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Ukraine has been an independent state for only 20 years and the consequence of the long-term incorporation of Ukrainian lands into the Russian/Soviet state is an ethnically mixed society. In Ukraine, alongside Ukrainians, there are very many Russians and members of other nationalities of the former Soviet Union as well as a still large group of people who identify themselves as Soviets (in terms of their nationality). A significant part of Ukrainians use Russian in their everyday life (particularly professional) while knowing Ukrainian to only a small degree or not at all. Due to this Kyiv has to implement a language policy (which does not have to be pursued in e.g. Poland or Hungary) in search of solutions to ensure the stable functioning of a modern state for a multilingual society. The language issue is therefore an important challenge for the Ukrainian state and one of the more significant issues in Ukraine’s internal politics. In this text I eschew a detailed analysis of the question of Crimea as its social dynamics (also in the language area) is clearly distinct from the remaining part of Ukraine for four reasons: the short-term character of the region’s links with Ukraine, its relative geographic isolation (Crimea is almost an island), the formal autonomy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and the presence of the Crimean Tatar community which is demanding the recognition of its language rights.
This bilingual volume includes literary, linguistic, and translation studies revealing the different forms of intermediation, the various aspects and expressions of being between two or more spaces, realities, be it real or imaginary. The present volume contains selected and peer-reviewed papers and presentations held at the conference with the same title, organized by the Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Science and Engineering in Miercurea Ciuc in collaboration with the Intercultural Confluences Research Centre.
The conference entitled Linguistic and Cultural Interactions – An Interdisciplinary Approach (TRANS-LINGUISTICA 3) is the third of a series of conferences launched in 2011 with the clear aim of creating tradition. It is a continuation from several points of view. The theoretical foundations have not changed: we are convinced that in the multicultural and plurilingual Europe, cultural interactions and multilingualism are true values. It is also our aim through the multilingual sections to create opportunities for presentations held in one of the traditional languages of Transylvania (Romanian, Hungarian, and German) as well as the possibility to engage in the European scientific discourse through the English language. The topics of the conference wish to ensure stability (foreign language teaching; mother-tongue language pedagogy; the theory and practice of translation; language use and language contact; linguistic and cultural interactions) and, at the same time, to create a flexible framework for the presentation of different research topics, of new methods, of transferring practical experience. Through the interdisciplinary approach, we also wish to emphasize the fact that our conference intends to be a forum for scientific dialogue between the representatives of the different disciplines.
This book addresses a gap in Ishmael Reed scholarship by contextualizing his use of satire and by establishing which satirical techniques are most frequently used and when. It demonstrates that Reed’s satire has evolved from a stage which frequently criticizes society through non-standard sexuality (as can be seen in his early novels) to a stage which frequently criticizes through logical argumentation (as can be seen in novels published after 1990). The book connects these two modes of satire to two types of American racism: overt (present in the public discourse until the Civil Rights Movement) and covert (present in the public discourse after the Civil Rights Movement). It concludes by illustrating that as overt racism became unacceptable in American public discourse, Ishmael Reed updated his satire so that it would remain an effective type of social critique. The book is intended for those interested in the novels of Ishmael Reed, African American literature, and satire.
The book deals with the Czech literary criticism and metacriticism of 1990s, primarily in the form in which they have been appearing in literary journals of the period. Its main purpose is to explore the topic contextually as well as to evaluate it from today’s perspective. The book is divided into the eight parts: Introduction; Retrospectives; Anticipations; Postmodernist Criticism; Catholic, Christian, Spiritual etc. Criticism; Disputes over Authenticity, Critical Reflexions and Conclusion. They are relatively autonomous, but mutually corresponding; within these frames the most significant issues of literary criticism and metacriticism of the period are discussed. This approach provides a large scope of various points of view enabling the examination of the subject matter not merely in the strict chronological order but rather in the complex, multilateral (however sometimes overlapping) way. Except of the first and last one each chapter results in the summarizing and concluding résumé emphasizing the main points of the prior partial interpretations and highlighting their most important consequences. The first chapter provides a general introduction into the topic of literary criticism and metacriticism, its terminology, periodization and the overall theoretical background. To the chief concepts belongs the idea of “discourse” in the predominantly stylistic sense (i. e. discourse as interweawing text with context). The structure of the book is grounded in the idea of the synoptic-pulsatory model of literary history (coined by Peter Zajac and Dalibor Tureček), that is to say the understanding literature as a network “in progess” rather than a perfect stationary (categorical) system. In the following two chapters we explore two prevailing tendencies of Czech literary criticism at the beginning of 1990s. Then, relatively a great attention was paid to the matters of the past: numerous participants were looking back into the (not very distant) history, recapitulating and revising the prior development. Later on, the debates about the future of Czech literature prevailed and the specific atmosphere of waiting for the Great Critic or the Great Work of Art was established. In the next pair of chapters we examine two of the most recognizable types (streams) of critical thinking and writing in 1990s: Literary criticism under the influence of postmodernism and Criticism based on Christian belief. The former presents the context of postmodern thinking, mentions its chief representatives and discusses some particularities attributed to postmodernism in the contemporary Czech environment, the latter inquires the metamorphoses of Catholic (Christian) literary criticism, its platforms (especially the journal Souvislosti) as well as some concrete examples of this sort of literary reflection (first of all by Martin C. Putna, the most influential Catholic reviewer at that time). In the fifth chapter we examine the ongoing discussion about so called “authenticity” in literature which was accelerated by the enormous and continuously expanding popularity of literary diaries, memories, documentary literature etc. We also analyze the controversies concerning Jan Lopatka’s extremely critical approach and observe the extensive usage of the term “authenticity” in literary debates and its relevance as a criterion. Additionally we take a deeper look into the long-lasting antagonism between the magazine Tvar and Kritická Příloha Revolver Revue (including their prominent authors Pavel Janoušek and Michael Špirit); moreover, we investigate the most frequent arguments and strategies occuring in these disputes. The sixth chapter comments on some of the concrete reviews dealing with the most important Czech prose works published in 1990s (namely Celý život by Jan Zábrana, Jak se dělá chlapec by Ludvík Vaculík, Výchova dívek v Čechách by Michal Viewegh, Nesmrtelnost by Milan Kundera, Sestra by Jáchym Topol and finally Kniha Kraft by Martin C. Putna). These books and authors belong to the most reflected ones during the period in question. We primarily focus on the general values and methods of the most acclaimend literary critics of that time, however, a number of minor noteworhy contributions are not left out. The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate the previous analysies of metacritical texts by the concrete views into the real “everyday” critical practice concerning particular works of art. In the Conclusion part we put forward a synthesis of what we have described/ interpreted separately. We have identified several prominent topics that have gradually emerged in 1990s’ discussions about literature and literary criticism, such as dealing with the past, new situation of Czech literature after 1989, its suppositional future development, question of autonomy of literature, its relationship to reality, social relevance, “authenticity”, (im)possibility of normative (authoritative) approaches in literary criticism, large gap between the “high” and popular literature and some others. A number of them are still valid and highly topical.
Bottom-up Linguistics offers an alternative to most mainstream views of language and linguistic analysis. The approach involves seeing linguistic units and relations in their multi-dimensional diversity, and as adaptations to communicational need and for the construction of verbal reality. Generalisations are built up from observations, and diversity within and between languages is respected. Both information and signal properties of speech are considered.
The book is part of celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Romance Studies and its scientific and didactic activity in the field of French and Romance studies. The articles concern French literature, as well as the literature of Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec and cover the period from the 17th to the 21st century. The authors analyse major novels, short stories, essays, dramas as well as selected epistolography and reportage, they indicate the places where literature meets painting and photography meets cinema. The volume offers a wide selection of critical discourses such as: history, history of ideas, narratology, genology, intermediality, post-colonial studies, geocriticism, ecocriticism, which dominate francophone literary research.
The book is part of celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Romance Studies and its scientific and didactic activity in the field of French and Romance studies. The articles concern French literature, as well as the literature of Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec and cover the period from the 17th to the 21st century. The authors analyse major novels, short stories, essays, dramas as well as selected epistolography and reportage, they indicate the places where literature meets painting and photography meets cinema. The volume offers a wide selection of critical discourses such as: history, history of ideas, narratology, genology, intermediality, post-colonial studies, geocriticism, ecocriticism, which dominate francophone literary research.
The present volume is the result of many years of research on the letters published in the agony column of Italian weekly magazine "Grazia". The author aims to show the evolution of women's social roles and of the models of femininity in the discourse of press and advice-giving in 20th century Italy, as well as to present the diachronic changes which occurred in the letters themselves. The analysis provides information on women’s interests and problems, the type of content promoted by the magazine and the solutions suggested by the agony aunts, drawing the reader’s attention to the constantly evolving relationship between sender and recipient, symptomatic of the changes that concerned not only the readers of female magazines, but Italian society in general.
The book "Parias y resistentes. La guerra interminable según Almudena Grandes" written by Aránzazu Calderón is an important work that I believe that should be read by both, those interested in Spanish Literature and Spanish History. It is also a text that reflects the great debates in these two disciplines. Both the need for the historical memory of nations and the genesis and reinforcement of what Rosenwein has called emotional communities (2006) appear in this book analyzing Almudena Grandes' novelistic project, which is entitled "Episodios de una Guerra interminable".
"The Poetics of Protest" is the result of the discussion held during the conference organized by the Scientific Circle of Theory of Literature and the Department of Poetics, Literary Theory and Methodology of Literary Research. The session was conducted online at the Faculty of Polish Studies of Warsaw University between 6th and 14th March 2021. The texts presented in the book are concerned with the issue of protest, revolt and opposition, which is analysed using modern humanistic concepts, drawn from disability studies, sociology of literature or dance studies.
The publication presents the early history of an encyclopedia in a detailed and multifaceted way, deepening the existing research on the issue. The author outlines the title metaphor of an encyclopedia as “manticore” – a hybrid entity composed of words imitating things, he thoroughly analyses theoretical problems of Western culture which are part of the encyclopedism, referring to its pre-modern realizations (from the lost work of Hippias of Elis to "Great Mirror" of Vincent of Beauvais and Benedykt Chmielowski’s "New Athens"). The books also explores Diderot’s "Encyclopédie" and the most important features of modern encyclopedias.
This monograph concerns the photography of the American war in Vietnam by photo-journalist Larry Burrows, in the context of the history and American cultural discourses of the conflict. The book situates Burrows's work in the history of war photography and in the context of the particular conditions of photojournalism during the Vietnam War, and then focuses on the analysis and interpretation of specific works by the photographer: photoessays appearing regularly in LIFE magazine between 1963 and 1970. At the center of the discussion is the 1963 photostory entitled One Ride with Yankee Papa 13, a pivotal piece in the history of representations of the Vietnam conflict in American media.
Tom „Biblia jako miejsce spotkania wyznań chrześcijańskich” pokazuje ideę ekumenizmu i funkcję ekumeniczną Biblii oraz wyjaśnia, dlaczego to tłumaczenie stało się wydarzeniem na skalę światową. Jest efektem eksploracji przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin nad wspólnym przedmiotem zainteresowania, jakim jest Biblia i jej ekumeniczny wymiar. Zawarte w nim teksty otwierają nowe perspektywy badawcze, przedstawiają pewne aspekty tłumaczenia, które miałoby spełniać funkcję ekumeniczną, ilustrują przejawy idei ekumenizmu w aspekcie historycznym i regionalnym. Przedmiotem szczególnego zainteresowania jest Biblia Ekumeniczna jako dzieło realizujące potrzebę wspólnych tłumaczeń Pisma Świętego, tłumaczenia wspólnego dla wszystkich chrześcijan, niezależnie od przynależności konfesyjnej.
The monograph is devoted to the question of social reproduction in the poetry of Anna Świrszczyńska. In my interpretation, her feminist worldview is presented as an emanation of the era, which was structured by a complex dynamics of alterations and political tensions, both on a local and global level. The reading of Świrszczyńska’s oeuvre from the perspective of social reproduction allows me to unveil these tensions and to elicit from her work an imaginative project of the world, devoid of any harm or suffering, and based on a radical need for expansion of solidarity with all marginalized groups. Her writings are a testimony to the presence and development of the second-wave emancipatory project in the Polish People's Republic and they inspire us to a renewed reflection on the literary heritage of that period.
Slovo o Aliji Isakoviću i Mirku Kovaču : zbornik radova sa 4. međunarodne konferencije posvećene stvaralaštvu hercegovačkih autora, Mostar, 19. i 20.04.2018.
The essays collected in the volume cover a wide selection of texts representing different genres, literary currents and ideological perspectives to offer diverse interpretative insights into the cultural significance of travel and foreignness in British writing of the nineteenth century. Taken together, they aptly display the complexity of attitudes towards the Other as well as the diversity of textual strategies applied to depict the experience of travel and cultural difference.
Publication ”To Tell a Story. Polish Contemporary Dramaturgy after 2006” is an attempt to analyse the historical narratives in the newest Polish theatre and drama. Starting from the classical canon of memory studies, shaped by researchers such as Pierre Nora, Marianne Hirsch, Jan and Aleida Assmann or Maurice Halbwachs, young theatre researchers look at methods, reasons, aims and effects of including historical and memory narratives into performances and dramas. Due to the variety of research approaches and topics undertaken by both the authors of articles and theatre artists, the issue of telling the history in Polish theatre and drama was treated in a cross-sectional area. The book deals with the themes of peasant stories, stories related to the place (memory spaces), memory transfers between generations, or feminist revision of history, among others. Using examples of selected dramatic texts and plays (not only representing dramatic theatre, but also musical, puppet or physical theatre), the dramaturgical conventions and narrative strategies employed by theatre makers that influence the construction of stories about the past are analysed.
The monograph explores a very little researched but extremely important issue of teaching Polish to students with special educational needs. The presented research analyses in detail the problems faced by ASD students who want to develop their communication and text-producing competence as well as the methodology of supporting these students in the process of acquiring the ability to create written narrative texts.