Прва наша послератна критика класика марксизма
early in 1952, Dušan nedeljković gave a series of lectures on the subject of “the Contradictions and Fronts of Contemporary Philosophy“ at the Kolarac People’s University. Among other things, the lectures were about the limitations in the works of the classics of marxism-Leninism – marx, engels and Lenin. What is more, he spoke about their errors. the lectures provoked critical reactions from Zagorka mićić, Vuko Pavićević and Ivan Laća, published in Književne novine. nedeljković responded to them. It was the first more extensive philosophic polemic after the World War II in serbia. the topic of the polemic were the teachings of marxism’s classics, which had never been critically discussed before by our philosophers. nedeljković never published the script of his lectures. they marked the begining of the end of his career as a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy.