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The article is part of a series of observations related to the problem of the identity construction of the Easteauropean emigrants/immigrants “in the West” (Europe andUSA) before and after the “democratic changes”. Here, the author examines the first case (the second one is published in the second volume of the thematic issue “The Road”) which is based on materials from Estonia. The article shows the specifics of the Estonian labour mobility to Scandinavia in the context of the identification “main stays” developed by the Estonian society and related to the so-called popular religion and the neo-paganism which form a “working” national narrative.The article is based on the fieldwork of the author, published sources and Internet materials.
The analysis of the discussion on the significance of religion for the contemporary democratic state and its forms of presence in the public sphere. The author examines the religious and non-religious foundations of the constitutional state that affect the condition of the system. Referring to the dispute between the liberals and the communitarians about the idea of justice in the society, the author makes an attempt to develop the current polemics with new arguments.
The subject of holiness and its historical and contemporary dimensions has proven to be a cross point for the research interests of academics with a different academic background profile - theologians and historians, anthropologists and sociologists, art historians and pedagogues. This allowed the discussions to cross the boundaries of the single disciplines and to outline a rich and multidimensional image of research phenomenon. The vast variety of positions proved how beneficial could be the "Scientific diversity" and the lack of paradigmatic dogmatism outlined by the academic tolerance has turned this first conference into a forum for free exchange of views and opinions. This was particularly important for young scientists involved, for which the access to such scientific forums is often limited by institutional ones or other reasons. The collection we bring to the attention of readers reflects the current state of scientific thought on the theme of holiness.
The gender-based violence in recent times has become an integral part of the on-going Boko Haram Insurgency in North-East Nigeria. Since the full-scale declaration of combat between the Nigerian state and the insurgent group, the asymmetrical tactics of the group have been evolving, based on its capabilities. The recent spike in the targeted raid and attack on female schools, markets, and female institutions purposely for abduction and kidnapping of women and girls indicated this assertion. Due to the depletion of its fighters and loss of territories, there is a surge in mass deployment of ‘women and young girls’ as material instruments of warfare: fighters, suicide bombers, human shields, bargaining tools, sex slaves, informants, and so on. This article appraises the gender push-pull factors responsible, motivation behind the current behavior, and proffers some policy guidance.
This paper represents a continuation of the previous publication “The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms. Collective Research” (Museikon, 3, 2019, p. 67-140), henceforth abbreviated as Musical Instruments… 2019. The study will be continued in the next issue of Museikon (5, 2021), covering more languages and furthering the discussions.
The review of the constitution emanates from the constitution, from the institute of constitutional review of which the latter is closely related to the dynamic processes in society as well as with the demand for sustainable stability, stability which very well it may be economic, political or social, national or international, the stability that affects even the constitutional order itself in a state. In this article, we will address the constitutional changes, the amendments over the years In Turkey and Russia which are 'proof' of the violation of the constitutional order, 'proof' of the impinging of democracy and stability in the country. Through this article, we will see that the constitutional system, rule of law, democracy or its consolidation, the stability in the country to a large extent are influenced by the way it is conducted the constitutional review process. The application or non-application of this instrument has multi-dimensional effects, negative, destabilizing ones.
The text presents the main conclusions based on the study of the political messages in the Turkish series broadcasted on Bulgarian television and on Netflix. The main political messages in the series, showed on Bulgarian television, are the responsibility for decisions, connect with the life of a woman and a child. Among the important political topics are: migration, education abroad and returning home, conflicts between rich and poor.
In the proposed text is sought to answer the question of whether and when we can talk about serialization in the international information flow. An attempt has been made for some systematization of the possible types of serialization, among which the anniversaries stand out. There are two major branches – the traditional serialization and the one generated by the possibilities of new technologies. The example with the ‘Tiananmen Papers’ is considered in more detail. It is also worth noting the borrowing serialization, shown in two examples of connecting processes in the present with such from the recent or very distant past.
The research focuses on commemorative practices around the figure of Mara Buneva and her memorial plaque in the center of Skopje, which can be interpreted as a Bulgarian place of memory. The study tracked only online reporting of the practices, without observing the corresponding offline events. Online versions of electronic media and agencies (TV, radio, news agency websites); online media (information websites) and social ‘we-media’ (video sharing websites, blogs, social networks, etc.) were researched. The studied materials reveal the care of some communities to establish the memorial plaque as a special Bulgarian place of memory in Northern Macedonia and the efforts of other groups seeking complete amnesia and ultimate delegitimization of the past related to Mara Buneva.
L’étude collective de cette inscription s’inscrit dans lecadre du projet erc Starting Grant graph-east (2021-2026), financé par le programme de recherche et d’innovationHorizon 2020 de l’Union européenne dans le cadrede la convention de subvention n° 948390. Son but est d’étudier les inscriptions et graffitis en alphabet latin de la Méditerranée orientale, de la Grèce à l’Égypte en passantpar la Turquie, la côte syro-palestinienne et Chypre, du VII au XVI siècle.
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In this book, the issue that if the Big Bang theory supports the idea that creation from nothing is discusses in terms of huduth evidence (Kalam cosmological argument). In the first part of the study, the history of cosmology and science prior to the Big Bang theory, the basic premise of the theory, and the anti-Big Bang universe models have been studied in details. Accordingly, the universe began to form approximately 13.7 billion years ago from the endless dense, small and hot (singularity) state that with a sudden burst (opening = expansion). Einstein's theory of relativity, the continuing expansion of the universe (Hubble's Law), the discovery of the cosmic background microwave radiation, and determine quantities of substances in space are presented for this theory as the most powerful evidence. In the second part, the mutakallimun's (Muslim theologicans) huduth evidence has been examined and described in detail. This evidence not only endeavors to prove the existence of God; but also is a product of mutakallimun's efforts to understand and interpret the universe as whole...
In the post-Ba’athist era, stability and national security remain the two key goals. Iraq has suffered from many extremist terrorist groups on several separate stages from 2003 to 2017. The most threatening terrorist group was ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), which has enormous impacts on Iraqi society, given the vast geographical areas that it controlled, and the dangers, crimes and violations suffered by the Iraqi people with all its components. The main aim of this study is to determine the impacts of ISIS on Iraqi national security. The study relied on Content Analysis Method to analyze the collected data and achieve its aims. Also, the primary research question is about the impact of ISIS on Iraq’s national security from 2014 to 2017. Correspondingly, an international coalition of more than a hundred countries was formed to stop the rapid expansion of ISIS. The number of victims who lost their lives and were affected at the psychological and humanitarian levels was explained in this study. According to the research results, ISIS was seeking long-term goals. The most important was the preparation for disseminating this new extremist ideology. The intelligence and the exploitation of poverty, ignorance, and political conflicts that ISIS used aimed to implant the extremist mentality in the most significant number of attention.
Migration has remarkably influenced the development of civilization and the establishment of cultural borders throughout history. In the case of Nigeria, one of the negative impacts of migration has been the violent seizure of ancestral lands by the
The inquiries presented in this monograph cover the audible dimension of the religious and cultural heritage created by the Orthodox monastic communities that have existed for a thousand years on the Holy Mount Athos in Greece. The research shows the scope and method of using the sense of hearing and sounds as creators and receptors of material and spiritual reality, manifested in liturgical singing, art, as well as in mysticism, prayer and the everyday way of life of monks. It is also about the specificity of the church architecture, subordinated to the acoustics of the voice. The scale of the involvement of hearing in the creation and interpretation of Athos reality is determined by two factors – the extraction of sounds from the creations of nature, the human vocal apparatus and the works of human hands. As a result of the auditory integration of the world of sounds, the acoustic landscape of the Holy Mountain is created. It is an expression of the emotive perception of reality, which thus acquires a deeply human dimension. It fits in with the metaphysical perspective of experiencing God in sonic hierophany. The use of the sense of hearing in this experiencing the Athos sacrum is described in the following chapters, taking into account 5 aspects of the sound landscape of the Holy Mountain: (1) the specificity of the auditory experience of the sacred, (2) the characteristics of silence as a space of hesychasm, (3) voices of nature, (4) sounds produced in the space of culture, (5) liturgical singing.
Part of the works in this volume were presented at the 14th edition of the "Studia Theologica Doctoralia" International Symposium, organized by the Doctoral School of the "Dumitru Staniloae" Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the "Alexandru Ion Cuza" University from Iași, in partnership with the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Graz, Austria, with the "Saint John Damascene" Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the Balamand University, Lebanon, and with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the "Aristotle" University Thessaloniki, Greece, under the patronage and blessing of the Metropolitanate of Moldova and Bucovina, Ia, May 9-10, 2022.
The Histories and Film Festival in Râşnov (FFIR—Festiva-lul de Film și Istorii la Râşnov) held its fifteenth edition from 18 to 27 August 2023. ‘Radicalisation’ was the main theme of the festival, namely the fact that “our society seems less and less open to balanced dialogue; everyone defends and imposes their own truth and nuances dis-appear.” Museikon organised a debate on the topic ‘Con-temporary votive depictions—from Stephen the Great to the ktetors of our days’ (Tablouri votive contemporane – de la Ștefan cel Mare la ctitorii de azi) in the Old Church of Râşnov (dedicated to Saint Nicholas), on Wednesday 23 August 2023.