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The study presents a brief biography of university teacher, scientist and intellectual Carl Johannes Zinner († around 1810). His activities are connected in a special way with Košice, he worked at the Royal Academy. Interest in the modern history of the United States led him to make contact with Benjamin Franklin. In consideration of this he obtained a special position in the history of Hungary and belonged to the important persons of history at the late 18th century. The study maps Zinner's life, work as well as scientific and political thoughts of Zinner to the recent or past events.
The link between silence and death has been a recurring theme of human thought and can often be found in reflections on music. Among many attempts to approach this problem, the author of this paper focuses on those done by Gisèle Brelet and Tōru Takemitsu. The “faithful companion” of music which “perpetually is born, dies and is born again” – this is one of the ways in which French musicologist describes silence. “For a human being, there is always the duality of life and death. Music as an art form always has to connect vehemently with both” – notices Japanese composer, who in another statement combines silence with “the dark world of death”. Interestingly, both Brelet and Takemitsu arrive at the conclusion that such connotations may well be the source of the fear of silence that affects some composers or performers. Despite different contexts, some analogies to their thought – like connecting silence with nothingness and loneliness – may be also found in the Canadian composer Raymond Murray Schafer’s writings, presented fragmentarily in the last subsection. The differences in the notion of the problem between the authors are, moreover, discussed in this paper.
The aim of the author was to outline the development of the Slovak order education system on the example of three Czechoslovak order real gymnasia in Košice in the third decennium of the 20th century. It resulted in a picture of the studied gymnasia in the years 1935 – 1938. An absence of archival materials constituted a limitation to the research and processing of its results.
The article presents the program of sexual education prepared and offered by Krakow Branch of the Planned Parenthood Association in the wider context of socio-political situation in Krakow (1956 – 1989). Since the beginning of the Association’s existence, the special attention was paid to the development of educational program, which concerned the different aspects of „family life“. The article is going to answer the questions about its goals, the educational tools used to achieve them and its social targets. To accurately determine the position of the Association in the city‘s community I will analyse its foundation and activities in wider context of the pre-war traditions of the organisation and the activities regarding premarital counselling undertaken by the Krakow Catholic Church.
In the last decades, despite some pessimistic prognoses, shamanism is experiencingrevival. In the course of this process, shamans are adapting their practices to theclients’ expectations and new profile; as a result their own traditional view of theБългарска етнология, world is undergoing significant changes. One of the newly-emerged features ofcontemporary shamanism in Buryatia is dividing the inhabitants of the sacred worldinto „prestigious“ and „non-prestigious“ and offering them gifts corresponding tothis new status, all this with the active participation of the shamans themselves. Thearticle presents such practice which the author observed and assumes that there is alsoa process of transmission of respective ideals and values in the sphere of the sacredworld.
According to Wahrig Deustsches Woerterbuch the concept of the “road” refers to a place which you have to walk in order to obtain your wish, to change some life situation in a positive or negative way; there the desired result of the act is achieved. Therefore, in our traditional culture the road is the place where people most often perform all sorts of magical actions including “white” and “black” magic. The crossroad has the same meaning; in a sense, it outlines the model of the horizontal division of the world which finds expression in four main directions – east, west, north, south. The article shows some of the most common “white” magical actions which aim at positive results – mostly various healing practices against diseases such as “gorska mayka” and “vankashna bolest” as well as customs dedicated to the mythical master-guardian of the village such as “Kokosha cherkva” and customs against drought. The article also examines some “black” magical actions aiming at doing harm: “binding” of newlyweds, stealing the milk of somebody else’s cows.
In the folklore of many peoples, the luminous bodies and phenomena are related tothe traditional concepts of the world structure. In the Bulgarian popular astronomythe Milky Way is seen as a Straw Road. The folklore texts present the “road” as both aborder and a bond between the “own” and the “alien” space, between the earthly andthe “divine” world. It is a process of movement in the mythological space but it couldalso be a place where the worlds in this space meet. Such development of the conceptof the “road” in the Bulgarian popular tradition is related to liminal rituals typical ofcalendar festivals including Christmas.
The present text is dedicated to a particular case from the last ten years when a meta narrativewas created, in this sense also a memory for the past, for St. Athanasius Monastery near the village of Zlatna Livada, a monastery proclaimed to be the oldest in Europe. Its founding is attributed to one of the key figures in the history of early Christianity, St. Athanasius, which gives the cloister a specific sacred nature. The subject of the study is indicative of the role that modern means of communication play in constructing popular ideas of the past.Thus, the ‘history’ of St. Athanasius Monastery becomes grounds for national pride and self-confidence; on the one hand, it symbolizes the ‘deep roots’ of the nation and on the other hand, it lends Bulgaria a greater symbolic significance in the context of a united Europe. The narrative of this Christian cloister’s ancient past proves to be a winning formula, since it focuses and expresses the hopes and aspirations of various social actors and circles, i.e. becomes part of several projects orientated to the future.
The Syrian civil war exacerbated sectarian divisions between the Alawite-ruled Syrian government and Syria’s Sunni population, straining also the relations between the Sunni majority and Alawite and Alevi minorities of the neighboring Turkey. The Alawites and Alevis of Turkey were predominantly supporting Syria’s president Bashar al-Asad, while the Turkish government greatly supported the Sunni insurgents of Syria. The paper aims at examining how Alawites and Alevis have influenced the relations between Turkey and Syria in the light of the Syrian civil war, the reasons behind the sympathy of Alevis for the Syrian government and the implications that Turkey’s Syria policy has had domestically. It finds that the Alevi / Alawite factor has had some restraining effects on Turkey’s antagonistic policy towards Syria. In the introductory part, the article touches upon the differences and the similarities between Alevis and Alawites, then it analyzes the developments in regards Turkey’s policy towards the Syrian crisis that were also reflected in Ankara’s domestic policy vis-à-vis its Alevi and Alawite minorities.
Following in the footsteps of the two conferences of Poi-tiers (Heresy and Bible translation in the Middle Ages and at the dawn of the Renaissance, October 27, 2017, Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale) and Alba Iulia (Vernacular Psalters and the Early Rise of Linguistic Identities, June 27-28, 2018, Museikon), the nucleus of researchers already collaborating in a previous Museikon pu-blication (Vernacular Psalters and the Early Rise of Linguis-tic Identities: The Romanian Case, Bucharest, dark Publi-shing / Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia, ‘Museikon Stu-dies’, 1, 2019) decided to expand the scope of their commoneffort and see how a comparative philological approach would work on a practical level. The idea of this collective research and paper came naturally in the early stages of thepreparation of a future project dealing with a comparativeapproach of vernacular Psalters and Gospels both in rela-tion to their high-prestige Greek, Latin, or Church Slavonicsources, and at an intravernacular level, where some of them could have influenced the others. The comparisons bet-ween vernacular translations are useful for the identification of translation clusters active in several languages and for the reconstruction of a pan-European forma mentis which shaped the early vernacular renderings of the Bible.The present paper is also an editorial test. While experi-menting with format, the contributors equally tested how common publications such as this may be replicated in thenear future, in a journal dedicated only to a comparativephilological study of early Bible translations. The current subject (musical instruments terminology) was chosen in order to provide a representative prospective section ofThe Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacularagakcmmcpcpgccaecerhkisickvmuvathe entire corpus. New collaborators were invited to join inand contribute to the exploration of the more difficultaspects of the study, thus anticipating the opening of philology to a wider array of disciplines, according to the needs of the explored realia. Since the topic is far from being exhausted and since many European languages are not yet dealt with, the study will be continued in the next issue of Museikon.
Ojcze nasz to najważniejsza modlitwa chrześcijan. Jako starożytny tekst biblijny od wieków poddawana jest badaniom oraz tłumaczona na nowo wraz z rozwojem języków docelowych. Ze względu na powszechność tej modlitwy takie zmiany nie zachodzą niepostrzeżenie i budzą sprzeciw członków różnych wspólnot wyznaniowych. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia specyfikę przekładu tekstów liturgicznych na podstawie analizy tłumaczeń na język szwedzki. Pokazana zostaje historia szwedzkiego tłumaczenia modlitwy Ojcze nasz, aż do opublikowania kontrowersyjnej wersji ekumenicznej w 1996 r. Przeanalizowane zostają wybrane różnice w „starym” i „nowym” tłumaczeniu oraz najważniejsze postulaty w debacie nad przyjęciem wersji ekumenicznej. Artykuł zamyka przytoczenie obecnego stanowiska kościoła katolickiego i protestanckiego wobec nowej wersji oraz dyskusja nad nowoczesnością i tradycją we współczesnych tłumaczeniach Modlitwy Pańskiej. Studium pozwala zobaczyć, w jaki sposób zmiany w obszarze przekładu mogą spowodować poruszenie społeczne i konflikt, jeśli nie są dostosowane do aktualnych przekonań reprezentantów danej kultury. // "Our Father" is the most essential Christian prayer. Being an ancient biblical text it has been translated and interpreted through the ages as target languages were developing. Due to the universality of this prayer, such changes do not occur unnoticed and raise opposition of members of various religious communities. This article presents the specifics of the translation of liturgical texts based on the analysis of translations into Swedish. The history of the Swedish translation of the "Our Father" prayer is covered up to the publication of the controversial ecumenic version in 1996. Selected differences in the "old" and "new" translations and the most important postulates in the debate on the adoption of the ecumenical version are analyzed. The article ends with a description of the current position of the Catholic and Protestant Church regarding the new version and a discussion on modernity and tradition in translations of the Lord's Prayer. The study shows how changes in the area of translation can cause social uproar and conflict, if they are not adapted to the current convictions of representatives of a given culture.
The text aims to explore the soteriological nature of the ascetic views of two of the most remarkable ascetic fathers. Based on a comparative analysis, are traced the general moments in their writings, as well as their differences, which outline the development of the ascetic tradition from antiquity to the present day. Abba Dorotheos conveys the ascetic experience of the Egyptian ascetics of the sixth century, the core of which is the spiritual struggle, the cutting off of passions and the acquiring of virtues. At the heart of the Christian feat, St. Porphyrios places the love for God, which transforms passions, converts evil and deifies man, with the focus being not on the fight against the passions, but on Christ and the communion with Him. Sacraments, prayer, worship lead one to praise and contemplation of God. In the words of St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalivia the correlation between soteriology and ecclesiology is much more clearly expressed.
Man is often told that life begins with birth. Hindu tradition is one of those examples that highlight the fact that life begins much earlier, with early stages of pregnancy. We shall not adopt a position from a medical or ethical point of view, but will emphasize this claim judging by the care and effort put into the well-being and good health of foetus and expectant mother by members of this religious tradition from ancient times. Archaic Hindu society was very strongly under the spell of the supernatural and magical, which surfaces in many sacred texts. It is interesting to notice and understand how the supernatural, religious and social intertwine and bring order into the lives of its people.The present paper focuses on pre-natal rites of passage as having an ordering quality in man’s life, mentioning key examples from sacred texts related to cultural and religious details that are the backbone of Hindu tradition. It is a shy attempt to bring to light features in the thought process of the ancient Hindu society in order to better relate and comprehend the treasures of its rich past.
Numerous uncertainties are hanging over the biotechnology of human cloning which has prompted medical ethicists and religious organizations to ask questions that bordered on its ethical and religious considerations. In cloning humans, ethical and religious issues arise both in its clinical and laboratory settings hence, the morality of manipulating human genes is the foremost ethical issue among scientists and religious scholars. Therefore, this paper evaluated the human cloning technology using the personalism and prudential personalism ethical-religious models to arrive at a workable moral paradigm. To achieve this objective, the paper employed the phenomenological and critical-literary literature review methods. The paper argued that previous ethical and religious researches have not adequately employed the ‘ideal’ ethical models to appraise the morality of human cloning hence; using the personalism and prudential personalism ethical-religious models were appropriate to reveal that every human life has worth and its commodification is an aberration. The paper concluded that based on the paradigm of prudential personalist ethics, cloning humans (especially, human reproductive cloning) negates respect for human life, human dignity, and communal goods hence it should not be practiced.
A widely popular concept among Orthodox Christians is that religious images as intermediaries between man and God (the Mother of God or the saints) can give material signs of the divine presence on Earth and often do so. First comes the veneration of miracle-working icons, which are connected to narratives of miraculous events and considered the most helpful mediators for prayers addressed to God, the Virgin or a saint. Another popular notion is that icons can miraculously renew themselves or exude holy oil or blood, and give out fragrance. Two cases of largescale myrrh-gushing from the recent years offer different examples of the emergence, development and interpretation of such miraculous events in Orthodox shrines. The first case is from the town of Terespol in Eastern Poland (since 2010) and the second one comes from the town of Shumen in Northern Bulgaria (from 2017). In the Polish case, the myrrh-streaming continued for a long period of time, encompassed other icons as well and was accompanied by stories of miraculous healings. It was approved by the Church as a manifestation of divine nature. All these occurrences gave an impetus to the development of the veneration of the myrrh-streaming icon of the Theotokos Gorgoepēkoos (She Who Is Quick to Hear) and stimulated pilgrimage to the town.In the case from Bulgaria there was also large-scale myrrh-streaming, but it happened only once, at the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God (15 August). The event was accepted just as a divine sign and was interpreted mainly as given for the sake of penance and strengthening of faith. The fact that no myrrh was gathered and there were no consequent miracles made the Church take a more passive position and the local bishop just unofficially referred to the general Orthodox idea of myrrh-streaming icons.Events of this kind, which were traditionally taken for miracles, often provoke scepticism and doubts of falsification in modern times. For that reason, they are examined by committees appointed by the Church or inspected by bishops, and even submitted to chemical tests. All these processes emphasize the icons’ multifaceted presence in local communities and in society in general.
This study represents a continuation of two previous publications—“The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms. Collective Research” (Museikon, 3, 2019, p. 67-140), hence forth abbreviated as Musical Instruments 2019; and “The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms. Collective Research (2)” (Museikon, 4, 2020, p. 257-302), hence forth abbreviated as Musical Instruments 2020. The study will be finalized in the next issue of Museikon (6,2022) with the addition of the last languages taken into consideration.