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‘Greater Somalia’ refers to the union of the five regions inhabited by Somali people under the same state. For decades, and especially since colonization, this idea has tried to unify the different Somali peoples in the Horn of Africa: Italian Somalia, British Somalia, the small enclave of Djibouti, the Ogaden and Haud (under Ethiopian rule) and the Northeast border of Kenya. The pansomalist objective has never been fulfilled despite Mogadishu's repeated attempts to integrate all these territories. The last attempt was the so-called war of the Ogaden (1977-1978) driven by the dictator Mohammed Siad Barre, who was defeated. Despite the disaster, the dream of Greater Somalia has remained active for several years. However, the fall of Siad Barre in 1991 and the disintegration of the state of Somalia erased at one stroke the pansomalist aspirations. Finally, the purpose of this article is to analyze the unifying aspirations of Somalia from the Ogaden War to its total disintegration and the strategies promoted by this government until its fall in 1991. The Research methods includes the analysis of historic resources, such as the Constitutions of Somalia and different previous articles and books related to this topic.
In 1878, besides being the capital of Rumelia, Plovdiv was also the largest and most industrially and culturally developed city in the Bulgarian lands. Over the next two decades, until the end of the 19th century, in this really big Bulgarian city many different things happened, but two remarkable events have significant and crucial importance for its future development – The Unification of Bulgaria in 1885 and the agricultural and industrial exhibition in Plovdiv in 1892. The Unification changed its status from a metropolitan to a provincial city and the exhibition – a demonstration of modernization efforts – presented, albeit in a minimized way, the model of the new urban space and its development perspective. What did Plovdiv look like on the eve of the 20th century – like a European or like an Oriental city? The answer to this question is the aim of this study, based on a multitude of different historical sources.
The sea salt harvesting is a traditional livelihood in Pomorie. From 1878 when the rebuilding of the Bulgarian state started to 1951, when the salt-works became state property, two of the main tasks of the state and local regulations were the protection of the salt-works and the city from the strong sea storms and the improvement of salt production. In 1936 a situation was reached, which satisfied all participants in this economic activity. The established Pomorie Salt-Works Fund was a successful form of organization which was proven by the results achieved. It combined proper organization, professional management and good financing.
The present article offers a possible interpretation of a small part of the photographs of Angel Bukoreshtliev – one of the most significant figures of the music life of Plovdiv and the rest of the country in the first half of the 20th century – kept in the MusicalInstruments and Ritual Requisite Fund of the Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv. The photographs selected for the purpose of the analysis enable us to “read“ the life of Bukoreshtliev from the perspective of his and his family’s social standing and in the context of the development of the Bulgarian photography. On the one hand, having in mind the fact that photography was a luxury until the Balkan Wars and photographic services were within reach of the people of higher social standing, his biography bears record of his belonging to the more well-to-do strata of the society as well as of his successful music and pedagogical career. On the other hand, the photographs selected give us information about the photographers (the Karastoyanovbrothers, V. Velebni, A. Andreev etc.) in Sofia and Plovdiv in that period, about the people they used to photograph, about the people who chose their photo studios etc. The photographs here presented were never published; thus, they introduce a new touch to the research field of the Bulgarian music life. The music funds could give answers to even more questions which may be subjects of other studies.
A review on the presentation of the results of a study of foreign policy claims in the election campaign for the early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria on March 26, 2017. The study was carried out by Prof. Dr. Maria Neikova and Dr. Ralitsa Kovacheva under a project financed by the Scientific Research Centre (NIS) at the Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“.
REVIEWS OF: 1. Krzysztof Woźniakowski: POLSKIE CZASOPISMIENNICTWO UCHODŹCZE NA WĘGRZECH 1939–1945. Wyd. Scriptorium, Opole 2016. S. 443. Review by: Adam Bańdo 2. IZRAELITA 1866–1915. WYBÓR ŹRÓDEŁ. Oprac. Agnieszka Jagodzińska i Marcin Wodziński. Wydawnictwo Austeria, Kraków– Budapeszt 2015. S. 535. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 3. Agnieszka Karczewska: POLSKO- -ŻYDOWSKA REPUBLIKA MARZEŃ. O CHWILCE DZIECI I MŁODZIEŻY (1925–1937). Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2015. S. 394. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 4. Zuzanna Kołodziejska: IZRAELITA (1866–1915). ZNACZENIE KULTUROWE I LITERACKIE CZASOPISMA. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2014. S. 354. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 5. Adam Kopciowski: WOS HERT ZICH IN DER PROWINC? PRASA ŻYDOWSKA NA LUBELSZCZYŹNIE I JEJ NAJWIĘKSZY DZIENNIK LUBLINER TUGBLAT. Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2015. S. 613. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 6. Elżbieta Kossewska: ONA JESZCZE MÓWI PO POLSKU, ALE ŚMIEJE SIĘ PO HEBRAJSKU. PARTYJNA PRASA POLSKOJĘZYCZNA I INTEGRACJA KULTUROWA POLSKICH ŻYDÓW W IZRAELU (1948–1970). Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2015. S. 518. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 7. Sabina Kwiecień, Beata Langer: PRASA, BIBLIOTEKA, KSIĄŻKA NA ŁAMACH NOWEGO DZIENNIKA. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2017. S. 252. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 8. Anna Landau-Czajka: POLSKA TO NIE ONI. POLSKA I POLACY W POLSKOJĘZYCZNEJ PRASIE ŻYDOWSKIEJ II RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, Warszawa 2015. S. 382. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 9. Anna Landau-Czajka: WIELKI MAŁY PRZEGLĄD. SPOŁECZEŃSTWO II RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ W OCZACH KORESPONDENTÓW MAŁEGO PRZEGLĄDU. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, Warszawa 2018. S. 486. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 10. Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov: MÓWIĆ WE WŁASNYM IMIENIU. PRASA JIDYSZOWA A TWORZENIE ŻYDOWSKIEJ TOŻSAMOŚCI NARODOWEJ (DO 1918 ROKU). Instytut Historii PAN i Wydawnictwo Neriton, Warszawa 2017. S. 353. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 11. PRASA ŻYDÓW POLSKICH. OD PRZESZŁOŚCI DO TERAŹNIEJSZOŚCI. Red. Agnieszka Karczewska, Sławomir Jacek Żurek. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2016. S. 278. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 12. Cwi Pryłucki: WSPOMNIENIA (1905– 1939). Przekład Agata Kondrat, oprac. Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov. Archiwum Ringelbluma. Tom 28. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, Warszawa 2015. S. 192. Review by: Agnieszka J. Cieślikowa 13. Beata Grochala: TELEWIZYJNA TRANSMISJA SPORTOWA W UJĘCIU GENOLOGII LINGWISTYCZNEJ NA MATERIALE TRANSMISJI MECZÓW PIŁKI NOŻNEJ. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016. S. 321. Review by: Beata Jarosz
The paper aims to show how a current place can be an embodiment of multiple collective perceptions of cultural reality. Karlukovo is a small village in northern Bulgaria and it is very good example for that hypothesis. On the one hand, it is a popular touristic place for its natural gifts – there is a cave nearby, which is a natural phenomenon for its two holes in the form of eyes on the roof of the cave. On the other hand, “Karlukovo” is a stereotype both for “madhause” and for gypsies. The reason for that is the local mental hospital, which is famous around Bulgarians and is known, that it hosts the most difficult psychological cases. Next to it, for several years the Bulgarian media spread information about crimes, where many houses have been robbed. As half of the local population is migrated gypsies, many people thought that gypsies are the offenders (even that this may not be the reality). On third place, the village is a site for the native’s collective memory, which saves myths, family stories, songs, collaborations, festivals, etc. The locals do not support the narrative of the mental house. For them the hospital is outside the village, it is part of the governmental health infrastructure, and it is just a coincidence that its location is close to the village. This makes them struggling with the common stereotype of the mad house. Yet, for the last 2 years Prohodna cave gains popularity and tourism is growing. The common perception of Karlukovo is changing and getting more and more pleasant. All of this shows how a single site can adopt multiple, inconstant and changeable narratives.
From its very inception, Indian cinema has been a cinema interested in the idea of nation. Although Raja Harishcandra (credited as the first Indian feature film) was strictly speaking a mythological, Dadasaheb Phalke’s motivation was grounded in a strong sense of nationalism.
This article analyzes different social practices of denunciation of informality through the analysis of cinematic discourses in Eastern European societies. More precisely, two case studies have been chosen, the Romanian and the Bulgarian one, due to their shared communist past and due to the large protests against the corrupt elite and social injustice, that took place in both countries during the last decade. Therefore, we will discuss what type of references and representations of the communist past related to practices of corruption can be found in four recent Romanians and Bulgarian films. These Romanian (Cristi Puiu, Cigarettes and coffee, 2004; Alexandru Solomon, Kapitalism our improved formula, 2010) and Bulgarian (Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov, Gloria, 2016; Vesela Kazakova, Mina Mileva, The Beast Is Still Alive, 2016) films that address corruption will be studied comparatively from a theoretical perspective situated at the intersection of pragmatic sociology and memory studies, in order to show the local specificity of this type of denunciation and the circulation of certain discourses.
The paper presents a review of the rocker subculture in Bulgaria, describing and interpreting its elements from the perspective of subcultural studies. The research is focused on the development of a local subculture in the context of a small town(Asenovgrad), where an influential community of rockers has been formed since the mid-1990s. Starting with the premise that the youth subculture is both a supranational and local phenomenon, the local subcultural identity of rockers is reviewed and analyzed in reference to their narratives, practices, club membership rules and ethics. The museum of the rockers in Asenovgrad “The people with bikes“ (2011 – 2017)is considered as a special case of the public representation of the subculture through artefacts and settings symbolic of the ideas behind the rockers’ world brotherhood.
The article reveals main facts of the historical development of the Museum of Bulgarian book publishing (second half of 19th and early 20th century) founded in the city of Plovdiv by the end of 1960s. The permanent exhibition was inaugurated at 22nd of May 1975 in the house of the founder of our national typography – Hristo Gruev Danov (1828 – 1911). The key events, related to emergence and evolution of publishing business were shown in six exhibition halls, via artifacts, documents, pictures, etc. The old Revival house, in which the Museum was arranged, deserves a special attention. It combines the vision of a typical medieval tower and the artistry of а Renaissance edifice. Nowadays, the Museum of typography is a pleasing cultural topos located just to the entrance of the Old town and very close to the Orthodox cathedral. It attracts a lot of visitors, mainly Bulgarians, who are inspired by intellectual dignity of Revival period and by the personal magnetism of the popular originator of our national typography – Hristo Gruev Danov.
Tobacco City is a case which has attracted significant public attention; at the same time, it is also an example, which combines various discourses. In order to identify what distinguishes this case of industrial heritage from others, this article examines three examples, which in their geographical and historical aspects are appropriate for comparative research regarding the issues at hand. They are commensurable in reference to their size and the significance of their location for cultural and industrial traditions, as well as in the relative date of their establishment and their geographical and economic representativeness. The research questions that the study attempts to answer are analytical as well as completely practical, reflecting real management and political decisions. From an anthropological point of view, there are two problems; first, the correlation among various aspects of the project such as the site’s pore functionalization; the goal of reviving the space; attracting investments and the public; and updating the site’s use and access; and, secondly, the narrative, which the very space presupposes as heritage and the extent to which it should be preserved.
This article is part of ethnological research on the role and function of the public baths in the urban space. Fieldwork was done in 2017 in the Gorna Banya quarter of Sofia. In this publication, the public baths are seen as one of the markers that construct local identity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the old Ottoman baths in the centre of Gorna Banya are destroyed and new ones are built, which are preserved to the present day. The baths are part of the everyday life of the local people, who use their resources for drinking, cooking, washing, but also for trade and medicinal purposes. Furthermore, the inhabitants continue to observe some traditional family and calendar customs around the public baths. Although the baths are closed, the square in front of them continues to playa central role in public life. This is evident, on the one hand, from the annual celebrations, and on the other hand, from the gatherings in front of the public baths summoned via Facebook. The public baths continue to be a central place around which life in the quarter is organized. The local authorities are looking for different ways to fund the restoration of the old building.
90 years ago a group of enthusiasts form an opera ensemble, as it occurs in many other localities. And if after one or two titles everything finishes mainly because of lack of funding, exactly in that consists the heroism of citizens of Stara Zagora: the only amateur ensemble which exists 21 years long, and after that it is nationalized in 1946. The nationalization is a kind of recognition but this leads to shocks. In 1967 lays the beginnings of the annually organized Festival of the Opera and Ballet Arts – a mirror of the achievements in the area of music and performing arts. Because of a conflagration end of 1991 the ensemble left homeless. In 2015 the State Operа Stara Zagora celebrates its 90th anniversary, and on the 1st of April 2016 it is 70 years since its nationalization.