Kobiecość niepełnosprawna w perspektywie prawa Bożego (luźne refleksje pedagoga nad wybranymi wątkami antropologii biblijnej)
The author took up the problem of disabled femininity in relation to the Revealed Truth and the God’s Law, from which he made a starting point to analyze the causes of contemporary social inequalities. The author’s interpretation of selected biblical themes is one of the possible and fully legitimate from a personalistic perspective. The author presents a rather bold, provocative position that the so-called “male perspective of the world”, full of illegitimate inequalities in the light of God’s plan, is a consequence of imposed and eternal interpretations of the Scriptures, which are stereotypical in understanding and shaping relationships between people. These stereotypes lead to social divisions. The article written by the pedagogue carries a message concerning the education of young generations, shaping awareness – in the spirit of tolerance, justice, crossing the divisions resulting from, for example, gender or health.