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Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
There are testaments from the 16th century preserved in Kremnica state archive. They are written in Latin, German and in one sample also in Slovak language. Last wills prepared a man for a death in spiritual and secular (division of property) way. Testaments eliminated conflict between secular property and desire for an eternal life. Formally testaments consist of several parts – invocation, intitulation, profession of faith, passages about human mortality, composing of the last will and redress of sins, heritages of property, confirmation, corroborating and date formulas. The content of the testaments is an important historical source for economic, law, culture, regional history and also history of material culture and everyday life.
The aim of the author was to outline the development of the Slovak order education system on the example of three Czechoslovak order real gymnasia in Košice in the third decennium of the 20th century. It resulted in a picture of the studied gymnasia in the years 1935 – 1938. An absence of archival materials constituted a limitation to the research and processing of its results.
This paper describes the political and other influences on the foundation of the University of Košice in 1657. The surprising hesitation of the Hungarian king Leopold I and the Jesuits in Vienna in particular leads to some probable interpretations. The contemporary speculations within the Austrian Society of Jesus regarding the partition of the province in two parts and establishment of an autonomous Hungarian province are in the centre of attention.
The article presents the program of sexual education prepared and offered by Krakow Branch of the Planned Parenthood Association in the wider context of socio-political situation in Krakow (1956 – 1989). Since the beginning of the Association’s existence, the special attention was paid to the development of educational program, which concerned the different aspects of „family life“. The article is going to answer the questions about its goals, the educational tools used to achieve them and its social targets. To accurately determine the position of the Association in the city‘s community I will analyse its foundation and activities in wider context of the pre-war traditions of the organisation and the activities regarding premarital counselling undertaken by the Krakow Catholic Church.
Ludwik Maader (also quoted in sources as Lodovico or Ludovico Maader) was a composer working on Polish territory in the second half of the 18th century. He came to Jasna Góra in September 1784. He was a bandmaster until the end of 1798. Information about his life and activities is rudimentary. We know that he came to Poland from Moravia, specifically from Dub on Moravou – a small town near Olo - mouc, but unfortunately we do not know exactly his earlier activity. Requiem in Es by Ludwik Maader is preserved not only in the Ar - chives of Jasna Góra in the manuscript signed III-446. Currently we found out about four other Requiem. The source from Jasna Góra is autograph of the bandmaster and contains probably the oldest and original version of the composition. The first source is kept in the Jagiellonian Library, comes from Gidle, and was written in 1809. The second manuscript is located in the Provincial Archives of Dominican Order in Cracow and belonged to Dominican’s band in Gidle (1845). The third and fourth sources are inaccessible because of poor state of preservation. They are stored in two places: 1) Archives of the Arch - diocese of Gniezno signature II/7, belonged to the band from Grodzisk Wielkopolski, 2) Archives of the Archdiocese of Poznań – from the band in Gostyń. This article is focused on a comparison of the three manuscripts: one from Jasna Góra and two from Gidle. The author compared the content of manuscripts, the way of signing the text, vocal and instrumental parts and basso continuo.
The article investigates Dobrudzha (in the political boundaries of Bulgaria and Romania) – a zone of interpenetration of identities and cultural practices among the population as a result of its long co-habitation within the Ottoman Empire on the Black sea shores and on the banks of the lower Danube River. The author uses a syncretic approach, including observation in situ allowing both for the pointing out of the “internal” multiplicity of practices connected to one or more denominations, as well as for the outlining of ‘trans-confessional’ and the ‘trans-ethnic’ similarities – healing practices, contacts with trees, stones and springs as the intermediaries of the divine. The aim is to investigate some details, as well as to reveal common places and diversity.
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
This article presents a possible model for teaching 9th grade Literature material related to the Bible and the Old Bulgarian literature by applying the knowledge that the students have acquired during the Information Technology classes. The demonstration of the student presentations about famous Bulgarian monasteries favors the formation of teamwork skills, the creative usage of the Internet resources and the improvement of the knowledge connected with the subjects studied in 9th grade.
Conference report on an international scientific conference “Old Believers Abroad”, held in Toruń 19th-20th September 2016. The conference was devoted to various aspects of life of Old Believers’ communities outside Russia, as well as the problems of Old Believer emigration and general questions of Old Believerism.
Church practice before Easter Pass under the shroud of Christ has two names and two explanations in Bulgarian culture. The people call this practice Pass under the table. For the Bulgarian Orthodox Church this ritual honours the work of Jesus Christ and his death. According to the people, the custom is done for health, luck and forgiveness of sins. The reasons for difference in the explanation of the ritualized action are sought in the traditional worldview and centuries-old practices of the Bulgarian people.
Defended Ph.D. theses in Bulgaria in the field of linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography and art studies.
The article analyzes the linguistic and stylistic features of the work entitled «[Слово] надгробное... Кипріану...» by Gregory Tsamblak, proclaimed by the metropolitan in Kyiv around 1409. The text is characterized by a high level of verbal and artistic skill. The author uses traditional means of depiction, acts as an innovator, applying a whole system of linguistic means: units of the lexical level, artistic tropes (figures of speech): linguistic repetitions, antonyms, epithets, metaphors, comparisons. Through the use of structurally similar words and typical syntactic constructions, the artist achieves the creation of a certain architectonics of the sacred text and its rhythmization. They help to emphasize the closeness of Gregory Tsamblak to his spiritual father Cyprian, to exalt his activities, and to express the depth of the loss of his mentor. The distinctive signs of the ‘word-weaving’ style, revealed in the work, testify not only to its affiliation to the high style of religious writing, but also increased attention to the inner world of man, which corresponds to the ideas of hesychasm of that time.
Samokov is a small town with an exceptional cultural and spiritual heritage. It is founded in the 14th century as a small mining settlement and in a short time, it occupied as a significant place on the map when it is one of the major iron mining and processing centers. The Bulgarian population is strongly united around the Christian faith and ancestral roots. A significant sign of this are the five Christian churches built on the relatively small territory of the city, which for 350 years was the spiritual and administrative center of the Samokov Diocese (1557–1907). One of the most ancient churches is dedicated to the ‘Introduction of the Virgin Merry of God‘ located in the northern part of the city. The written documents refer to the existence of a small Christian church here which has been renovated and expanded at various times In its current form the church was built in 1829–1834. It was consecrated on 14.09.1834 (Crossroads Day) by Metropolitan Ignatius P. of Samokov. The church like the others in the city is partially frescoed. The iconostasis was made by Debar masters and the icons are the work of the Samokov painters founders of the famous icon painting and art school. Several ‘Jerusalems‘ written and richly ornamented on animal skin, which contain pictures from the earthly life of Christ the Savior and His mother – the Holy Virgin are well preserved. These shrouds were donated by returning pilgrims to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem whom they called ’hadji’.The church library contains many old printed liturgical books and some them date back to the 16th century. For several decades, it was working the city’s first chamber’s school and it was teaching Bulgarian children to read and write.
In this paper, the concept of solidarity will be introduced as voluntary cohesion, mutual help and support not only within a loose group, but, above all, within the whole human race. Tischner wants to help contemporary man because he is aware that contemporary man has entered a period of profound crisis of his hope. The reflection on solidarity and hope in the philosophy of Tischner represents a neuralgic point which has its justification in Christian thought. Hope is the prospect of something better which, together with mutual support, removes both fear and isolation, and brings about the development of both the individual and the community. The deepest solidarity is solidarity of conscience. The community of solidarity differs from many other communities precisely because it is “for him” that is fundamental. It is only on this foundation that the community of “we” grows.
Georgian ecclesiastical hymns and folk songs are perceived within one musical language. However, the stylistic palette of Georgian song is more diverse than that of generally more regulated chants. Nevertheless, Georgian church chants made a significant contribution to the development of expression techniques of Georgian folk music tradition. Apparently, This tendency was more manifested in the following directions: • Increase in the melody volume and centonization principle (linking the phrases) in the songs; • Differences between Acharan and Gurian songs through the Prism of changing religious situation; • Structural and dramaturgical proximity of Svan hymn-like songs and mourning song “Zari” to church hymns; • Similarity of “ghighini”, festive hymns and some merry songs, as well as “live lie” songs with church hymns; • Modal mode and parallele voices in para-liturgical hymns and folk songs.
This text analyzes – from ethnological viewpoint – a relatively short period of the history of Bulgarian ethnos, and in particular of the citizens of the town of Samokov and Samokov region. This is the period between the end of Kurdzhali genocide and (the second decade of the nineteenth century) and the Liberation of Bulgaria through the Russian – Turkish War in 1877–1878. This was the period (about half of a century) when the the Bulgarian folk religiosity was developed in a form in which it was recorded in the twentieth century. The author discusses the following characteristics of the local religiosity: The Theotokos (Virgin Mary) rules “the town of the alive,” while St. Nicolas of Myra rules “the town of the dead.”In local churches, the icon of the patron of the church is placed on the iconostasis on the right side of the icon of Jesus Christ and not on the left side of the Theotokos in contrast to the usual arrangement of the icons on the iconostasis.An important element of the celebration of Easter is that the believers visit the cemeteries immediately after the priest announces, “Christ is Risen!” The grouping of the patrons of the churches in Samokov ethnoregion is clearly expressed.