Neo-liberal Globalization in the Clash of Civilizations
Like some other new notions and phenomena such as multiculturalism, clash of civilizations, bioethics, the term globalization has become known only quite recently. The terms “globalize” and “globalism” were coined in a treatise published sixty years ago. Although the noun “globalization” first appeared in a Webster’s Dictionary of American English in 1961, as recently as to the mid-1980s, words such as “global”, “globality”, “globalization” and “globalism”, as well as concepts of “global market” or “global ecology” were virtually unknown. Before the last decades of the twentieth century, discussions of world affairs nearly always invoked the vocabulary of “international” rather than “global” relations. Although an Americanism in the first instance, during the last two decades notions of globalization have quickly spread across dozens of other languages. The recent popularity of this new term resulted with numerous controversial definitions of globalization. In normative terms, some people have associated “globalization” with progress, prosperity and peace. For others, however, the word has conjured up deprivation, disaster and doom. No one is indifferent, but many are confused.