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Kapitola o účasti Rómov na súčasnom politickom dianí sa nedá začať inak, ako spomienkou na udalosti nežnej revolúcie v novembri 1989 a úryvok z vyhlásenia práve sa formujúcej Rómskej občianskej iniciatívy (ROI), v ktorom okrem iného stálo: „Bratia a sestry Rómovia! Prebuďte sa! Prišiel deň, na ktorí naši predkovia dlhé roky čakali. Ten deň je tu. Rómovia, ktorí žijú v našej krajine, môžu prvýkrát zobrať svoj osud do vlastných rúk. Teraz záleží na nás, ako sa dohodneme, ako budeme držať spolu a čo spravíme pre naše deti. Spojme sa s ľuďmi, ktorí sú ochotní nás počúvať. Ide o Občianske fórum...“ (Pečínka, 2003: 2). Toto vyhlásenie bolo súčasťou príprav na založenie Rómskej občianskej iniciatívy (ROI), ktorá zároveň mobilizovala Rómov na účasť v revolučných udalostiach. Zakladatelia ROI 26. novembra 1989 prehovorili po boku zástupcov Občianskeho fóra k státisícovému davu na Letenskej pláni v Prahe. V revolučnom nadšení dav skandoval: „Ať žijí Romové!“ (op. cit.).
The aim of the article is an analysis of verbs expressing negative attitude toward work in different varieties of the Polish and Russian languages. This study is based on a lexicographic material. The analyzed units are the results of the interpretative activity of man and reflect deviations from commonly accepted social norms. They denote actions where the subject is idle, wandering around, lives off others or is putting off work. The analysis of the gathered material shows that similar behaviors typical of a lazy person have been well established in the linguistic awareness of Poles and Russians.
A collection of late medieval and early Renaissance finds stored in the museum of Dulovo; the items were found south-east of Okorsh village, Dulovo municipality, Silistra region. Out there, in the area called „Beiska mahala”, a big Ottoman-time settlement was found, which is possibly the original source of the finds, which include 36 pafta clasps discussed in the article.According to the numismatic information and the dating of the other finds, the settlement can be dated within the 17th and the first half of the 19th century. According to an Ottoman census of 1676, a village called Abdarrahman seems to be listed in Silistra kaza.The pafta clasps from the collection of Dulovo museum can be divided into 5 types, with their own subtypes. The first type includes small round, cup-shaped pafta clasps, without ornament. Most of the clasps have granular trimming on the periphery, always with a small sharp widening. There are no analogues from closed archaeological sites dated within the period from the 10th to the 14th century. Surely, the dated finds from Niculitel and Silistra are dated within the 17th — the 18th centuries. The second type are round, cup-shaped pafta clasps with a stylized rosette in the center. This type has three subtypes. Most of the clasps are with granular trimming on the periphery, with a small sharp widening. Surely, dated finds from necropolis in Romania are from the period of the 17th—18th centuries. The third type are cup-shaped pafta clasps with radial ornament. This type is a stylized variant of the pafta clasps with a rosette in the center. There are no finds dated within the 10th—16th centuries. The finds from the graves around the church in Arnautkoy village (Poroishte, Bulgaria) are dated within the 17th—18th centuries. The fourth type are shield-like paftas, divided in five subtypes. According to the analogies from surely dated archaeological sites — the church in Arnautkoy and Corinth, we can assume that this type is dated within 18th century. Subtype IVa is dated later — by the first half of the 19th century. The fifth type are leaf-shaped pafta clasps. According to their form, we can add to this type two belt applications with a shape of pafta clasps. According to some analogies from Isakcha, we can date them back in 18th—19th century. According to the surely dated finds, we came to the conclusion that until 16th century the pafta clasps are unknown type of jewelry. The first appearance of pafta clasps on the Balkans and in Bulgaria can be dated by the beginning or the mid of the 17th century. One way for their appearance in this area could be transfer of traditions from Asia Minor, due to relocation of hundreds of Alevi (Shiite) villages in 16th—17th centuries in Eastern Bulgaria.
The life and the spirit of every nation is a reflection of the traditional rites and customs practiced by the respective nation, which can be confirmed by the lexical fund as well. The Slavonic nature of the traditional culture is unquestionable, so the comparative analysis confirms numerous terms with identical semantic structure of the rituals related to the life cycle in the Macedonian, Serbian and Bulgarian language. Part of this lexis belongs to certain Macedonian regions and it represents a significant mark of a regional identity, while another part overlaps with the lexis of the Serbian and Bulgarian language, indicating to rites and customs that can be considered as Balkan, South Slavonic or Pan Slavonic features.
Without doubt, every migratory wave begets serious problems with many dimensions in the fields of education, employment, integration, or gender issues. A recent mass migratory move, if more numerous, can cause delays in policies towards an older refugee group. The Syrian war and the subsequent mass migration towards Turkey channeled both academic and administrative focus towards this group. As the transformative power of migration increases, so does the academic interest in this topic. In this respect, we can understand the abundance of research on Syrians compared to the paucity of studies on African refugees as a reflection of the size and impact of the Syrian stock and flows.
The destructive effects of the Second World War, which resulted in great loss and suffering in the not so distant past, still has an important place in the lives of countless people living in different geographical locations. German families constitute a population whose members witnessed the bitter outcomes of the war in no small measure. War-related memories of families have been handed down from generation to generation up to the present day. Despite many of the generation who actually lived through the war preferring to erase the traces of it from their day to day lives, their children and even their grandchildren have taken on board this memory (Koçyiğit, 2016).
No religious minorities in Iraq was more affected by the violence of the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS) than the Yazidis (sometimes spelled Yezidis or Êzîdî in Kurmancî) who suffered genocidal attacks by the jihadis in August 2014. However, the jihadist groups in August 2007 and in August 2014 were not the first to attack the Yazidis. For centuries they suffered under resentments and perennial violence by Muslims who accused them of ‘devil worshipping’- a well-cultivated misunderstanding of their ancient religion.
Sığınmacı ve göçmenlerle sosyal hizmet konusu genellikle kuramsal temellerden yoksun bir müdahale anlayışı ile ele alınmaktadır. Sosyal bilimlerin göçün nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını anlamaya ve göç sürecini şekillendiren ağların ve ulusaşırı toplumsal alanların nasıl inşa edildiğini açıklamaya dönük çabasının sosyal hizmette kuramsal bir karşılığı genellikle yoktur. Sosyal hizmet daha çok sığınmacı ve göçmenlerle çalışmada beceri odaklı bir perspektife sahip görünmektedir ancak müdahale ve beceri odaklı uygulama son çözümlemede kuramsal bir arka plana yaslanmak zorundadır. Sosyal hizmetin uygulamaya olan aşırı vurgusu ve uygulamadan doğan bilgi ve veriyi yeterince teorize edememiş ve düşünümsel bir alan yaratamamış olması göç ve sosyal hizmetin kuramsal temellerine dair etraflı bir çalışmayı mümkün kılmamaktadır. Bu bölümde sığınmacı ve göçmenlere dönük sosyal hizmet uygulamalarının kuramsal arka planı ve temellerine girizgâh niteliğinde bir tartışma yapılmaya çalışılmıştır.
The aim of the article is to present partial results of ongoing research project devoted to examining social construction of ethnic identity of young Kurdish voluntary migrants in Istanbul. In the first part of the paper theoretical context of the study is shortly explained, with emphasis on: importance of Istanbul for Kurdish culture, conceptualization of identity and migration. The second part depicts preliminary results of interviews with migrants. It presents respondents' attitudes towards Istanbul, perceived qualities and flaws of conditions that it provides, and potential relation of metropolis to Kurdish culture.
Zorunlu göçler kapsamında değerlendirilen göçlerin en trajik olanı sığınmacı göçleridir. Zira bu göçlerin ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel sonuçları çok yönlüdür. Bunun yanı sıra “sığınmacılar”, üzerinde hassasiyetle durulması gereken en önemli göçmen grupları arasında yer almaktadır (Deniz, 2009: 189). Bunlar, artık kaybedecek hiçbir şeyi olmayan ve çoğunlukla ülkelerine tekrar dönme imkânı bulunmayan insanlardan oluşmaktadır. Başta barınak ve yiyecek gibi temel ihtiyaçların yanı sıra pek çok ciddi sorunla yüz yüze kalan bu insanlar, psikolojik açıdan da göç sürecinden derin bir şekilde etkilenmektedirler. Zira bu kişilerin ülkelerini terk edip belli ilişkisel ağlarla örülmüş bir topluluğun mensubu olmaktan uzaklaşarak yeni bir topluluk içinde yaşamaya başlaması, yerleştikleri bu yeni ortamda gerek dini gerek sosyal gerekse kültürel açıdan bazı sorunlarla karşı karşıya kalmalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunların derecesi ve mücadele biçimleri, göç edilen yerin fiziksel, sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel özellikleriyle, ortaya çıkan sorunlarla baş etmeye ve uyum sağlamaya dönük olarak sahip olduğu mekanizmalarla ilişkili olarak değişmektedir.
The paper problematizes on the urban spaces, analyzing the discourses of: (national) majority, minorities, the newcomers (migrants), the others, emphasizing on the forms of visualization. The case of the towns of Tsarevo and Pomorie in Bulgaria and Edirne in Turkey are presented by the two migrant groups that have crossed the Bulgarian-Turkish border and settled in particular urban neighbourhoods. The visual approach in the urban anthropology requires a specific methodology starting from the material environment of the city and its public spaces to the social and cultural relationships of the urban inhabitants and the invisible aspects of their symbolic layer as memory and heritage. The paper analyzes the strategies and valorization and legitimation of the heritage of migration and heirs, who trace their places of everyday life and festivity. The fieldwork research was done among the heirs of the so called “Thracian Bulgarians”, living in Tsarevo and Pomorie and the Turks, born in Bulgaria and resettled in Turkey in Edirne.
Slavistická bádání, zaměřená směrem k Balkánu, především ovšem k tomu slovanskému, byla na Filozofické fakultě brněnské univerzity přítomna již od jejího založení v roce 1919. Filozofická fakulta tehdy patřila mezi zakládající fakulty druhé české univerzity, o jejíž vznik se významně zasloužil první prezident československé republiky Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, po němž také brněnská univerzita dostala své jméno. T. G. Masaryk, sám univerzitní profesor, totiž již v 90. letech 19. století zdůrazňoval potřebu co nejširší konkurence ve vědeckém životě a upozorňoval na fakt, že jediná česká univerzita – pražská (do roku 1918 Karlo-Ferdinandova, po vzniku Československa již jen Karlova) – nutně potřebuje ke svému rozvoji konkurentku v národním rámci. Snaha prosadit zřízení druhé české univerzity se stala jednou z priorit nejen jeho politické činnosti, ale i politického boje českých kruhů v tehdy německou menšinou vedeném Brně. Došla však naplnění až po vzniku Československé republiky v roce 1918. Filozofická fakulta tak jako součást nové Masarykovy univerzity dostala do vínku úkol stát se druhým ohniskem národní vzdělanosti a osvěty. V pamětní zakládací listině z roku 1919 jí bylo uloženo, aby „žila, mohutněla a kvetla v ušlechtilém závodění se starší sestrou pražskou“. A to se jí dařilo mj. právě v přístupu k jihoslovanské problematice.
Badatelský zájem o polský jazyk, literaturu, dějiny a kulturu má v českém vědeckém prostředí dlouhou a bohatou tradici. Jeho počátky sahají do období českého národního obrození a jsou spjaty především se snahou o hlubší poznávání slovanského světa. Ten byl v této době vnímán jako blízký a přirozený kontext, v němž se utváří a rozvíjí také vlastní český národní život. Motivace tehdejších badatelů vycházela zejména z myšlenky slovanské vzájemnosti, která vyplývala ze složitého politického a národnostního postavení slovanských národů v rámci habsburské monarchie.68 Ve slovanském kontextu byla v centru pozornosti tehdejších českých intelektuálních elit především problematika ruská a polská, jež se stala spolu s národní filologií základem celé české slavistiky. Pro další vývoj českých slavistických, resp. polonistických studií byla významná skutečnost, že prvotní buditelsky a emotivně založené slovanofilství postupně získávalo kritický a vědecký charakter. Navíc ustupovalo pojetí Slovanů jako víceméně jednotného národa o několika kmenech a nářečích a začalo se prosazovat vnímání slovanského světa jako souboru svébytných a rozdílných národních kultur. Důsledkem změny paradigmatu byl také proces diferenciace a profilace slavistických bádání.
Most of empirical literature on participation in and choice of recycling at the household level has been focused on factors determining the direct cost for households engaging in recycling efforts (Czajkowski, Kądziela, & Hanley 2012; Huhtala, 2010, Jenkins, Martinez, Palmer, & Podolsky,2003). Researchers noticed mixed findings in the literature on the significance of waste collection fees for recycling efforts. There is also a question as whether household recycling efforts represent a social cost, which should be taken into account in cost-benefit analyses of alternative waste treatment systems. Some argue that it should not be calculated, since recycling efforts are, to a large extent, voluntary. But on the other hand, households devote time to segregation, which is, in fact, an alternative cost (Bruvoll & Nyborg, 2002). One of the barriers of effective segregation seems to be a low level of awareness on recycling and segregation issues among households. That was also noticed in research conducted by Omran, Mahmood, Abdul Aziz and Robinson (2009). The aim of this case study is to recognise why citizens’ knowledge on waste segregation rules is not sufficient enough. Despite research results confirming rather limited consumer skills related to the subject, efficient methods to make people increase their awareness of what correct selective waste collection is, seem to remain still undiscovered. The students’ task is both to identify why mistakes in waste segregation are made, as well as to propose ways of helping citizens avoid them.
The social and political changes in Slovakia after 1989 opened many new challenges, tasks, and issues. One of the consequences of these changes was the fact that the public and expert discourse started to raise topics on the modern history of Slovakia - before taboo, overlooked, or ideologically interpreted by the Communist regime. A request and interest suddenly emerged to explore our own history without the dictate of ideology, independently and openly. The history topics which were previously taboo referred to the period of the wartime Slovak state (1939-1945) and its totalitarian regime, and the forms of the Holocaust in Slovakia. Historians and social scientists started to explore these topics from the perspective of their science disciplines. In order to contribute to a critical re-assessment of the ideologically burdened images of the past and to the overcoming of historic stereotypes surviving in our societies, the oral history method is primarily used in my ethnological research. It represents an appropriate tool for the capturing of subjective testimonies of experienced events at a certain historic period. Thanks to this method, it is possible to obtain an interpretation of historic events from the perspective of individuals who are part of the society. My research is based on the assumption that the affiliation of a witness to a certain social group or groups determines his/her testimony, and the memory processes depend not only on external stimuli, but also on the particular social context (Halbwachs 1980; Assman 1992; Ferencová - Nosková 2009: 21-31).
Research on language acquisition is a central theme in sociolinguistic research. Contemporary social, economic and political processes affect the life of communities and the languages what they speak. Globalization, migration and the enlargement of the European Union can significantly change the role and the future of majority and minority languages. In this research, we aim to reveal the family level language choice strategies of the Hungarian community in the small town of Margitha (Bihor County, Romania), discussing the role of family related social framework that positively or negatively influences the motivation of minority students to acquire knowledge of the Romanian language. For this purpose, we used both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. The results of research confirm that in multi-ethnic communities perhaps the most important, however at the same time the most vulnerable component of ethnic identity is the linguistic identity, which plays a key role in shaping the cultural landmarks and contents that determine the social integration of the individual. The positive family effects of socialization with the Hungarian language can be observed mostly in the ethnically homogeneous family. However, if one of the spouses is ethnic Romanian, the dominant language of communication within the family is more likely to be the Romanian language.
Ukraine is a multinational and multicultural country. Though Ukrainian scientists have studied the issue of multicultural education from different aspects, nevertheless, there is no special or ideal model of multicultural education. That is why we decided to monitor the students’ multicultural education state at secondary schools of Ukraine. In order to identify the state of multicultural education in Ukrainian schools we conducted an empirical study in schools of Cherkasy region among primary, secondary and senior level students. The main method was determined as questionnaire, which is provided for clarification of issues of national-patriotic and multicultural orientation. Accordingly, questionnaires that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection were offered to the 4th, 6th and 11th grade students in some schools in Uman and Uman district, covering 296 respondents. Thus, the monitoring of the state of multicultural education in Ukrainian school education has shown that the problem of multicultural upbringing of children and young people is addressed at the government level, relevant research is conducted, some aspects of multiculturalism are observed in educational programs of some subjects, but the level of multicultural education of students should be higher.
Rodina je základní společenskou jednotkou, která se jako pojem velmi obtížně vymezuje. K zápisu rodokmenů používáme graf (viz ilustrace 1.2), který by měl být alespoň dvougenerační. Muž se zapisuje symbolem trojúhelníku, žena symbolem kruhu. Neurčitý počet dětí, či jenom všeobecný zápis potomků značí symbol čtverce. Jedinec se nazývá ego a jeho generace se nazývá nultá. Graf čtený z hlediska jedince se nazývá egocentrický. Graf čtený z hlediska potomků je grafem prokreační rodiny – jinými slovy se orientuje na budoucnost. Graf z hlediska předků je grafem orientační rodiny čili je orientovaný na minulost.
This work is a part of much broader and extensive research. The data was collected on the field, namely Beijing, by observing and interviewing Bulgarians residing in the city for different period of their lives. The current work briefly points out some cultural differences between China and Bulgaria and the way they affect the celebration of several traditional Bulgarian holidays, e.g. Christmas Eve, Easter etc. The most notable difference can be observed in the ways of preparing certain cuisines, the products (meat, vegetables, white cheese etc.) which the Chinese market offers to the customers as well as their quality or even their lack of. Another factor that influences the ways of celebration is whether the migrants have moved to Beijing alone or with their families or relatives. In the first case a close circle of friends takes on the role of the family. The work concludes with that the Chinese culture rarely influences the celebration of Bulgarian traditional holidays and they are comparatively preserved in the form they exist in back in Bulgaria.This work is a part of much broader and extensive research. The data was collected on the field, namely Beijing, by observing and interviewing Bulgarians residing in the city for different period of their lives. The current work briefly points out some cultural differences between China and Bulgaria and the way they affect the celebration of several traditional Bulgarian holidays, e.g. Christmas Eve, Easter etc. The most notable difference can be observed in the ways of preparing certain cuisines, the products (meat, vegetables, white cheese etc.) which the Chinese market offers to the customers as well as their quality or even their lack of. Another factor that influences the ways of celebration is whether the migrants have moved to Beijing alone or with their families or relatives. In the first case a close circle of friends takes on the role of the family. The work concludes with that the Chinese culture rarely influences the celebration of Bulgarian traditional holidays and they are comparatively preserved in the form they exist in back in Bulgaria.