Around the Bloc: Russia and Ukraine Locked in Gas-Related Court Battle
A four-year dispute over gas deliveries between Russian and Ukrainian energy giants ended in a court ruling on Wednesday, only to spark new disagreements.
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A four-year dispute over gas deliveries between Russian and Ukrainian energy giants ended in a court ruling on Wednesday, only to spark new disagreements.
There are effects of many evaluations, changes and improvements in the occurance of “Strategy from the Past to Nowadays” and choosing the appropriate strategy for the projects. Evaluation phases of businesses in the industry are being formed intermittently and in long term. The improvement phases of management in both the World countries and Turkey are being witnessed by the applications of vision and strategy. Strategic evaluations of the businesses have been witnessed by the effection of environment, shared vision, strategic decisions and strategic management. Also industrial and economical improvements have been occured due to similar shared visions and strategic decisions in Turkey. After the establishment of Turkish Republic, Atatürk’s shared visions, strategic decisions, political affairs, hopes, successes and enthusiasms affected the progressing of economy, industry and productivity. Emphasis has been put to these issues in our country nowadays. Technological product needs of Turkish Republic has to be met without being dependent to foreign sources. One of our indispensable strategic goal has to be always increasing our economical power by selling the products in the oversea trades.
It is thought that the expenditures of the public in the form of investment, education, health, defense, infrastructure and economic subventions directly or indirectly increase economic growth. For the period 1995-2016, the study investigated whether public spending increased economic growth with the help of panel cointegration analysis under Cross-Sectional Dependence for 21 OECD member countries. Findings obtained as a result of Westerlund-Edgerton Lagrange Multiplier Bootstrap cointegration analysis negate the relationship between public expenditures and economic growth and this result is statistically significant.
Strategic roadmaps of national economy and its basic sectors are called to provide an economic competitiveness, its inclusion and increasing of social welfare because of the sustainable economic development of Azerbaijan. Because of investment mobilization, a positive environment for free competitiveness, an access to markets and growth of human`s asset, Azerbaijan will reinforce its positions in the World Economy and become one of the most developed country as a response to global challenges. In this article, you will find an analysis of economic situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, also a research of accepted “Road maps”.
State space agency hopes potential collaboration results in launch station that could become Asia’s main spaceport and help replace lost business after Crimea annexation.
This article assesses the current challenges to water management in the Tisza River basin. We overview the environmental characteristics of the Tisza river basin and consider the economic setting within which water policy making must be conducted, before characterizing the principal water pollution sources in the region and assessing water quality monitoring data. We then compare the current status of the region’s waters to the normative goals for water quality improvement specified in the European Union Water Framework Directive. Lastly, we assess the future outlook for water quality in the Tisza basin, given the current status of water quality in the region and the prospects for successfully implementing water policy objectives.
The article presents the information on the financing of cultural institutions from private sources. The involvement of sponsors in the budget of cultural institutions is minimal. However, in recent times we have a growing interest in companies sponsoring culture. As companies began to recognize the benefits of sponsorship.
Existence of undeclared income is a phenomenon, which is damaging for economic and social reasons. It has got a negative influence on the Budget and economic development of a country. This illegal practice is a serious problem of Polish Public Authorities. Therefore there is a necessary of effective taxation of undeclared income by fiscal authorities. The limitation of illegal tax evasion is a purpose of undeclared income taxation.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of foreign companies that have already entered Macedonia in any mode of entry by finding out the factors and motives that influenced their decision making while choosing the proper mode for that particular market. As a research methodology for collecting initial data, a structured questionnaire is used with 28 variables as factors which influence decision making of the modes of entry into the foreign market. A statistical software was used in order to evaluate the variables used in the study. The raised hypothesis were tested using One Sample T-test. According to the obtained results, the variables political stability and the law on foreign investments seem to be as more important factors for companies that operate in Macedonia. Finally, companies need to analyze the internal and external factors from the environment in order to able to create strategies to operate in the domestic and international markets.
Given the fact that Kosovo was in a difficult economic situation, it became a member of CEFTA, so that domestic producers could export their goods, benefit from free trade, attract foreign investors, and also it was seen as an opportunity for integration into the European Union (EU). After the signing of this agreement, eventhough expectations were optimistic about economic development, the agreement was not fully implemented. Kosovo, compared to other SouthEast European countries that are also members of this agreement, has been discriminated against in terms of export of domestic products and the number of foreign investors has decreased. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of this agreement on Kosovo's economic development. For analyzing the macroeconomic indicators affected by this agreement, analytical methods were used, and interviews were conducted with a local producer as well as with an economic expert. The results of this research show that the CEFTA 2006 agreement did not have the expected positive impact on the development of the economy in Kosovo.
The functions of the modern capitalist state that were applied and demonstrated in USA during the 2008 financial-economic crisis, both as a respond to, and a solution of the financial–economic crisis (first of all, the anti-cyclic nature of the applied fiscal and monetary policies, exactly as determined and recommended by John Maynard Keynes), have theoretically, ideologically and politically troubled exactly the determination and definition of the social–economic functions of the modern capitalist state. That is, primarily the concrete concept and the concrete ways of anticrisis application of the fiscal and monetary policy have clarified to the extreme limits the problem of the theoretical and ideologically political identity of the modern capitalist state. This clarification of the problem of theoretical and ideologically–political identity of the modern capitalist state in the societal field of social–economic relations, complemented and strengthened through the previously conducted reform of the health care system from the position of strengthening the power, competencies and functions of the modern American capitalist state, has also imposed the interest in the phenomenon of the so-called Big Government to the theoretical and ideologically–political plan. It is understandable and very normal that this interest that is especially and primarily theoretically and ideologically–political, has occurred and was demonstrated exactly by the American theoretical and ideologically political (Republican) right wing. So it happened that among the other striking theoretical and ideologically- political products and reactions appeared ultra (neo) conservative and ultra (neo) liberal Tea party movement, as well. If we sublimate, the (neo) conservative and (neo) liberal reaction to the awakening of the left–capitalist/capitalist interventionist “Big Government” is located and moving along the theoretical and ideologically political path of emphasizing the loss of the civil/individual freedom for the interest of expansion and growth of the state/ bureaucratic powers and functions. That is, the subordination of the civil/individual interest is explicated theoretically and ideologically-politically as being exerted for the benefit of the prevalence of the state / bureaucratic interests. Within this thematic and problem context, besides and after the reform of the health care system, the theoretical and ideologically political troubling of the phenomena of the very intensive strengthening and expansion of the ”Big Government” in USA is included and manifested exactly in and through the concrete provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act. It is so because this Act, on the basis of the strengthening and expansion of the theoretical and ideologically political concept of the state interventionism (the concept and the policies of the “Big Government”) regulates/reforms the social–economic area of the financial markets. It is an Act (Wall Street Reform) which from the theoretical and ideologically political positions of the capitalist state interventionism should essentially enable and provide stability, accountability and transparency of the financial markets and protection for the customers of those markets.
Investment attractiveness of the region is an important factor in its economic development. In the era of globalization and the absence of trade barriers, the regions must be developed to be attractive in many aspects for potential investors. Among the factors determining investment attractiveness of regions are: the availability of transport, labor costs, size and quality of labor force, market of the absorption, level of development of economic infrastructure, social infrastructure, level of public safety and activity of the region to investors. The funds of the Regional Operational Programme are set to increase the investment attractiveness of the region. By July 2011, 139 162 257 PLN has been allocated, that allowed to cofinance 10 projects related to creating and enabling investment areas in West Pomerania province. Actions taken under the funded projects were among the factors relevant to the investment attractiveness of the region, such as transport availability and level of development of economic infrastructure.
Ohne Rücksichtsnahme auf Grösse, Gestaltung und Eigenschaft einer Organisation wird sie durch ihre Umgebung beeinflußt. Die Wirtschaftkrise, die ein Bestandteil der Umgebung ist, übt einen wichtigen Einfluß auf die Funktionierung der Organisation aus. Ungünstige Lage der Organisation, wie der Staat ist, hat direkte Auswirkung auf andere Organisationen, wie Unternehmen. Jede Organisation hat feste Beziehungen mit ihrer Umgebung, dank deren sie funktionieren und sich entwickeln kann. Bei heutiger globaler Gesellschaft in Hinsicht auf ökonomische Fragen darf man nicht nur über eine lokale Krise sprechen. Durch den Zusammenbruch der Finanzmärkte in der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika wurden wirtschaftliche Folgeerscheinungen in mehren Ländern der Welt verursacht. Aktuelle Wirtschaftssituation hat es zur Folge, dass Unternehmen und Institutionen auf ganzer Welt Unterstützung seitens Regierungen und derer Eingriff in den Markt brauchen, um erhaltenzubleiben. Die auf Kosten der Steigerung von Haushaltsfehlbetrag eingefürten Unterstützungsprojekte, die den Schutz von Arbeitsplätzen als Ziel haben, sollen die Folgen der Wirtschaftkrise vorbeugen oder lockern.
The world is going through one of the biggest crisis in history. Countries spend great amounts of money to ease the effects of that crisis. As sources of that capital are in major new loans and bond issues, it causes increase of public debts. The current crisis is therefore a moment, when questions about ways of avoiding such troubles are being asked. One of the reasons of an economic crisis is much fluctuations of currencies exchange rate. Those fluctuations can be caused by speculative capital movements, interested in short-term profit. Since the fall of Bretton Woods system, when fixed currencies exchange have been replaced by floating one, there have been over 70 currency crises, many of them with major repercussions. One of the possible ways to fight too much fluctuations along with gaining capital needed to ease the effects of a crisis is to levy a special tax on all trade of currency across borders, which is called a Tobin tax. The author of the article is trying to evaluate the concept of such tax, its effectiveness, implications, pros and cons.
The article presents the activities undertaken within the project SPEED Stargard Employee – the Effective Education and Learning, co-financed by the European Social Fund and national budget within the Human Capital Operational Programme, Sub-measure 8.1.1 Support to developing professional qualifications and counseling for enterprises. The project was tailored for adult working persons, employees in micro, small, medium and big enterprises seated in the Stargard region, who undertake their own initiative to increase job qualifications beyond working hours. The activities in the project concern the training courses in management technique – human resources management, lean manufacturing, sales techniques, marketing and public relations, controlling. To increase the communication competencies there are two English courses offered (basic and intermediate level). All the courses are interactive, completed with the examination. The participants (238 people) are representing mainly big and medium enterprises, small and micro are minor. The training projects finances out of the structural funds and dedicated to micro, small, medium and big enterprises in the term of decreasing is one of the best tool to increase the work effectiveness and motivation, management standards, prevent the crisis results and increase the economy results in the region. It also has an impact to the increase of the employee attractiveness’ on the labour market as well as job maintenance.
The article covers a problem of local development modeling. The necessary condition, under which the implementation of this process is the most effective, is the utilization of objective methods and measures of analysis and evaluation of local economic potential. Only such a complex activity, comprising a long-term economic policy encompassing a development strategy preparation and a long-term financial planning, enables to implement multi-year development programs and investment projects, and thus allows to achieve the established strategic aims of munipalities’ development.
The study attempts at evaluating the share in the state taxes as a source of income for independent cities in the times of economic crises, from the perspective of desirable characteristics of these cities’ incomes. What results from the analysis is that the income from the share in the state taxes is characterised by neither stability nor certainty. It is flexible and consequently – it decreases in the times of economic downturn. This is proved by numerical data concerning the total income of independent cities and the incomes of the cities of Szczecin and Poznań in 2003−2009 (the first 6 months).
Modern technologies have been gaining in importance in economic and social life in recent years. The services of e-administration start to play an increasingly significant role for the state as well as for the society. In this paper the author has presented results of a study on the use of e-administration services by consumers in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe, i.e. in Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. The findings allow us to notice similarities and differences in social and economic attributes of clients using e-administration services in particular countries. The knowledge may be useful in shaping social and economic policy connected with creating an information society. The study has been conducted for the needs of a research project: „Consumer on the Market of e-Services in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe” realized by the Institute for Market, Consumption and Business Cycles Research (IBRKK). The project has been financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The author is the manager of the project.
Stimulation of growth of small and medium enterprises (SME) is frequently more mentioned among these areas of economic policy, which can contribute for hard correction of socio-economic situation in many regions of Poland. Polish enterprises are weaker according staff, capital and technology than enterprises in EU. Therefore, requirement of support of SME sector is indispensable for alignment of difference among micro, small and medium enterprises in Poland and EU. Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) is one of instrument of support SME on regional level. The article presents approach for creation of innovative of enterprise in in West Pommeranian province. Analysis of the document provokes putting of thesis, that regional government in realization RIS in West Pommeranian province can meet barriers limiting real accustom of innovations by SME. This article explains why this thesis can be reasonable.
Budgeting is important instrument of financial management. Contemporary finances encompass also environmental protection issues and because of that it is so important for enterprises to use only the most effective instruments in this area. Such instruments are cost budgets and expense budgets of pro-ecological activities.