The Translational Turn in Modernism Studies
The recent historiographic and methodological developments show that modernismstudies has undergone all the stages necessary to diagnose a “translational turn” ina given discipline: the expansion of the thematic field of research to encompass the historyand poetics of literary translation, the increasing metaphorisation of the notion of translationin the narratives on intercultural expansion, transmission and transformation of art,and, finally, the methodological refinement (“conceptual leap”) in the course of which thecategory of translation acquired an epistemological value and transdisciplinary application.Abstract: The recent historiographic and methodological developments show that modernism studies has undergone all the stages necessary to diagnose a “translational turn” in a given discipline: the expansion of the thematic field of research to encompass the history and poetics of literary translation, the increasing metaphorisation of the notion of translation in the narratives on intercultural expansion, transmission and transformation of art, and, finally, the methodological refinement (“conceptual leap”) in the course of which the category of translation acquired an epistemological value and transdisciplinary application.