„Змейова сватба“ на Петко Ю. Тодоров и „Горска песен“ на Леся Украинка
The article takes a view over the typological similarity of the play „Dragon's wedding“ (a work with highlighted decorative and secession elements) by the Bulgarian writer Petko J. Todorov and the dramatic fairy-tale „Forest Song“ (attributed to the works of neo-romanticism) by the Ukrainian writer Lessya Ukrainka for the first time. It doesn't analyze the direct dependence of the two works, but their typology – the parallel use by Todorov and Lessya Ukrainka of the chromatic code, natural topographies (mountain, landscape, lake, forest, cave), vegetative symbolism, kissing and simil., centered around the image of the Woman and the general concept of the authors for „aesthetics“ in the art.