Raziile forţelor de ordine în bisericile sucevene și în Biserica Sfânta Ecaterina din Constanţa – exemple că libertatea religioasă poate fi pusă între paranteze
Recently, the Romanian mainstream press reported that crews made up of police, Romanian Jandarmerie and inspectors of the Public Health Department carried out raids in several churches in Suceava County, fining some believers and clerics for non-compliance with health protection measures. The event is not a singular one, because at the church of Saint Catherine of Constanţa, during the Holy Liturgy, the parishioners were taken out by the police, legitimized and some of them even fined, under the pretext that during the quarantine, the services are organized only outside the places of worship. In this paper the author attepts to analyze these events from a legal point of view, presenting, at the same time, the natural consequences that derive from committing them.