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The text offers a brief analysis of the current bicycling trend as a phenomenon which to some extent eludes prevalent definitions of what constitutes a trend. Bicycling, as a relatively inexpensive means of transportation, is not directly linked with prestige. It does, however, communicate a key range of what are called non-positioning values, which, though not necessarily linked with affluence, do manifest the pursuit of happiness, an idea closely connected with the increasingly popular philosophy of the slow (food, city, etc.) movement.
The text offers a brief analysis of the current bicycling trend as a phenomenon which to some extent eludes prevalent definitions of what constitutes a trend. Bicycling, as a relatively inexpensive means of transportation, is not directly linked with prestige. It does, however, communicate a key range of what are called non-positioning values, which, though not necessarily linked with affluence, do manifest the pursuit of happiness, an idea closely connected with the increasingly popular philosophy of the slow (food, city, etc.) movement.
This article attempts to describe the day-to-day sociocultural context in which Warsaw’s first cyclists moved around that city’s streets in the late 19th and early 20th century. Authoritative records documenting the condition and surface appearance of streets, squares, and pavement, other actors in street traffic, their self-presentation, walking and riding practices, and events such as road accidents in the city centre are here presented in confrontation with the first codified urban traffic rules. This juxtaposition allows us to see the bicycle as another medium of modernization – inscribed into the context of the newly arrived modernity of Polish metropolitan life.
This article represents a survey of the bicycling trend among women from the final decades of the 19thcentury, when the first bicycles and the first cyclists (including women) appeared, up to the contemporary era, in which the trend toward bicycle chic dominates city life. The author demonstrates that changes in bicycling trends have been closely linked with the progress toward emancipation, and how developments in bicycle chic reflect social attitudes towards women.
Can a constable who allows his child to steal a bike be a good constable? How did one little girl learn to ride a bike in a small town near Łódź? Stories about how a bicycle functioned as an ambulance, what drunk bicycling can lead to, and how antipathy for one’s neighbour can be expressed through the use of a bicycle. And a few other stories about what bicycles meant to several generations of Poles – from the time of the Second World War to the present day.
This article presents a summary of the work of Rozbrat’sRowerownia (bicycle workshop), formed at the initiative of bike couriers and residents of the Poznań squat. The workshop, in addition to providing bicycle repairs — promoting the slogan “Don’t buy a new bike, fix an old one” — represents an important element in reconfiguring urban space, at the same time making it friendlier. The bicycle workshop has become a symbol of the struggle with the urban transport favoured by the authorities and an example of direct democracy in action. It has also generated such grassroots initiatives as the “AlleyCat” courier race, critical mass actions, and other workshops and recreational activities.
This article is an extensive discussion of various aspects of Éric Baratay’s book "Le point de vue animal. Une autre version de l’histoire" (The Animal Point of View. Another Version of History). The first work by this French scholar to be translated into Polish, the book is a masterful attempt, innovative and by any measure noteworthy, to write a non-anthropocentric version of history. That attempt is both cross-sectional and inevitably incomplete, encompassing the fates of selected species of (it should be emphasised) domesticated, socialised animals (horses, dogs, cattle) in the 19th and 20th centuries in France. Jarzyna persuasively argues that Baratay’s book is fundamentally valuable for the research methodology he developed and the history of animals he recounts. His proposal, radically different from what he calls the “human history of animals,” demands that we change our perspective and allow ourselves to perceive animals as active subjects; that we mobilise a new way of reading sources, looking anew at previously familiar sources (among others, literary narratives need to be more fully appreciated); finally, his proposal is capacious and worth developing in multiple contexts (some of which are indicated by the reviewer). Adopting these optics, according to Baratay, should lead us not only (or even primarily) to build new syntheses, but also toward creating biographies of individual animals.
Water is a frequent motif in ritual songs of the year cycle. Its meaning of a boundary is important for forming a notion of the place where ritual actions are performed. On the other hand, its fertile potential corresponds with its function of ritual mean or goal. Within the chronotope, it is often connected with temporal boundaries – morning and night. Ritual songs model water as being, to whom the participants direct their songs in the ritual, but it is also the boundary across which inhuman beings enter the human world. It establishes communication with that unearthly world fulfilling the communicative function. Different realizations of water motif in oral lyric show its importance in traditional culture.
The paper tries the present a "different" picture about the famous Transylvanian ethnogrpaher Attila Szabó T., a picture written by a person who did not have the chance to meet him in person.
The paper presents the notes on the town of Dés (Dej) in the Collection of Transylvanian Hungarian Etymology.
Jakab Albert Zsolt – Vajda András (szerk.): Érték és közösség. A hagyomány és az örökség szerepe a változó lokális regiszterekben
While dealing with customs related to weddings, I have found out that in the researched settlement not all cases succumb to the norms dictated by the community. A person’s individual interests and convictions, as well as the need for a social life often cause tension. Young people violate the wedding code, when defying the expectations, they elope. Eloping might have had different reasons: parents did not like the chosen party, the groom didn’t yet complete military service, they wanted to start their sexlife sooner, the two families’ financial background, provenance or interests did not match, the families could not agree upon the dowry, the bride got pregnant, the parents could not afford a wedding, or the bride was married before. The study presents the different forms of eloping through three different case studies, since a general model is very difficult to draw, and each case is different.
László T. Székely (1912-1982) was born in Gyimesbükk, studied theology at the Theological Academy of Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) and later served as a curate and teacher of catholic religion in Csík (Ciuc) county. In 1947 he graduated as a teacher of history 124 and geography at the Bolyai University of Kolozsvár (Cluj). After leaving church service, he received a doctorate in ethnography, a domain in which he carried out researches for the rest of his life. As an ethnographer, he was interested in the religious life of the székelys, and he published several papers in this topics. The present study investigates his manuscript written in 1948, entitled Az életfordulók néprajza. A paraszt társadalom alkata az évfordulók csíki néprajzában (The Ethnography of the Life Stages. The Characteristics of Peasant Society from the Perspective of Anniversaries in Csík), particularly the chapter concerning the experiential, magical and mythical practices and ideas in relation to the health of the pregnant woman and the newborn.
Takács György: Angyalok csenditének. Archaikus népi imádságok a régi Csíkszékről Takács György: Elindula boldogságos szép Szűz Mária... Ráolvasók a régi Csíkszékről. Gyűjtötte és közreadja Takács György
A néprajztudomány professzora – Gunda Béla (1911–1994). Szerk. Bartha Elek