text written by I.L. Caragiale, we are presenting in this article some stages of the transformation of a virtual project published in our doctoral thesis, in a show, giving arguments for the puppetry characteristics of the dramatic text. We are talking about our own way of acting the comedy A Lost Letter with puppets. The event is now unique on the Romanian stages and it equally marks the performance for the bachelor degree of the 2011 graduate class from the ”George Enescu” University of Arts. Our performance was very well received at the International Festival of Acting Schools CLASSFEST from Chisinău, in the Republic of Moldavia, which made it possible to be selected to participate to the International Festival of Acting and Movie Hyperion, 10th edition, Bucharest, where it won the Special Prize of the Jury.
Regarding Caragiale, exegesis is very rich. Well known from studies that G. Ibrăileanu, G. Calinescu, I. Cazaban, Şt. Casimir, Maria Voda Capusan books by lesser known or not so famous authors names, the list is very long. Petra Petrescu's work dedicated to Romanian playwright, with good deck and statements that could be reviewed, it is noted in Romanian exegetical landscape.
The “Caragiale” phenomenon in the theatrical practice of the past few years is certainly worth analyzing rigorously. If we take into account that no less than eighty-four performances have been staged in the country on the most important dramatic stages as well as in alternative theatres and companies for the past ten years, the premises seem definitely promising. We would be tempted to see in the multitude of shapes taken by Caragiale’s work in the limelight precisely its stimulating depth. This generates our question – how efficient, how healthy is the perpetual reformulation, how favourable is the permanent search for the new and how favourable is the process of updating the plays in the context of the modern myths of the years two thousand?
As it is well known, at the end of 1904, Caragiale settled permanently in Berlin, in his self-exile deriving from his discontents in his country. This decision was possible due to a substantial inheritance from his rich relative, Momuloaia, which spared him from financial worries.