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The aim of the study is to depict, using the case of one of the monks as an example, the operational activity of Security Service towards the clergy, who were the focus of attention of this institution due to suspicions of conducting “anti-state” activity. Such cases of operational investigation were frequently launched by Security Service in the Polish People’s Republic, and they aimed at verifying allegations of activity considered to be hostile to the communist regime. Rev. Henryk Surma, who did not consent to the communist restrictions of human rights and the authorities’ efforts to relegate the Church to the periphery of society, made attempts to gain the resources for the renovation of his parish church using his private connections with citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany. Suspected of conducting anti-state activity, he was subjected to numerous forms of control and pressure. Ultimately, the investigation was closed after several years, and the charges of conducting activity against the Polish People’s Republic were not proved. The records of the case show that Rev. Surma was a good priest whose commitment attracted the attention of Security Service. The present article is based on the archival documents from the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance.
The study reveals the standpoint of the People’s Party concerning its main foreign-political goal — Bulgarian national unification.
The literature on the history of the Transylvanian Saxons is broad and comprehensive . However, little has been written about the buildings of the Evangelical Church A.C. in Romania and it is focusing on the churches and their fortification. Other types of constructions owned by this institution are scarcely documented, thus almost unknown in the specialized literature, although highly valuable from the functional, cultural and aesthetic perspective. This is especially true about the parsonages that hold a remarkable value: within the European context and Transylvanian specificity, they were among the most important factors in the evolution and diversification of the housing stock over the centuries.
This article aims to present the development of Gabrovo textile enterprises after the nationalization of private industry on 23 Dec. 1947. This is done in socialist conditions, conducted economy in Soviet style, which remained until the fall of the totalitarian regime in 1989. After introducing the command and control system all industries are managed centrally, in a hierarchical order. That does not leave almost no possibility for an initiative of businessmen, lack of a competitive environment, enterprises are lagging behind technologically. The article presents the steps development of Gabrovo textile and institutions who manage it: merging and consolidating former private enterprises in the period 1947-1958, creation of the two textile plants in 1959 and the processes of their structuring and restructuring in the 1960s and 1970s, to the failure of the planned economy after 1989.
Aim: The aim of the article is to show a very interesting episode of a bookseller and publisher from Stanisławów – Roman Jasielski and his daughter Anna, forcibly displaced after the Second World War. On the ground floor of the house Pod Złotą Palmą [English: Under the Golden Palm] in the space after the original Priebatsch bookshop in 1946, Jasielski created one of the first Polish bookshops in Wrocław. Research method: The article was written on the basis of the archival research of source documents, literature on the subject and from the on-site check of the existing building, which is currently the Lower Silesian Public Library under the name of Tadeusz Mikulski in Wrocław. Results/Conclusions: A short stay of Roman Jasielski and his daughter Anna, and at the same time his great passion and commitment for shaping Polish literature have left a significant mark among the bibliophilic communities in Lower Silesia. Their mission enabled the Pod Złotą Palmą house to continue to cultivate the bookselling and publishing tradition with a particular passion for the book. They became a very important link that united the prewar tradition of the history of the building at 58 Rynek in Wrocław with the present-day library.
Aim: The aim of the article is to present synthetic information about electronic documents in the collections of the Section for Social Life Documents of the University Library in Toruń (hereinafter: SSLD ULT). Research method: I used two methods: qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of source materials. The first of these allows me to state that the SSLD of the ULT has, hitherto unknown, very interesting, cognitively important electronic documents for studies on various areas of social, cultural, scientific and political life in Toruń in the last few decades. The other method enabled. Conclusions: Among the electronic documents stored in the SSLD in the ULT, the most important place is occupied by documents that became part of the collections in accordance with the guidelines for gathering the Section’s collections, i.e. materials relating to the University, Toruń and Vilnius as well as evidence of the resistance movements’ activities in the times of People’s Polish Republic.
This research aims at drawing out the portrait of the Byzantine emperor, as a character in the mirror of princes. The analysis shows that the humanness and the morality of the basileus are more and more important throughout the history of the Empire, to the detriment of his political dimension. The image of the emperor is highlighted by two effigies which overlap: one of them is diverse and brings together various qualities, the other is a sketch of the man simply beautiful and good, stripped of any particular trait, like the ideal of the classical Athens. We have explored the semantic areas which designate the qualities recommended to the prince (concerning the physical lineaments, the mind, the soul and the religiousness). We have also examined the monochrome portrait, which unfolds a human archetype with a “quantitative” side (defined by the notion of μέγεθος) and a “qualitative” one expressed by adjectival structures such as πλαττόμενος, τελειός). An extremely simple lexical formula, καλὸς καὶ ἀγαθός, crowns the image being analysed. The emperor must be, after all, the wise or rather honest man, with no degree of comparison, with no useless determiner, morally beautiful and good in the aesthetic vision of the Antiquity, for which morals and aesthetics were never dissociated.
In the early modern period, the Turkish-Venetian wars (the Cypriot, the Kandian, and the Morean War) were one of the important elements in the history of northern Dalmatia. In this research, the central focus is on the developmental components (military, demographic, and social) of Biograd na Moru and its closer surroundings in the given period of wartime (especially during the Kandian War), when this area was exposed to continuous destruction and underwent significant demographic changes. The paper follows the activities of Biograd’s family of Matković, which played a crucial role in the military achievements of the local forces and the Venetian army in defending the wider region of northern Dalmatia. The research is based on an analysis of the existing historiographical results, as well as on hitherto unpublished material from the State Archive in Zadar (records from the Zadar’s Notaries collection). The appendix brings a transcript of the last will Juraj Matković (written in 1603), one of the family’s most distinguished sons, which sheds additional light on the role of the Matković family in the military and social life of Biograd, Zadar, and northern Dalmatia during the 16th and 17th centuries.
This study introduces the contextual history in which socialist modernization was accomplished in Prishtina, the capital city of Kosovo. It explores the changing image of the city through interpreting the temporal and spatial forms of urban and architectural contributions that occurred between late 1940s and 1980s. Our analysis classifies six types of such contribution, comparable to Hamilton’s model of the socialist city, which prove that the intentions of the modernist socialist urbanism and architecture in Prishtina were similar to other socialist cities. However, the political and cultural background of Prishtina was different from other ex-Yugoslavian cities, and we try to show what impact it had in the shaping of its urban and socialist features. Analysis identified two major undertakings to support this argument: firstly, the destruction of traditional architecture with high symbolic value, with intention to erase the cultural construct of the city through, allegedly, the liquidation of primitive culture and the backwardness of the city; and secondly, and the fragmentary nature of urban development which made sure that such backwardness would frame the urban identity of the city in the modern context.
The Neurode (Nowa Ruda) land is considered the oldest area of coalmining located within the borders of today’s Poland. First mentions about coal mines in the region come from municipal records of the year 1434. However, the mining industry thriving at the beginning of the 20th century there had to incur numerous accidents and underground disasters. The most tragic and extensive among them took place in 1941 when, as a results of natural gas explosion, 187 people lost their lives, including one English prisoner of war. The then Nazi German authorities managed to effectively “silence” any information spreading about the disaster. Yet, some press releases appeared in the printed media of the region. The article presents social consequences of losing by local families their breadwinners and the scope of material aid granted to widows and children of the miners who tragically perished. What stemmed from the death of the “Ruben” mine’s one-third of the underground crew were problems with effective exploration of the fossil fuel, as well as the need to fill the staff shortage with POWs. After many year, also the mystery of the Englishmen perished in 1941 has been solved; he was a young cannoneer Charles William (Chick) Page.
Ako želite govoriti o mnogim lijepim starim mostovima u Hercegovini, onda ne smijete početi kazivati, a da prvo ne spomenete Stari most na Neretvi u Mostaru. Kako mi se čini, i kada bi bili nabrojani najljepši mostovi svijeta, opet biste morali započeti ni sa kojim drugim mostom već sa Starim mostom u Mostaru. U tom izvanrednom vitkom kamenom luku su se sjedinili čvrstoća kamena i elegantnost ptičijeg leta. Ako posmatrate tu visoku uzdignutu lučnu građevinu, i sami se počinjete osjećati lakšim i sigurnijim. Što se mene tiče, smijem reći da me se nijedna građevina nije tako dojmila kao ovaj most.
En juin 1862, après avoir fait un voyage de documentation dans de vieilles églises et monastères de Valachie, le jeune Alexandru Odobescu publiait dans Revista română (Revue roumaine) l’étude Câteva ore la Snagov (Quelques heures à Snagov), où il dressait un véritable inventaire des sources de connaissance de l’histoire du costume dans les principautés roumaines : «sources insipides et peu attirantes, … actes dotaux…parchemins moisis et portraits d’églises, rêches et noircis»1. Il y mentionnait, parmi les possibles sources d’étude des pièces vestimentaires, les représentations de la peinture murale : «portraits d’églises», ou bien les témoignages documentaires: «actes dotaux» et «parchemins moisis», sources qui sont encore valables de nos jours. Dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle les découvertes archéologiques n’étaient pas considérées de possibles sources documentaires sur l’histoire et l’évolution du costume dans l’espace habité par les Roumains au Moyen Age, même si, dès 1856, à la suite de l’ouverture des tombes du monastère de Putna2, on a pu étudier les vêtements qui s’y trouvaient. Le XXe siècle a mis à la disposition des chercheurs, au moyen des fouilles, de nombreux fragments textiles, mais aussi des habits complets découverts dans des tombeaux, pièces qui ont permis l’étude de l’évolution du costume dans les Principautés Roumains.
The present article is focused on researching and analyzing the nationalimages, symbols, ideas and other moral instruments which stimulated theestablishment and development of the national consciousness of the Bulgarianpopulation in Macedonia and Adrianople Thrace since the founding of the InternalMacedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization(IMARO) till the Ilinden-Preobrazhen uprising.