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Artykuł podejmuje trudny i bardzo złożony problem morfonologii. Morfonologla, której zasady i zadania sformułował już Trubecki, a którą twórczo rozwijał strukturalizm zarówno na gruncie europejskim, jak i amerykańskim, zajmuje się m. in. teorią alternacji morfonologicznych spółgłoskowych i samogłoskowych, ich funkcją oraz zakresem ich użycia. Dlatego też szczególne znaczenie ma status morfonologii jako samodzielnej dyscypliny, wykorzystywanej w opisie morfologicznym i analizie słowotwórczej. stanowisko uczonych wobec tej kwestii, jak wynika z artykułu, nie zawsze było jednolite.
The article presents maximum range of paradigmatic word-formation as suggested by linguists who have studied that type of derivation. The author reviews their opinions and gives her own definition of paradigmatic derivation understood as a word-formation process. This process produces a derivative which differs from itą stem in that it has an inlexional paradigm; there are no affixation morphemes in the formative and their functions are usually taken over by inflexional elements. The derivative paradigm is differentiated from the stem paradigm under the following conditionss 1) there are different endings for the stem and for the derivative? 2) the new paradigm which replaces the stem paradigm is not determined by inflexional or semantic factors.
The article deals with three problems: Firstly, it discusses the interpretation of the word-formation “stem“ (here the author tries to define what the stem is: whether it is the whole periphrase, the word-torn or the lexeme if it is the lexeme - what primary function has it got as a part of speech). Secondly, interpretations of the derivative are reviewed. Most often the derivative is interpreted as a lexeme there is also the problem of its primary function as a category. Thirdly, the article deals with the problem o£ assigning meaning to formatives. The author, contrary to A. Bogusławski, speaks in favour of assigning meaning both to formatives and to other elements of the texts which have no loose connection with other segments of the texts.
The author proves the necessity of two different language descriptions in computer synthesis and analysis of texts. Later he discusses the information carried by inflexional forms of Polish nouns from the point of view of its range and quality. He distinguishes between lexical and inflexional information, its boundary being inconsistent with that of the root and the ending, since the information in the two is complementary as has been shown in the examples. The last part of the paper reviews the characteristics of endings of Polish noun declensions.
Nouns of all declensions (Plural No.) In contemporary Polish have all the ending -ach. However, the names of the following countriest Węgry (Hungary), Niemcy (Germany), Włochy (Italy) take the locative ending - ach. The present work attempts to present the historical development of locative endings of nouns in the plural form from the earliest written record in Polish up to the first half of the 19th century where the ending -ach is prevailing. The material analysed in the study shows that the 16th c. was the turning point in the development of Polish declension system. The trend of the changes at that time was to simplify the declensions and to decrease the number of declension types. These tendencies are confirmed by the development of locative endings of nouns in the plural.
The author distinguished a separate class of verbs. She calls them creative verbs and gives her definition for them: "It is a verb which names an action producing a certain material object, or a non-material object in the extralingulstic reality". Semantic analysis of verbs always refers to the verb - noun relation as some verbs are creative only in reference to same nouns maluję obraz (I am painting a picture) - a creative verb, maluję podłogę (I am painting the floor) - a non-creative one as umalowana podłoga(the painted floor) does not have a new function and a result of the action (painting) has no separate name In Polish. The paper does not Include verbs which create new quality Instead of a new object (kisić kapustę (to pickle cabbage)' - new îallty without any change In the basic function). New quality Is considered only when it gives new function to the object {barwić Jajko (to paint eggs) - pisanka (Easter egg) - they can be eaten but they are also used for decorating tables at Easter dinner) etc. The author divided creative verbs into general, proper, occasional and destructive. A further division may be Introduced: Into onomatopeic and antidestructive. The paper proposed a further semantic division: Into 1) creative verbs which name actions producing material objects and 2) creative verbs which name actions producing new designations or new functions of old designations. Another division: morphological division - the name of the designation or function is or is not morphemlcally verb-dependent, and structural division - which depends on the part of the sentence In which the creative verb serves as predicate.
The paper discusses one o£ case functions of the prefix z(e)-//s- namely the locative function. The verbs with the prefix z(e)-//s~ selected for this study have been divided into the followihg semantic groupss 1) movement from a higher point to a point below (vertical movement); 2) movement to the given point, often from many directions (horizontal movement); 3) movement frora the given point, change of direction, wander (horizontal movement) . Each semantic group has £wo sub-groups: A and B. Sub-group A contains all verbs which, given the prefix z(e)-//s~, have only locative functions sub-group В has those verbs which have other meanings. The main difference between A and В is that verbs of the latter sub-group have locative funct¬ ion only when they appear with an adverbial of place or direction, whereas A verbs do not have to be accompanied by such adverbiale.
This paper addresses the issue of shortened form of negative markers in Kalmyk. Mongolic languages have a very elaborate system of negative markers, partly inherited from the Old / Middle Mongolian negation. The current study is based on the field data from the Ketchenerovsky region, Republic of Kalmykia, as well as on two corpora (Kalmyk National Corpus and the National Corpus of Kalmyk Language). It presents a study of negative markers bišǝ and -šǝ and uga and go respectively. The study shows that there is a distribution of full and constructed version of negative markers. Full forms occur with nouns and in nonverbal predication while affixes are used mainly in verbal sentences. The distribution is also tied to several pragmatic and modal factors, for example, the marker bišǝ is used with future participle ending on -x to express the emphatic form with modal meaning, while the contracted form -šǝ with this participle is the neutral way to express negation.
The article shows what changes occur when one breaks the order of affixes in possessive noun forms in Selkup, which can reveal the occurrences of non-possessive use of possessive suffixes. Moreover, it demonstrates how 1SG.POSS and 3SG.POSS suffixes can be included into the stem of a noun and be declined according to the impersonal declination paradigm. Additionally, it describes the way in which the possessive suffixes contribute to word building.
In children’s speech there are some irregularities (mistakes in the voice articulation, mistakes in the language grammatical structure, etc.) that represent a development phenomenon in their speech-language development because they fade away and eventually completely disappear. The paper presents a case study – during longitudinal monitoring of one child's speech with proper speech-language development, speech mistakes were recorded in a time period of 3 to 6 years of age. The mistakes recorded in the morphological forms of verbs, adjectives and pronouns were analysed. The research method used participatory observation method and comparative-descriptive method.The analysis shows that mistakes usually occur in forms that in standard language differ from the correct change – the child ‘corrects’ the morphological mistakes and suffixes by incorrectly transforming the irregular forms into the regular ones, thus constructing a system of correct paradigms. Thus, in fact, child’s mistakes are often corrections to what is in the grammar irregular. These mistakes occur in the children’s speech of different mother tongues, which indicates that children first adopt the most general rules, and later learn the exceptions. They also support the assumption that there are structures in the child's brain, scientifically not explained yet, which enable the reconstruction of the system of rules, that is, the grammar of the mother tongue based on the speech sample, i.e. speech that the child hears from his environment.
The Altaist conducted a lot of researches on Altaic languages. To investigate the relationship between the Altaic languages they have established many phonological and morphological correlations. As a result of these researches, both positive and negative views on the relationship of the Altaic languages has been determined. Although there are many studies on the morphology of the Altaic languages studies on passivity suffix is limited. These studies on passivity suffix are conducted by Ramstedt, Poppe, Benzing, Gronbech, Clauson, Talat Tekin, Han-Woo Choi. The paper includes studies on the passivity suffix of the Altaic languages and depending on these studies, the situation of passivity suffix of the Altaic languages is analyzed. Furthermore, the development of passivity suffix in the old and today Turkish languages is tried to be proved with the help of some examples. As a result of the research, passivity suffix is proved mostly as voice suffix in old and today Turkish language. In Mongolian, Manchu-Tungusic and Japanese passive sentences are made with different suffixes but in Korean language voice of /-l-/ can make a passive meaning to the sentence.
Throughout the history of Turkic, the future tense affix exhibits different forms and frequently changes over time. In the modern Turkish of Turkey, the future tense suffix –acak/-ecek corresponds to several different affixes used in the Old Turkic period. In this article, the future tense suffixes used in Orkhon and Uyghur Turkic are examined, and their functions, roots, and the personal suffixes used in their conjugations are discussed. After providing a brief overview of the Göktürks, the Orkhon Inscriptions, and Orkhon Turkic in the introduction, the main concern of this article, the future tense, is introduced. Future tense verb conjugations found in the Orkhon ınscriptions, in which personal pronouns and possessive suffixes are used, are presented in tables showing how they are formed for all persons, singular and plural. After discussing the etymology of the future tense affix –DaçI, its conjugation, again showing all singular and plural persons, is presented in table format. Discussion of the future tense affixes –sIk and –çI is followed by examples found in the texts. Next, examples of the unrealized future tense are given, after which general information regarding the period of Uyghur Turkic is presented. The etymologies and conjugations of the future tense suffixes -ga and -GAy are discussed, followed by relevant examples. Future tense affixes and conjugations in Uyghur Turkic are examined in this study with the goal of contributing to future research on these topics.
After reconsidering the existing Finno-Ugric etymologies for taste and smell terms (such as ’salty’, ’sour’, ’bitter’, ’spoiled’, ’rancid’ etc.), two FU etyma for taste (and smell) of food are reconstructed: *kćɜ(rɜ/-kɜ) ’sour, salty, bitter’ (in a positive sense), denoting, in its optimal sense, the sour-salty taste of fermented food, and in its maximum expression (mainly in derivatives) the taste of too sour or too salty (up to unpleasant) food (in modern Udmurt the meaning is ’salty’); and *kačke ’spoiled, rancid, uneatable’ with derivatives (suffix *-mз) meaning ’smoke, burning’ or ’mould’. Possibly, the two reconstructed roots could represent cases of Proto-Finno-Ugric palatal—velar alternation similar to the Hungarian döböz ’small box’ ~ doboz ’box’. From the historical point of view it is important that these reconstructions demonstrate the absence of the use of salt in the dietary and food-preservation tradition among the speakers of Proto-Finno-Ugrian, which relates to hunting and fishing being the base of their economy and accounts for the later borrowings of words for salt from different sources.
The article analyses the structure and derivation of Udmurt meteorological vocabulary. Three structural types of the meteo terms are distinguished, namely, one-word terms (roots and derivatives), compound terms, and phrases. Root terms consist of a single root morpheme. Many of them are old words without a transparent etymology. The derivatives appear to have chosen from a list of 17 suffixes. Compound terms consist of two components written either solidly or with a hyphen. The phrasal terms display 19 structural patterns, which use all parts of speech, auxiliaries included.
This paper constitutes a discussion with Piotr Tomaszewski’s work Constraints on Negative Prefixation in Polish Sign Language, where he claims that morphological negation marker taking the form of circular movement of the wrist preceding positive signs is a prefix subject to several grammatical constrains. As part of a large-scale project aiming to examine negation markers in PJM, we conduct a study similar to the one proposed by Tomaszewski. We rely our research on the linguistic material available in the PJM corpus that is being currently compiled by the Section for Sign Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. We investigate videos showing more than a dozen of native PJM signers using their language in natural communicational situations. We find most Tomaszewski’s conclusions and findings accurate. However, we cannot agree with all of the proposed constraints on the negation morpheme. We argue that the morpheme in question is used more freely by the PJM users than Tomaszewski is willing to admit.
While English-Polish language contact results chiefly in English lexical loans, the influence of English on Polish in recent decades has not been limited to lexis and semantics. English penetrates deep into the structural patterns of Polish, and English N+N compound loanwords and loanblends become models for Polish structural neologisms, whose coining may be seen as a violation of native word-formation rules or, at best, as the boosting of a native potential yet non-productive word-formation pattern. It is argued in the article that the increasing productivity of the word-formation rule for deriving right-headed interfixless N+N compounds in Polish is a by-product of intensive lexical borrowing from English. The article explains the mechanism that is responsible for the contact-induced increased productivity (or perhaps the adoption) of a word-formation rule in the recipient language and illustrates it with corpus-sourced material. Most of the newly coined contact-induced N+N formations in Polish are hybrid creations formed in series by analogy to English structural models. The identified formal features of the analysed N+N compounds place them outside of the traditionally recognized types of Polish compounds.
In this paper, based on long-term research and scientific theoretical foundations, the author looks into the issues of embodiment in cognitive metaphors. Grounding on her experiences, she engages in the matter of metaphorical competence and presents the forms of metaphorical cognition, its most common manifestations, as well as the web of metaphors and its mapping factors.
This paper presents the material about the pronunciation and distribution of five vow els and sonants with a vowel function: r, l, n, and nj. Vowel reduction, vowel substitution and non-standard vowel articulation are typical for these, speeches as, other western Ser bian speeches. Pronunciation of vowels e and o after the accented syllable and the reduc tions of the vowel i in medial and final position are distinctive features of these speech es. The distribution of sonants with a vowel function is much more widespread than in the standard language.
The article is another of a series on Erzyan dialects spoken in the villages of the Novaja Malykla district of the Ulyanovsk region. It relies on field data collected by the authors during linguistic expeditions to areas of compact Erzyan population outside the Republic of Mordovia. Contrastive analysis has revealed that the system of possessive suffixes used in the area is more complete and archaic than in the Erzya literary language and other dialects. The isolated development of the dialects in question has contributed to the preservation of the ancient system of possessive suffixes up to now. This system uses all four series of possessive suffixes to render personal possessive relations. The ancient suffix *-nt > -nt/-ńt' is used to express the plurality of the possessed in the second series of toń ’your’. In the third and fourth series of the set minek ’our’, the opposition between the two ancient possessive suffixes *-mVk > -mok/-ḿek and *-nVk > -nok/-ńek has been preserved. In the first series of moń ’my’ -m is used, while -n/-ń is used in the second series; in the first series of toń ’your’ -t/-t' is used; in the first series of sonze͔ ’his/her’ -zo/-ze͔/-so/-se͔ is used, while -nzo/-nze͔ is used in the second series; in the third and fourth series of ti̮nk ’your’ -nk is used; in the third series of si̮nst ’their’ -sk (-st) is used, while -st (-sk) is used in the fourth series.