The economic significance of shale gas in Poland cannot be underestimated. In 2010 Poland was considered among the most promising of European countries for replicating the American shale gas boom. A study undertaken in 2011 by the United States Energy Information Administration placed Poland first among European countries in terms of technically recoverable reserves. Later reports downgraded the estimate of recoverable gas. In the EU member states were increasing reliance on imports from outside the EU, especially from Federation of Russia. For instance France currently imports gas from Algeria, the Netherlands, Russia and Norway, the UK from Norway and the Netherlands and LNG from Qatar. In addition, geopolitical factors may make shale gas in the EU more expensive to produce, and there are also infrastructure challenges. Other challenges include fracking litigation both in the United States and UK with the potential aftermath for European courts. In the United States, landowners often stand to benefit financially from drilling on their property—if they own the underground resources, they may receive a bonus or royalties upon leasing to an oil company in order to develop the resources. On the other hand, among the many obstacles in further development of shale gas might be the possible impacts of hydraulic fracturing on the environment and on human health.