Языковые механизмы комизма в произведениях Михаила Жванецкого
In this monograph, an attempt was made to determine the specifics of the language mechanisms of the comic in the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. As shown by the analysis of the material, the language of the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky represents the richest arsenal of comic and mockery. The monograph consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography. The first chapter outlines the theoretical assumptions on which this work relies. It deals with the basic theories of the comic and its varieties. Among other things, it attempts to describe the comic of Mikhail Zhvanetsky and indicate the peculiarities of his idiostyle. In the second chapter, attention is focused on the manifestations of the situational comic. It also considers extralinguistic factors that could influence the choice of mechanisms for creating a comic by a writer. In the third chapter, the mechanisms of the language comic are analyzed on the basis of the selected works of Zhvanetsky. One of the most characteristic mechanisms for creating a comic effect is a language game, i.e. destruction of the speech norm in order to create non-canonical linguistic forms and structures. The subject of detailed analysis were language games based on the general-movement mechanism (paradoxes and repetitions), as well as language games on the phonetic, derivational and lexical levels. In conclusion, the main findings of the study are formulated, and prospects for further research are outlined. The conducted researches give the basis to draw conclusions that numerous examples of deviation from the norm in the works of M. Zhvanetsky are not accidental. All kinds of language games and violations of the norm have specific goals related to increasing the impact on the audience. The author uses also satire – a kind of comic, different from others sharpness of denunciation. It is used as a powerful weapon, for laughter is always an important means of persuasion and social impact.