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Marija Ilić: Discourse and Ethnic Identity: The Case of the Serbs from Hungary. München–Berlin–Washington D.C., Verlag Otto Sagner, 2014. 344 oldal
U članku nastojim detektirati Krležinu antitetičku vrtešku, da uporabim Lasićev termin, prema miru u Brest-Litovsku s obzirom na Krležin zapis, polemički disput Razgovor o Brest-Litovsku (1918). Naime, iz perspektive 1918. godine Krleža Brest-litovski mir (3. ožujka 1918.) određuje kao anticipaciju “internacionalističke solidarnosti proletarijata evropskog”, kao politički manevar pro futuro (DD2, 180). Međutim, u podrupku teksta, pisanom iz perspektive 1967. godine, kao korekciju vlastite interastralne retorike upućuje kako su se već u veljači 1918. godine “sve moskovske iluzije o generalnim štrajkovima na terenu centralnih vlasti, a naročito u Berlinu” rasplinule pod “terorom soldateske”, a “lenjinska koncepcija mira u Brest-Litovsku našla se u bezizlaznoj ulici” (DD2, 188).
The article describes the possibility of using QR codes in traditional scientific monographs. By using this kind of tools authors have an opportunity to disseminate results of their work in a pose-text way. That way of publishing is attractive to authors – they gain additional opportunity to present their theses, as well as for readers, for whom such a message may be more attractive. The use of modern technologies in the process of publishing scientific monographs may also raise concerns. The consequences resulting from the tabloidization of the science sphere can be dangerous for the authority of the scientific community. The article presents an example of a monograph where authors decided to use QR codes as a complement to the traditional monograph. The publication included results of qualitative research conducted by anthropologists in Lithuania.
Purpose. The main purpose of this investigation is to formulate basic vectors of development of fashion industry in its modern understanding, and also to descript main factors of mass fashion formation as reflections of preferences of wide layers of consumer society. Determination of criteria of assimilation of “mass” and “high” fashion is considered in a context of new standards of forming of fashion project appearance in the design of a suit. Methodology. Research methodology consists in application of complex of scientific principles. During work with visual materials the objective analytical method is applied. For collection, systematization and generalization of scientific, publicistic and journalistic sources of literature the literary-analytical method is used. Originality. In the article basic directions of development of industry of fashion in the second half of ХХ century are determined. It is grounded, that this period is characterized by the radical innovations not only in the form of but also in maintenance of fashion appearances. The factors of becoming of mass fashion as reflections of advantages of wide layers of consumer society are described. Main criteria of assimilation of “haute couture” and “mass market” fashion for creation of actual fashion tendencies and appearances are determined. It is grounded, that economic growth as well as social and cultural innovations (including fashion), productively influence the forming of society way of life, at both national and international levels. Conclusions. Thus, 1960th are undeniable proof of the fact that economic growth and socio-cultural innovations (including fashion), are productively interdependent in the process of forming of society way of life, at both national and international levels. The objective factors of development surely influence the subjective perception of environment: purchaser ability and consumer requirements grow, life standards rise and possibility of their use increases, including due to development of industrial production of material achievements, – in other words, consumer society broadens actively. Exactly due to these descriptions, 1960th can be named the critical stage of fashion industry development in ХХ century.
In the article, Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands is analyzed. Drawing from Vladimir Propp’s theory the author traces the presence of structures, and stylistic and narrative features characteristic of fairy tales. In the second part of the essay, it is argued that through the use of fairy tales Burton is able to introduce the motif of the rite of passage of the main protagonist.
Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to define the concept of furniture, which influences on the development of design in the context of creating a harmonious architectural environment. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists in applying such scientific methods as analysis, synthesis. The comparative method is used for studying historical, art, encyclopaedic literature on the research problem; theoretical – historical-chronological is used to determine the specificity of innovation in the analyzed periods; empirical methods – in particular, the method of measurement, which is used to study and analyse the archival materials and documentation. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a new formulation of furniture to evaluate the quality of artistic furniture design in the aspect of designers’ researches. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of scientific research publications, the author of the dissertation research identifies a broader interpretation of furniture, which is analysed to identify trends and prospects of the furniture design development. Understanding of the concept of furniture, created on the basis of their functionality, provides knowledge about the objective laws and ways of designers’ influencing on the formation of modern furniture.
In this paper we aim to make explicit the features of the Japanese garden as they appear from an analysis of the basic structure of three main types of garden: "kaiyūshiki," roji and "kanshōshiki". We show that their structure is based on the "movement space" perception – a concept introduced by Mitsuo Inoue as the Japanese specific perception of architectural space. After checking the structure of the "kaiyūshiki" garden, we have seen that it is a representative example of this Japanese space perception. Analysis of the structure of roji and "kanshōshiki" garden revealed that they are also expressions of "movement space",which lends them a fundamental Japanese character, common with "kaiyūshiki"gardens, but each has its own specificity that determine creating from the same base of a different structure. For each type analyzed, we indicated some practical hints for garden appreciation taking into consideration the features observed herein.
The present paper is a short overview of Japanese practices and rituals associated with each significant stage in a child’s life, from the moments before birth—announcing and celebrating the pregnancy—to the ceremony that marks the beginning of life as an adult. I have borrowed Arnold Van Gennep’s concept of “rites of passage” in order to emphasize the idea of transition from one age to another, each being a joyous occasion that requires formal celebration. In my description of family traditions such as Obi-iwai, Miya-mairi,Hina-matsuri, Kodomo-no-hi, Shichi-go-san, or Seijin-shiki, I try to analyze the relationship between the sacred and the community, as well as the shift from a religious practice (making offerings to appease the gods and acquire their benevolence towards the new member of the community) to social ritual—the practice that focuses on the individual, and his/her bond with the family and the community.
Olga Penavinʼs most important ethnographic monograph, entitled A nagycsaládszervezet Szlavóniában (Kórógyon) was published in 1981. The collected writings of her ethnographic és folklore subject appeared in Értekezések, Monográfiák titled series in 1983, published by the Institute of the Hungarian Language, Literature and Research. The well-known researcherʼs studies describing tangible (way of living, customs) and intellectual, mental aspects of the Hungarian folk culture in former Yugoslavia were granted a place in the completeness-aiming volume. The paper explores the theoretical and professional basis of monograph and of ethnographic studies.
Huascarán (6768 m. a.s.l.) – Peru’s highest mountain peak, located in Cordillera Blanca range, standing over fertile and populated since thousands of years Rio Santa valley in the Ancash department. It’s rich mythology, still rarely found among Quechua natives, was shaped in relation with geographical factor of being dominated by a huge seismic activity. Since the ancient times the inhabitants of this region have lived in the shadow of a constant threat, dying in large numbers as a result of earthquakes, enormous avalanches and floods. This study focuses on the mythological narratives and Indian perception of natural disasters, perceived upon broader view of archaic Andean outlook, while at the same time shaped heavily by the cultural trauma. The constant tension between tremendum a fascinans within the perception of Huascarán made impact on the folk theodicy, both core, as well as syncretic folk religiousness. The authors also focus on some of the contemporary forms of mythicization of Huascarán, trying to outline the most important aspects to functioning of this mountain within the culture of the Ancash region.
In recent decades anthropological and sociological study about „Polish transition” flourished especially after the theoretical matrix of „cultural trauma” was introduced. The article is an attempt to make an empirical refutation of the theory and base on the fieldwork carried out between 2010 and 2011 in Wisłok Wielki. The study aimed at the reconstruction the “bottom-up” experiences of the changes taking place in Poland since ‘89. The obtained data allowed to critical review of the theory of „trauma of great change”, showing that a much wider range of social and cultural factors affects the way people experience and classify changes. The key metaphors that organize discourse of the change are connected with the chain of oppositions, such as past and present with axiological emphasis on the past, mobility-immobility, maturity-immaturity, etc.
The intention of this article amounts to articulate one of the major dilemmas of modern science, and therefore this also applies to the humanities – specialization and integration. Pointing to the limitations of specialization knowledge of humanistic type, which inevitably leads to the trivialization of knowledge of man as a social being by defining culture, the author presents the main benefits flowing from the application of the sciences of culture perspectives integrated. Thus, such that, on the one hand enable the production of comprehensive knowledge about man, on the other hand contribute to bridging the differences between institutional singled teachings of the culture, allowing humanists cooperation and communication.
The presented sketch is only to be a concise message about the condition of ethnographic materials, that have undeservedly remained beyond the academic circulation for at least a dozen years. The object of the author’s interest is a part of Professor Leszek Dzięgiel’s photographic heritage not included in the inventory and stored in the Archives of the JU Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology – the part documenting the research expeditions to the Middle East organised in the years 1977–1980 by the University of Agriculture in Krakow. The author’s intention is to pose a question about the potential value of the resource on the basis of the preliminary examination of its content. Professor Dzięgiel’s publications and publicly available selection of his private correspondence constitute the source basis that supports its description. This synthetic and reorganizing survey should be treated particularly as an invitation to a professional verification, completion and integration of information on the fragments of dispersed heritage of the recognized researcher of the Kurdish culture.
This paper presents selected discourses on pilgrimage which shaped both historical approaches and contemporary anthropological research. The relatively modest presence of studies on pilgrimages in the “traditional” anthropological domain is discussed and leads on to a discussion of Polish pilgrimage, research during the 19th and first half of the 20th century. This discourse is analyzed as an example of a national perspective. I then consider the central anthropological debate concerning pilgrimage which was mainly shaped by the Turnerian communitas paradigm (1978) and Eade and Sallnow’s contestation discourse (1991). Examples of more recent studies are presented with their emphasis on pilgrimage as a polymorphic and polyphonic phenomenon. The concepts of multivocality and relativity of space as well as a focus on the kinetic aspect of pilgrimage are significant topics in contemporary anthropological studies. These cross-cutting itineraries of anthropological thinking and pilgrims’ practices are depicted within the framework of the changing perspectives in studies on pilgrimage. These perspectives have significantly turned away from understanding a “pilgrimage” as an ideal and definable concept towards revealing the complexity and plurality of “pilgrimages” as well as focusing on “pilgrimaging”.
Every year, Serbian people celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in a solemn manner enclosing various traditions. All these traditions originate from ancient Slavs, who were pagans. Each element and ritual has its own symbolism and significance. They are mainly related to Slavic gods, dead ancestors and some mythical creatures. When the Slavs received Christianity, their customs adopted a new meaning. The church canceled some customs because of their magical properties, but it also preserved others and made them an important part of Christian traditions. Thus Yule and some customs before Christmas Day gained a Christian meaning, so that Serbs could get acquainted with the celebration of Christ’s birth.
Pri kraju La Pensée Sauvage, svoje nove studije o idejma plemenskih ljudi, francuski antropolog Lévi-Strauss navodi da se znanstveni rezon ne sastoji u svođenju složenog na prosto, kako su nas navodili misliti. Nego se, kaže on, radi o zamjeni zahtjevnije kompleksnosti manje složenom. Kad su u pitanju studije čovjeka, mislim da možemo otići još i dalje, te kazati kako se objašnjenje obično sastoji od zamjene složenih slika jednostavnijima u isto vrijme težeći da se nekako održi uslovna jasnoća koju daju ove jednostavne.
U ovome radu donosimo neke podatke o familiji Bajrektarević koji su vezani za Srebrenik njegovo predgrađe - naselje Špionicu Donju. Posebnu pažnju smo obratili na zanimljivu usmenu tradiciju porodice Bajrektarevića koju je putem usmenog predanja izrekao najstariji član spomenute porodice Bešlaga Bajrektarević. Hadžija Bešlaga Bajrektarević je rođen davne 1927., i unatoč svojoj dubokoj starosti prisjeća se pojedinih predanja iz svoje mladosti, koje je odlučio ostaviti u amanet narednim generacijama Bajrektarevića. Dokumenti i porodično predanje Bajrektareviće vežu za zaseoke Hodžići i Mahala u naselju Špionica Donja, općina Srebrenik. Potrebno je spomenuti da nije otkriven korijen koji je doveo do određenih deformacija u prezimenu „Bajrektarević“, što je uslovilo pojavu prezimena Bajraktarevići Barjaktarević na spomenutom prostoru. Ovdje možemo uslovno pretpostaviti da se radi o određenim nesporazumima pri unošenju prezimena u domovnicu i gruntovne knjige a što ostaje predmetom istraživanja u narednom periodu.