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The article is part of a series of observations related to the problem of the identity construction of the Easteauropean emigrants/immigrants “in the West” (Europe andUSA) before and after the “democratic changes”. Here, the author examines the first case (the second one is published in the second volume of the thematic issue “The Road”) which is based on materials from Estonia. The article shows the specifics of the Estonian labour mobility to Scandinavia in the context of the identification “main stays” developed by the Estonian society and related to the so-called popular religion and the neo-paganism which form a “working” national narrative.The article is based on the fieldwork of the author, published sources and Internet materials.
The modern Turkish state is a typical nation-state, as it is originally defined by the Westphalian international political and legal order. This essential feature of the modern Turkish nation-state is the product of the theoretical concept and the fundamental political and ideological principles and postulates of Kemalism (Kemal Ataturk), that is, the paradigm of the modern Turkish constitutionality and the modern Turkish determination of its national identity. This national identity is the identity of a nation-state, that is, the identity of a nation as a political nation, as a citizens of the modern Turkish state (nation-state). The modern Turkish national identity in this sense does not have its own classical ethnogenesis, that identity is not an ethno-national identity, but it is identity of a true nation-state that includes in itself all the special ethno-national identities, united as a Turkish national identity of a nation-state. The ethno-national identity for the paradigm of the modern Turkish national identity is exclusively only private and personal determination of individuals citizens of the modern Turkish nation-state, which does not recognize, accept or admits the constitutional-legal order of the modern Turkish state. More over, these ethno-national identities have treatment of a factor of essentially jeopardizing the integrity and cohesion of the modern Turkish nation-state.
The International scientific conference "Disinformation: the new challenges" brought together 16 participants - established researchers, PhD students and journalists - from Bulgaria, USA, Canada, Germany. The presented papers reflect various aspects of the problem of disinformation: the impact of disinformation on political processes, regulatory approaches to curbing disinformation, journalistic practice of fact-checking and debunking disinformation, the role of social media in disseminating and amplifying disinformation.
In the proposed text is sought to answer the question of whether and when we can talk about serialization in the international information flow. An attempt has been made for some systematization of the possible types of serialization, among which the anniversaries stand out. There are two major branches – the traditional serialization and the one generated by the possibilities of new technologies. The example with the ‘Tiananmen Papers’ is considered in more detail. It is also worth noting the borrowing serialization, shown in two examples of connecting processes in the present with such from the recent or very distant past.
The research focuses on commemorative practices around the figure of Mara Buneva and her memorial plaque in the center of Skopje, which can be interpreted as a Bulgarian place of memory. The study tracked only online reporting of the practices, without observing the corresponding offline events. Online versions of electronic media and agencies (TV, radio, news agency websites); online media (information websites) and social ‘we-media’ (video sharing websites, blogs, social networks, etc.) were researched. The studied materials reveal the care of some communities to establish the memorial plaque as a special Bulgarian place of memory in Northern Macedonia and the efforts of other groups seeking complete amnesia and ultimate delegitimization of the past related to Mara Buneva.
Exhibitions. Conferences. Projects. Databases. Latest publications.
This article is dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Bulgarian Folklore Journal. The reflections on the Journal which are discussed here are made in the context of the political and sociocultural development of Bulgaria, as well as in the context of national and international traditions in the study of folklore. At the same time, these reflections address changes in scientific paradigms and theoretical approaches, the problems of the existing boundaries between disciplines, the re-definition of scientific scope and newly defined fields of research. The interdisciplinary nature of the Journal, the development of its scientific profile, and its transformation into a journal for scholarly research in the field of folklore studies, ethnology and anthropology in the 1990s are given special attention. Editorial politics and practices, as well as different aspects of its theoretical sensibility and applied aims are traced. The place of the Journal among Bulgarian humanities periodicals and its international visibility are also highlighted.
Un siècle après la publication des premières recherches sur l’église Sainte-Parascève de Tălmăcel, de nouvelles études permettent de reconstituer l’histoire de la fondation du village transylvain à la fin du xviiie siècle. Elles mettent en évidence la valeur architecturale et le caractère représentatif des composantes artistiques dont l’église du village a été dotée à différents moments historiques; caractéristiques qui ont déterminé le classement de cette église en tant que monument historique. La présente étude se propose de réexaminer les recherches publiées jusqu’à présent et poursuit l’investigation grâce, entre autres, aux apports fournis par la restauration de l’ensemble mural. Les informations inédites identifiées dans les documents, les notes transcrites dans les anciens livres liturgiques des archives paroissiales, permettent d’identifier la signature de l’artiste Ioan de Poplaca, à qui l’on devrait certaines parties de la peinture murale de l’église. Sa contribution, jusqu’ici inconnue, peut être désormais différenciée de celle de l’autre peintre, Panteleimon. La différenciation de leur activité à Tălmăcel permet de mettre en évidence quelques particularités stylistiques propres à chacun de nos deux artistes; caractéristiques qui, par analogie, nous pouvons également identifier dans d’autres de leurs oeuvres. À titre subsidiaire, l’article permet de reconstituer leurs biographies.
This study identified the icon of Virgin Moscovita and the icon of the Holy Mandylion, described in Konstantinos Dapontes’ writings, with the icon of the Virgin and the icon of the Holy Mandylion preserved in his family monastery Evangelistria in Skopelos island. We can now retrace the “biography” of these two artefacts, the history of their creation, donation, and multiple “transfers” of the two icons. This study is an important contribution to the history of the early modern period in the Balkans. The icon of the Virgin Moscovite was donated to Konstantinos Dapontes by his benefactor Konstantinos Mavrocordatos in 1741 in Iasi, and the the icon of the Holy Mandylion was donated to Dapontes by his “maître spirituel”, the patriarch of Antioch Sylvester in 1762.
Le Musée Ethnographique de Budapest conserve une icône en mauvais état qui provient de Patakófalu (Stara Stuzhytsya), plus précisément de l’éparchie de Moukatchevo. Sur l’une des faces se trouve une repré-sentation Éléousa de la Mère de Dieu, un type iconographique qui était extrêmement populaire dans le sud de la Pologne – de même qu’en Hongrie – à partir du dernier quart du xviie siècle. Certaines icônes appartenant à ce type étaient même considérées comme étant miraculeuses. Associée à une certaine signification, la Mère de Dieu était peinte pour demander la protection contre le danger et les souffrances futures. Sur l’autre face de l’icône se trouve une scène de la Crucifixion avec des personnages demandant l’intercession, dont un homme portant le costume d’un noble et sa famille. L’inscription votive en ruthène a été transcrite sur le fond de la scène. La signature du peintre permet d’identifier Stefan Wiszeński de Sądowa Wisznia. Dans le présent arti-cle, une photographie conservée au Musée National de Lviv, ainsi que des urbaria, permettent de déchiffrer l’inscription et de comprendre les circonstances de la commande.
Cette publication examine quatre icônes, qui peuvent être comparées à la production artistique d’un atelier de peinture d’icônes conventionnellement nommé « Belz-Drohobych ». Cet atelier de la Galice ukrainienne – dont la localisation géographique demeure toutefois difficile à établir – se démarque par son style artistique particulier: un ‘laconisme’ graphique rigoureux, à la fois imagier et décoratif. Ses oeuvres les plus représentatives proviennent de la ville de Belz et de la ville de Drohobych, des villages de Hrushiv et Kulchytsi (région de Lviv). Les icônes ici étudiées proviennent, en revanche, du territoire de la région roumaine de Mara-mureș. Il s’agit des icônes de Sainte Paraskevi et de l’Archange Michel du village de Budești-Susani, de l’icône de Saint Jean-Baptiste du village de Breb, et de celle de Sainte Paraskevi (probablement du Maramureș), réalisée par un certain Maître Toma. Pour la première fois, toutes ces oeuvres sont actuellement en cours de restauration. Un bref état de l’art de la recherche les concernant précède l’analyse comparative proprement-dite. Ce qui ressort de cette analyse c’est que, sur la base de l’iconographie et de la stylistique, les quatre icônes du Maramureș s’avè-rent assez proches des icônes de « Belz-Drohobych ». Cela permet de proposer une datation des icônes de Sainte Paraskevi et de Saint Jean Prodrome dans la seconde moitié du xve siècle. En ce qui concerne l’icône de l’Archange Michel, les auteurs proposent une datation au xvie siècle. Cependant, l’icône nécessiterait une étude ultérieure après sa restauration. Enfin, l’icône de Sainte Paraskevi, réalisée par Maître Toma, semble bien s’inspirer des oeuvres de l’atelier « Belz-Drohobych », mais d’un point de vue stylistique, elle se réfère à une période ultérieure: fin du xvie siècle-début du xviie siècle.
‘After preaching, they feasted quite lavishly every day, they chose new lovers almost every night, they spent their time without being subjected to anyone, without worries, without fatigue, without danger’. In his Super Apocalypsim, the Cistercian monk Geoffrey of Auxerre describes in this way two Waldensian lady preachers, delineating an extraordinary condition of female autonomy. The article explores the ‘textual phy-siognomy’ of Super Apocalypsim, a biblical commentary written in the second half of the 1180s, but also high-lights its historical and editorial context. The testimony of Geoffrey of Auxerre, a leading representative of ecclesiastical hierarchies, allows us to analyse lexical choices and conceptual nuclei in order to clarify the speci-fic polemics underlying this description of the subversive life of an order which is represented by the two Waldensian women and the manner in which they experience female freedom. Emphasis is given to the issue of a dangerous ‘upside-down world’ (mundus reversus et perversus); this witnesses the subversive experience of the two Waldensian women. The article also recognises possible surviving traces of a radical evangelism and the attempt to create a new world (mundus novus).
The knowledge existent at present, which generates the need for a new approach to the myth of Dracula, refers to an almost unanimous reception based on the novel published in 1897 by Bram Stoker and on the tens of the subsequent portrayals which have induced a social and cultural paradigm standardized as commercial kitsch. Within this fictitious construct Dracula has been expounded in manifold keys. However, to ordinary perception, his figure is reduced to the semi-caricatural vampire character, the living-dead craving for blood. This article aims to answer a series of questions about the representations of Dracula and their relevance to the fields of cultural and literary studies: Which is the “real” Dracula? Which are the psychological, cultural, social and historical impulses determining the actions of the character and the established myth? To what extent the deeds of the personage can be accounted for through the instrumentality of psychological impetus and by the agency of cultural, philosophical, esoteric, and occult principles? Thus can the “real” Dracula be integrated into an ampler context of culture and civilization, where his alienation and his monstrosity belong less to the paradigm of “the other”, of “the stranger” and refer more to the revealing of some of “our” intimately repressed human features?The article proposes a critical examination and reinterpretation of Dracula’s image, starting from the novel Jurnalul lui Dracula (Dracula’s Diary) (1992) by the Romanian writer and academic Marin Mincu. Original responses are being suggested to the questions defined previously – through several writing and literary theory techniques, including references to Corpus Hermeticum.By comparing and contrasting the hermetic philosophical text and the Romanian novel, the essay aims at finding out whether the entire construct of the myth of Dracula can be explained through two cultural and philosophical aspects, namely death and immortality. It also offers a new reading, another conceptualization of a familiar but debatable subject, which reinterprets and even rejects the mainstream view. The work by the extremely well-informed Romanian academic, which was first published in Italy, has nothing in common with Bram Stoker’s (“vampiric falsification”, asserts the author in the preface…), but vividly portrays the “real” Dracula, the Prince Vlad the Impaler, imprisoned in the underground cave of a castle under the Budapest Danube, writing a journal between February, 2nd, 1463 and August, 28th, 1464. In his diary the character recalls his historical fate and legendary destiny through references to aspects of Romanian culture and civilization considered in a European context. For instance, the study approaches topics such as: the religion of Zalmoxis as the philosophical and existential foundation of the Romanians; Dacians’ attitude towards death, as described by Herodotus, which might have influenced Pythagoras, Socrates, the Eleusinian and the Orphic Mysteries; the boycott of history by the Romanian people (an echo from philosopher Lucian Blaga’s writings); the orality of the Romanian culture (as opposed to the written culture of the western Europe); the oral folkloric creations, the ballad Miorița (The Little Ewe) and the fairy-tale Tinerețe fără bătrânețe și viață fără de moarte (Youth without old age and life without death), etc. All of these are put forward within the humanistic, Renaissance context of the epoch, given that Dracula was a friend of Marsilio Ficino, Nicolaus Cusanus, Pope Pius II, Cosimo de’ Medici, etc. Researchers will discover new speculative themes and directions with regard to the seemingly exhausted myth of Dracula.
This paper explores the state of religious freedoms in Putin’s Russia, with a special emhasis on the Kremlin’s intensifying efforts at establishing Orthodox monopoly. It is an in-depth case analysis that uses policy and discourse analysis to examine the state of religious freedoms in Russia. It suggests that anti-extremism law has become an instrument of state control over a wide array of speech or activity. Through state-supported legislation, the authorities censor religious life to prevent the rise of anti-government sentiments. The groups most affected by the government’s anti-religious policy are “non-traditional” religious groups, facing hardships in exercising their rights and freedoms. Their activities are increasingly banned on the grounds of “extremism” and “terrorism”. Russia’s tightening of legislation on extremism has been combined with its withdrawal from the Council of Europe, which poses additional threats for religious communities by eliminating any international scrutiny over the government’s actions. This paper concludes that while Russian history has been traditionally characterized by religious intolerance towards small denominations, the intensifying crackdown on religious freedoms is part of the Kremlin’s policy of ensuring a monopoly across the country for the Russian Orthodox Church.
Book Review: Савремена српска фолклористика VIII ‒ словенски фолклор и књижевна фантастика. Ур. Дејан Ајдачић и Бошко Сувајџић. Београд: Удружење фолклориста Србије, Универзитетска библи- отека „Светозар Марковић”; Кијев: Комисија за фолклористику Међународног комитета слависта; Лозница: Центар за културу „Вук Караџић”, 2020. 518 стр. ISBN 978-86-7301-149-3
Articolul analizează imaginea toiagului înflorit în trei vieți ale Sfintei Audrey (sau Etheldreda de la Ely): una în franceză veche și două în engleză mijlocie, precum și în alte texte devoționale. Studiul arată cum, dincolo de cuvinte, imaginile sunt transferate dintr-o limbă într-alta în timpul procesului de traducere. Imaginile vehiculate de texte determină alegerea cuvintelor în traducere. Analiza se bazează pe două extrase în limba engleză medie. Primul este dintr-o ediție inedită a vieții în proză a Sfintei Audrey, acum într-un manuscris de la Corpus Christi College, Oxford, iar cealaltă din viața în proză din manuscrisul Additional 2604 de la Biblioteca Universității Cambridge, un text scris pentru o membră a unei comunități monahale feminine. Textul în franceză veche este preluat din poemul din secolul al XII-lea La vie seinte Audree, nonneyne de Ely, compus de o autoare pe nume Marie — fie Marie de France, celebra poetesă, fie o călugăriță anglo-normandă cu același prenume. Acestor texte li se adaugă alte exemple preluate din surse latine pentru a demonstra interoperabilitatea imaginii toiagului înflorit în literatura medievală.
Plecând de la o scenă reprezentând Corabia creştinătăţii atacată de duşmanii credinţei, pictată în pridvorul bisericii din cimitirul mănăstirii Hurezi (1699), articolul urmăreşte dezvoltarea temei teologice şi iconografice a Bisericii ca Navă şi cercetează sursele pentru această reprezentare din biserica amintită. În scrierile patristice şi în iconografia bizantină şi medievală occidentală, tema ia forme specific confesionale (arca Petri sau barca Petri, în mediul catolic). În secolul al XVI-lea, pe fondul conflictului confesional catolico-protestant, polemicile încep să dea naştere unor imagini satirice ale unor lupte între două vase pe mare, ilustrând alegoric înfruntările dintre cele două puncte de vedere. Exprimate plastic prin tehnica gravurii, aceste imagini sunt o creaţie a mediului protestant german. În timp ce Contrareforma continuă să folosească motivul alegoric al vasului navigând pe mare ca reprezentare a Bisericii Catolice triumfătoare, mediul protestant dezvoltă o iconografie a Bisericii ca navă asediată pe mare de diverse categorii de duşmani: biserica papală, ereziarhi, evrei şi musulmani, personaje infame ale Apocalipsei. Tipărituri cu astfel de reprezentări ajung şi în estul Europei, inclusiv în mediul Lavrei Pecherska din Kyiv, care folosea surse vizuale germane pentru atelierul său de litografie. Pictorii, gravorii şi desenatorii ucraineni din a doua jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea preiau acest motiv, îl instrumetalizează ca alegorie a Bisericii Ortodoxe asediate şi îl exportă în spaţiile învecinate, în Valahia şi Rusia. Motivul pătrunde în paralel, tot la jumătatea secolului al XVII-lea, şi în lumea grecească, pe canale catolice. Mediul grecesc al Muntelui Athos, prin Nicodim Haghioritul, îl va include ca ilustraţie a Pidalionului (culegere de canoane), la sfârşitul secolului al XVIII-lea.
Cimitirele evreiești sunt o prețioasă sursă de informație despre evoluția comunităților cărora acestea le-au aparținut, despre orientarea lor rituală, raportată la curentele iudaismului tradițional ori ale celui modern, și despre interferențele dintre evrei și creștini, mai ales atunci când investigația vizează arta funerară și structura epitafurilor. Exemplul cimitirului evreiesc din Alba Iulia se încadrează în cea de-a doua categorie, fiind vorba despre o comunitate cu o tradiție remarcabilă, fapt ce a și influențat adeziunea ei la orientarea ortodoxă, dar care a receptat în timp influențe de tip reformator, care au determinat atitudini mult mai deschise față de noile idei. Tocmai de aceea, perspectiva istorică din prima parte a studiului, care se bazează pe cele mai importante surse documentare identificate (planuri ale cimitirului și un registru vechi al înmormântărilor redactat în mai multe etape de comunitate), include exemplificări ale tendințelor de evoluție a comunității și de modificare a structurii epitafurilor ori a tipului monumentelor funerare de la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea. În schimb, analiza epigrafică și cea artistică, stilistică și tipologică din celelalte două părți ale articolului, pentru a fi convingătoare, sunt mai strict circumscrise, făcând referire la o selecție a pietrelor funerare datând din secolul al XVIII-lea și din prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Diferența tipologică și stilistică între cele din secolul al XVIII-lea, pentru care pot fi sesizate similarități cu pietre tombale din alte cimitire europene inventariate, și cel puțin unele dintre cele secolul al XIX-lea este evidentă. Forme baroce clare caracterizează unele dintre monumentele edificate spre mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea, iar cele neogotice pe cele de mai târziu, de la sfârșitul aceluiași secol, ceea ce probează serioase întârzieri în receptarea lor. Conținutul inscripțiilor s-a modificat și el în cea de-a doua perioadă, reflectând o mai mare sensibilitate în cazul epitafurilor dedicate defuncților copii, acestea fiind susținute și de delicatețea simbolurilor care însoțesc textul. Obiectivul articolului a fost cel de a evidenția, prin intermediul analizelor epigrafice și stilistice, măsura în care orientarea rituală a comunității a fost cea ortodoxă. Răspunsul la această întrebare este afirmativ, dacă avem în vedere perioada istorică de circa două secole și jumătate scursă de la constituirea comunității și până spre finele secolului al XIX-lea. Dar în ultimele decenii ale acestui secol au început să apară elemente care anunțau o diversificare a orientărilor, probată de profilul monumentelor funerare amplasate în această perioadă în sectorul istoric al cimitirului și al celor din celelalte sectoare ale sale.
The Histories and Film Festival in Râşnov (FFIR—Festiva-lul de Film și Istorii la Râşnov) held its fifteenth edition from 18 to 27 August 2023. ‘Radicalisation’ was the main theme of the festival, namely the fact that “our society seems less and less open to balanced dialogue; everyone defends and imposes their own truth and nuances dis-appear.” Museikon organised a debate on the topic ‘Con-temporary votive depictions—from Stephen the Great to the ktetors of our days’ (Tablouri votive contemporane – de la Ștefan cel Mare la ctitorii de azi) in the Old Church of Râşnov (dedicated to Saint Nicholas), on Wednesday 23 August 2023.