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This publication presents a research on students – future teachers – and their pedagogical skills in terms of theoretical and practical musical training. Some points of view on the current topic are considered in the theoretical part. The result of the theoretical research on the problem has been determined by the nature of the musical and pedagogical skills. The opportunities for assessing student’s pedagogical skills at theoretical and practical trainings are displayed in the practical-applying section. The methods, used in this research are: theoretical analysis of the literature on the studied problem, qualitative analysis of results from the research, relative to the musical practical preparing of students from the Primary School Pedagogic.
The children are unique and unforgettable future personalities and should not stay outside the processes of our time as they learn from life. They should not live in an atmosphere of criticism, hostility, ridicule and shame, but in an atmosphere of tolerance, encouragement, praise, integrity, safety, goodwill, friendship and love. The analysis of the current state of Bulgarian education highlights the large number of excluded and drop-out children. In Bulgaria it is observed alarmingly high percentage of children of compulsory school age who are not included in the education system or eventually drop out later. Greater is the share of children at risk, particularly among Roma population.
The study examines the values of some students in Zlatitsa Municipality by diagnosing their cognitive activity. In meaningful aspect components, factors, terms and conditions forming the face of their value scope are considered. Some rules for prosperous life, stemming from the teachings of God, are highlighted. The results are recorded, analyzed and described as a real consequence of the modern way of thinking and behavior of young people. There stands out the need for knowledge of God and building a system of values in family and school – based on Orthodox catechism and education.
The article analyses the adverb in the first Bulgarian dictionary – „Slovary bolagrskogo yazika…“ (1885 – 1889) by the russian scientist Alexander Duvernois. For this purpose are used descriptive, comparative-historical and statistical methods. Article, focused on the adverb, is presented – key word, grammatical qualifier (notes), explanatory part and illustrations. Adverbs in the dictionary are classified according to their construction (simple, сompound, derivational) and origin (from adjectives, nouns, verbs, numerals). Different types of pronominal adverbs (interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative, summary and demonstrative) are reviewed.
One of the leading methodological linguistic trends of the past 20th century is undisputedly linguistic structuralism. The Prague school, also known as the Prague linguistic circle, is one of the first structuralist linguistic schools, being properly defined as functionalist in its essence. Representatives of the Prague school from its classic period (1926 – 1945) and their disciples in the late 20th century give their invaluable contribution to worldwide development of linguistics. The text examines those key concepts of Prague functional structuralism that substantially contributed to the formation and development of functional grammar as we know it in the works of A. V. Bondarko and I. Kutsarov. First, it is R. Jakobson’s concept of binarism, also known as the theory of markedness, that plays a key role in the development of modern linguistics, underlying the morphological concepts of A. V. Bondarko and I. Kutsarov that represent the relations between grammemes of morphological categories through morphological oppositions. Second, the Prague structuralists developed the functional approach to linguistic phenomena and the theory of centre and periphery in language. Both are uniquely elaborated in Bondarko’s functional theory of semantic fields underlying his theory of functional grammar. The latter was not only promoted but also successfully implemented by I. Kutsarov in Bulgaria. And last but not least, much like the Prague linguistic circle, A. V. Bondarko, I. Kutsarov and their disciples evaluate the theoretical significance of synchronic and contrastive studies. Functional grammar, which is to meet many more scientific challenges in the future, undisputedly applies to the study of a particular language as well as to contrastive studies.
The article explores the shaping of narrators’ polyphonic identities in texts produced by Polish migrants temporarily residing in the UK and Ireland. Examining dozens of works produced between 2004 and 2015, Ślósarska tackles identity in relation to the fundamental determinants of self-narrative strategies. Her methodology is rooted in symbolic interactionism, standard patterns of biographies, and self-narration as a way of understanding and interpreting the world. Her conclusions focus on the function of self-narration in reconstructing individual and ethnic identities by migrants looking for new patterns of adaptation in unstable existential situations; the axiologization of the new experiences is discussed in relation to ethnic cultural memory and to the social and family identity roles developed earlier in life.
Through a survey with primary teachers, who are educating children of Roma ethnic origin from their very first day at the primary school, are emerging basic challenges in the process of mastering the Bulgarian script. Systematization of conclusions and recommendations are made.
The article shows good practice in the field of foreign language learning in Bulgaria. The author shares some approbated practical methods and case studies in this area. Specific examples for drawing lessons and for evaluation of acquired knowledge are shown.
The paper examines the place of dialect speech in contemporary Bulgarian oral communication as well as in the language of literary works included in curricula. The question of the need to study the dialect element in the language, which is related to the perception and analysis of the text is considered. Some examples of learning tasks that can serve to develop these skills are given.
This paper gives an insight into the development of the Bulgarian Language Sunday Schools in the UK as promoters of the mother tongue and culture. The focus is on their features and benefits. In particular, the most important issues related to these Bulgarian organisations (such as the increase of the number of the schools and the reason behind this, their connections with mainstream schools and some of their problems) are discussed. At the same time, it is acknowledged that most of these issues need further in-depth studies.
Content of the main Bulgarian scientific journals for the current year in linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography, archaeology and art studies.
The current article makes a first attempt to introduce a more detailed presentation of the classical suggestopedia as developed by prof. Lozanov and collaborators from the point of view of foreign language teaching. It deals with basic concepts like suggestion-desuggestion, antisuggestive barriers and means of suggestion. It also focuses on the analysis of the basic principles of suggestopedia and their interpretation in the context of language education. The suggestopedic concepts under review are related to important terms such as language acquisition and language learning, active and passive, text-based and discreet item-based language learning. Finally, the article discusses the Bulgarian contribution of suggestopedia as a holistic method to foreign language teaching and personality development.
The paper briefly presents the language situation in Bulgaria and the distribution of different languages on the territory of the country. The ways in which children learn first and second language are discussed, and the advantages of early age simultaneously learning of two languages is advocated. Further, the paper presents the influence of the media and the Internet for Bulgarian language acquisition. Finally, the role of education for the absorption of the Bulgarian language is presented.
The focus of the article are the most significant moments of the activity of St. Cyril and St. Methodius which have undoubted connection with Bulgaria and the Bulgarian language, as the appearance of the first Slavonic alphabet the Glagolitic on the base of Bulgarian dialect from Thessaloniki area; the saving and the enrichment of the Cyrillo-Methodian literature in Bulgarian state after Methodius’s death in Moravia; the outset of the second alphabet the Cyrillic in Preslav; the spread of the Old Bulgarian literacy and literature all over the world.
This article presents the latest national and international editions, that are prepared by the scientists of the Department of Bulgarian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography at the Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The author draws attention to their potential for use in the process of teaching in Bulgarian language and literature. He discusses various examples of morphological, phonetic and lexical dialect phenomena that are reflected in the art literature studied in the curriculum.
The article presents the multi-volume Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary as one of the main academic works of the Institute for Bulgarian Language which can serve as a valuable practical aid in Bulgarian language teaching. In brief the character and the conception of the dictionary are clarified, and on specific examples the possibilities for wider use of the dictionary as a source of comprehensive knowledge of the Bulgarian language and the Bulgarian people are shown.