Review of: 1. MARUTYAN, Harutyun: Hay ink’nut’yan patkeragrut’yun [Iconography of Armenian Identity]. Volume I: Ts’eghaspanut’yan hishoghut’yun ev Gharabaghyan sharzhum [The Memory of Genocide and the Karabakh Movement]. Yerevan: Gitutyun, 2009, 427 pp., 254 ill. – (Hishoghut’yan azgagrut’yun 2 [Anthropology of Memory 2]) MARUTYAN, Harutyun: Iconography of Armenian Identity. Volume I: The Memory of Genocide and the Karabakh Movement. Yerevan: Gitutyun Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia. 2009, XVI, 415 pp., 254 ill. – (Anthropology of Memory 2) by: Levon Abrahamian 2. P. AVETISYAN–B. GASPARYAN– A. KALANTARYAN– A. SAHAKYAN (eds): Ginin hayots’ avandakan ashkharhum – Wine in Traditional Armenian Culture. 2005, Yerevan: Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS RA, 306 pp., ill. by: Ditta Dukai 3. Levon ABRAHAMIAN–Aghasi TADEVOSYAN–Tamara HAKOBYAN (eds.): Avandakan yev ardiakan hayots’ mshakuyt’um [Tradition and Modernity in Armenian Culture] – Collection of the Conference materials held on November 26−28, 2009 in the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Yerevan: Gitutyun, 2010. (Hay Zhoghovrdakan Mshakuyt’ XV) by: Satenik Mkrtchyan 4. Hranush KHARATYAN (ed.) Patmut’yunner aghk’atut’yan masin [Stories on Poverty]. Yerevan: Lusakn, 2001, 432 pp. KHARATYAN, Hranush–MARUTYAN, Harutyun (eds) Patmut’yunner aghk’atut’yan masin [Stories on Poverty]. Book 2. Yerevan: The “Hazarashen” Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies NGO, 2007, 544 pp. by: Gayane Shagoyan 5. Левон АБРАМЯН. Беседы у дерева. М.: Языки славянских культур, (Язык. Семиотика. Культура. Малая серия). 2005, 272 c. ABRAHAMIAN, Levon: Armenian Identity in a Changing World. (Armenian Studies Series, Number 8) Costa Mesa, Cal.: Mazda Publishers, Inc., 2006, 406 pp. by: Gayane Shagoyan 6. Ethnographic Maps in the National Atlas of Armeniaby: Hamlet Sargsyan 7. SOUL FOOD Monographs on two Armenian cemeteries Dr. ISSEKUTZ, Sarolta (ed.) Örmény halottkultusz és temetkezés. Erzsébetváros és örmény katolikus temetője. [Armenian Cult of the Dead and Burial. Erzsébetváros and its Armenian Catholic Cemetery] (Transylvanian Armenian Museum Vol. 13.) Budapest: Transylvanian Armenian Cultural Roots Association, 2009, 145 pp., ill. BALÁZS-BÉCSI, Attila: A szamosújvári magyar−örmény katolikus temető monográfi ája. [Monograph of the Hungarian−Armenian Catholic Cemetery of Szamosújvár]. Budapest: Armenian Minority Self-government of Budapest’s 11th district, 2002, 120 pp. ill. 8. ARMENIANS IN HUNGARY – DIASPORA STRATA 9. A CLOSER LOOK – THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT OF INTERESTS AMONG THE DIASPORA GROUPS 10. SOUL FOOD – MONOGRAPHS ON TWO ARMENIAN CEMETERIES IN TRANSYLVANIA by: Kinga Kali 11. Judit PÁL: Armeni în Transilvania. Contribuţii la procesul de urbanizare şi dezvoltare economică a provinciei / Armenians in Transylvania. Their Contribution to the Urbanization and the Economic Development of the Province. Translated by Bogdan Aldea, Cluj-Napoca: Romanian Cultural Institute, Center for Transylvanian Studies, 2005. 174 pp. 68 ill. by: Ilka Veress 12. Die Aufzeichnungen des Dominikaners Martin Grüneweg (1562 – ca. 1618) über seine Familie in Danzig, seine Handelsreisen in Osteuropa und sein Klosterleben in Polen. (Ed. Almut Bues) vol. 1−4. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2008. S. 1888 by: Bálint Kovács 13. ŐZE, Sándor–KOVÁCS, Bálint (eds) Örmény diaszpóra a Kárpát-medencében II. [Armenian Diaspora in the Carpathian Basin]. (Művelődéstörténeti Műhely – Felekezet és identitás 2.) Piliscsaba: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem 2007, 283 pp. by: Sándor Károly Molnár