Avangarda i politika
One always searches for some symbolic point from which one can claim that something ended and something else began, even though there are no beginnings and no endings.
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One always searches for some symbolic point from which one can claim that something ended and something else began, even though there are no beginnings and no endings.
In this collection of essays, Habermas takes up and pursues the line of analysis begun in The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. He begins by outlining the sources and central themes of twentieth century philosophy, and the range of current debates. He then examines a number of key contributions to these debates, from the pragmatic philosophies of Mead, Peirce and Rorty to the poststructuralism of Foucault. Like most contemporary thinkers, Habermas is critical of the Western metaphysical tradition and its exaggerated conception of reason. In opposition to the radical critics of Western philosophy, Habermas argues that postmetaphysical thinking can remain critical only if it preserves the idea of reason while stripping it of its metaphysical trappings.
The inclusion of literary study is a distinctive trait of the modern, scientific university. But this legitimation of a ¨division of literature¨ has been from the beginning a tenuous, ambivalent, and divisive affair. Why and what effect? These questions guide Peggy Kamuf's analysis of the complex history of literary study in the modern university and orient her critical reading of developments from the French Revolution through the nineteenth century and beyond in Europe. She then turns to one of the most troubling works in the American literary canon – Melville's The Confindence- Men – to show academic literary history has avoided confronting the implications of works in which meaning is never solely confined within a past. By enganging a future readership to which it applies for credit, Kamuf argues, literature cannot serve as a stable object of study. It locates, rather, a site of ¨the university in deconstruction¨.
According to Hare’s device, an adequate association of two mutually akin but independent theoretical disciplines – metaethics (universal prescriptivism) and normative ethics (utilitarianism) – enables the formation of the complete and coherent moral system. The main subject of this book is reception and critical analysis of Hare’s constructivism; but much more attention is dedicated to the substantive aspect of his doctrine, where idea of all-encompassing ethical theory is fully developed and crystallized. In Hare’s opinion, the fact that something like this is possible is approved by detailed inquiry of the structure of so-called “moral thinking”, which, although in theory divided into three plateaus or levels, in practice can operate as unique faculty. The first part of the book considers Hare’s metaethical doctrine, i.e. metaethical level of moral thinking. This part especially analyzes semantic and logical properties of the moral words and judgments, which Hare grasps and marks off as elements that constitute specific ethical theory in narrow sense under the name of “universal prescriptivism”. Thence, it contrasts the theory with the most prominent types of rival metaethical conceptions; this is a way of showing its supremacy over them. The second part analyzes Hare’s multiple ways of connecting his metaethical with his normative doctrine, which is in formal sense determined as “Kantian utilitarianism”, and in substantive sense as “preference-utilitarianism”. Critical references to both dimensions of utilitarian doctrine aim at indication on scopes and limits of Hare’s ambitious redefinition of the doctrine. In addition, this part accessorily affirms a proposal about certain more rigorous terminological delimitation of different kinds of normativity. Further on it discusses about so-called “necessary ingredients” of moral reasoning, where special attention is being paid on element of “sympathetic imagination”, which Hare grasps in his developed theory not only as a normative demand but also as a logical thesis. Finally, it considers kinds of preferences that can or cannot be recognized (with help of established set of criteria) as morally relevant. The third (the last) part displays so-called “two-level theory” of normative moral thinking (“intuitive” level and “critical” level), including goals that are intended by its establishing. Given Hare’s holism, the metaethical level, considered as fundamental or the “third” level, has notable effect on process of normative reasoning, especially if it is taken as one of the determinant of the critical moral thinking. Upon examining the (utilitarian) character of the theory, its plausibility is verified in the light of its application to one specific theoretical realm – the realm of philosophy of moral upbringing and education.
8. i 9. decembra 2004. godine, tačno dva meseca nakon smrti francuskog filozofa Žaka Deride |Jacques Derrida|, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Narodna biblioteka Srbije, organizovali su kolokvijum posvećen radu i teorijskim uticajima jednog od najznačajnijih mislilaca prošloga stoleća. Podelivši tematski u četiri celine (književnost, umetnost, filozofija i politika) izlaganja u kojima su se čule različite recepcije, čitanja, tumačenja, pozivanja i opozivanja dela Žaka Deride, namera organizatora bila je da artikuliše tek osnovne registre filozofije koju je negovao, predavao i pisao. Namera je bila, isto tako, da se ovom prilkom, zajedno, progovori o prihvatanju Deridine filozofije i o njenom uticaju na ovim prostorima.
This book consists of eight chapters, which encompass various themes, such as the nature of philosophical thinking, methodology of social sciences, problems in political philosophy, character of the human nature and rationality, problems of philosophy of mind and question of rule-following in philosophy of language, all conjoined by Wittgenstein’s late philosophy.
Po svemu sudeći, forma traktata zahtijeva, odmah na početku, jedan kratak komentar ili objašnjenje, koje se tiče tzv. unutrašnje arhitekture ovog doista specifičnog oblika i-spisa ili o-pisa različtih tema i problema. Čini se da je u pravu Walter Benjamin kada je svojevremeno u jednom pasažu svoje znamenite „Jednosmjerne ulice“, zapisao: Traktat je arapska forma. Po spoljašnjem izgledu je neuredan i neupadljiv; nalik je tako fasadama arapskih zdanja čija organizacija počinje tek u dvorištu. Ni organizovana struktura traktata ne može se spolja primetiti nego se otkriva tek iznutra. Kada je sastavljen u poglavljaima, ona nemaju svoje verbalne naslove nego su označena brojkama. Površ njegovih rasprava nije obojena živopisno, već je štaviše, prekrivena ornamentalnim prepletima čije se vijuganje nigde ne prekida. U ornamentalnoj gustini takvog načina izlaganja, poništava se razlika između tematskih izvođenja i digresija.“ (W. Benjamin, Izabrana dela 1, JP Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2011, u sjajnom prevodu Jovice Aćina).
The paper deals with the Russian folk tales and predictions describing the wedding rites and roles of their participants with regard not only to the ceremony itself but also to its meaning. These elements, i.e. roles, action, meaning are reflected via the present and future states that the participants are and will be in. The fiancée is presented as a key character from the point of view of her role and meaning in the stages of the ceremony. The world of objects is described as a special one with regard to the reality and the impact this world has upon a human being and vice versa. The author suggests a number of attitudes towards the potential, virtual typologies connected with the meanings of the paradigmatic units. The units are presented with regard to their structure and position in general semantics.
The text analyzes the possibilities to think of pure language as indicated in the harmonization of modes of intention in the translation activity. This language is, in a sense, a regulative idea and it have to be liberated in translation. It is essential to distinguish between the modes of intention and intended objects, between what is named in pure language and what is „overnamed“ in human languages. One of the theses in this text – that language in its auto-relation undergoes auto-modalization – makes the connection with Kierkegaard's understanding of the impossibility of direct communication. The indication of the untranslatable is an opportunity in the language of the translator to insert as indicated the elusive in the translation and thus to introduce the use of a broken language. Awakening of the "echo of the original" means a „thinking more“ (according to Kant) through the figure.
Analytic description, according to members of the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) like Czeżowski, Ajdukiewicz, Ossowska, Tarski is a powerful and an indispensable tool, not only in philosophy but also in any natural science – in psychology especially. It should be equally respected together with empirical analysis and even it is recommended that it should precede any further research. Therefore, the book Analiza i konstrukcja: o metodach badania pojęć w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej [Analysis and construction: on the methods of researching concepts in the Lvov-Warsaw School] can be recommended to philosophers as well as scientists.
The paper deals with Russian folk tales and legends describing the cycle of birth, actions and roles of their protagonists with regard not only to their present state and condition but also to their future ones. The woman in childbirth is presented as a key character from the point of view of her role and meaning in the stages preceding the birth of a human being. The world of objects is described as a special one with regard to the reality, influencing people and being influenced by them. The author suggests a number of attitudes towards the potential, virtual typologies connected with the meanings of the paradigmatic units. The units are also discussed in terms of their internal structure and position in general semantics.
The paper deals with Russian folk tales and legends describing death, dying, actions and roles of their protagonists with regard not only to their present state and condition but also to their future ones. The image of Death as a significant figure has been characterized from the point of view of its various meanings. The world of objects is described as a special one with regard to the reality, influencing people and being influenced by them. The author suggests a number of attitudes towards the potential, virtual typologies connected with the meanings of the paradigmatic units. The units are also discussed in terms of their internal structure and position in general semantics.
In her novels, Ananda Devi has always known how to immerse us in texts ennobled by local paintings where matrix India appears through the representation of a Cosmogonic universe dominated by magico-spiritual symbolism. Certain homogeneous interpretations, the fruit of historical constructions, obscure, even sometimes neglect, the deeply rooted heterogeneity of Indian traditions in Mauritius. This “bipolar contrast” (Sen, 2007), the sum of imaginary splices and cultural inter-fusion, nevertheless constitutes the humus of the Mauritian identity built over the course of colonial history. The author then illustrated herself through her writings as a major figure in this form of binary representation of the Mauritian universe. Our study aims at revealing the imaginary amalgams that circulate in Devis texts, starting from forms of discourse and knowledge surreptitiously disseminated in motifs such as the “sari” and “the hair”. By relying on an ethnocritical analysis grid, we will show how the Devi’s ethnotexts (Motsch, 2000), manage by a meiotic effect, to shape a “new humanism” at the antipodes of “orientalist representations” (Said, 1978) and ethnocentric of India as seen by the West.
The aim of the volume "Bulgarian Voices Abroad. Philosophical Accents" is to present the main ideas and achievements of authors of Bulgarian origin - philosophers, intellectuals and cultural figures, who worked mainly abroad, such as Dr. Petar Beron, Radoslav Tsanov, Yanko Yanev, Georgi Gachev, Assen Ignatov, Tsvetan Todorov, Julia Kristeva and others. This "outward looking" view also allows us a reverse perspective: turning the look to ourselves becomes an occasion to see ourselves through the eyes of the other, to rethink the specifics of the foreign and the own/native. The point of view of one who is sufficiently "other", distanced from events and paradigms, can give us an unbiased assessment of them. At the same time, he is sufficiently near to "us" for his analyzes to be relevant to "our" reality as well.
The book "Introduction to Logic: Classical Propositional Logic" is the first part of an introduction to logic which is intended primarily for students in humanities and related subjects. The book presents not only the main information about propositional logic, whereas an accent is put on the notion of entailment. The reader is gradually introduced to techniques enabling investigation of semantic properties of formulas and methods of formal demonstration as well as their applications in the field of natural language. The book involves a number of practical examples; a great portion of them practise constructing negations and equivalents and checking arguments.
The second volume of Jaroslav Střítecký’s Studies and Essays contains a total of 40 texts. Both extensive studies with notes and loose texts are represented. These include, in particular, the author’s forewords and afterwords accompanying his belles-lettres, journal articles and short glosses. Thematically, they cover all the important disciplines in which Střítecký contributed during his life: philosophy, history, sociology, musicology, aesthetics and literary science.
After a theoretical review of the studies of dreams in anthropologically oriented research, the author especially considers folkloristic studies of the dreams symbolism, as well as the dream stories as a genre. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the analysis of field narratives – the stories of prophetic dreams. The focus is on the problems of the interpretation logic, the way of fitting into the autobiographical experience, and the relationship between the individual conceptions of dreams symbolism and the traditional matrices.
Syntax is seen as the synthetic construction of complex linguistic signs bringing together different areas of experience through the sign function, and is integrated with semantics to account for communicational reality and the nature of meaning. The disposing factors at the interface between experience and verbal means in the application of signs are investigated with detailed examples. The analysis of verbal constructs provides linguistic perspectives on a range of philosophical issues, and illuminates the role of language in what it is to be human. The work consists of thematically related papers, and takes a broadly Saussurean/functionalist “European” approach.
Didactics is a function of an educational system based on examination-observation of the people who participate in the process of teaching and learning. In the process of conveying knowledge this observation of a student by a teacher/master, and vice versa, every now and then builds a practice of independent thinking. On the one hand, the process enables the development of ideas, but, on the other hand, also distorts them and exposes a humanities student to the pitfall of ideology. In my reflections about the disassembly of ideas and deteriorating education I shall make use of the concept of cognitive bias, the polemic about the contemporary University (Bill Readings), the concept of Jacques Lacan’s discourses, Hannah Arendt’s findings about willing and ideology, and Niklas Luhmann’s assumptions of social systems theory understood as autopoietic systems of codified rules of operation.