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re-digitized issue 31 from March, 1936 of the house journal of pharmaceutical Company CIBA
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re-digitized issue 31 from March, 1936 of the house journal of pharmaceutical Company CIBA
Kao stvorenje bezvremenog, ne-mislećeg ništavila, Stokerov (Stoker) grof Drakula nije ništa drugo do inkarnacija jednog fantazma koji proganja Evropu počev od njegovog književnog začeća 1897. godine. I dok se gotski vampir, poput kakve prastare, zaboravljene sile, uzdizao iz senki putem Stokerove narativne razrade evropskih trauma prošlosti, viktorijanska Engleska posmatrala je kako se tradicionalne ulične petrolejke zamenjuju novim električnim svetiljkama. Zbunjeni pripovedač Drakule morao je da se suoči s ovom zlom utvarom, koju kao da nisu ni dotakli tehnološki procesi »elektrifikacije«, i koja je i dalje bila spremna da putem nasilja toli svoju večnu glad.
U bici koja se vodi na polju istoriografije između istine i predrasuda, moramo priznati da obično pobeđuju predrasude. … Zbog takvog ishoda mnoge istorijske epohe su postale žrtve predrasuda, a najviše ona koju poznajemo kao doba nakon Rimskog carstva – Vizantija. Još od vremena kada su naši neotesani krstaški preci po prvi put ugledali Carigrad, i kada su se – s prezrivim gađenjem – susreli sa društvom u kojem su svi umeli da čitaju i pišu, gde su ljudi jeli viljuškama, i zalagali se za diplomatiju pre nego za rat, još od tada kod nas vlada moda da se o Vizantijcima govori s podsmehom, i da se njihovo ime izjednačava s dekadencijom.
Za vreme moje prve posete Zapadu 1990. godine, predstavljali su me kao »naučnicu iz Istočne Evrope«. To se dogodilo nekoliko meseci posle pada Berlinskog zida. Tri godine kasnije, u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, predstavljena sam kao »profesorka sa Balkana«. Bilo je to u doba kada su se na naslovnim stranama svih listova i časopisa mogle videti slike užasa iz Bosne.
Simbolična dimenzija politike uvijek je u nekom odnosu s materijalnom osnovicom političke moći, a svako društvo ima samosvojan politički imaginarij koji ga defi nira kroz mrežu simbolično izgrađena značenja i posvećuje njegove norme; zajednica ili njeni segmenti koriste se elementima toga imaginarija u svojoj “identitetskoj borbi”.1 U tom je smislu u petstoljetnom rasponu u Hrvatskoj ključan motiv predziđa kršćanstva/Europe u značenjskim i funkcionalnim varijacijama ovisnima o odnosima političke moći, unutrašnjima i vanjskima. U njemu se zrcali združivanje i/ili razdvajanje simboličnih, kulturalnih i političkih granica; on daje kriterije prema kojima se te granice konceptualiziraju.
Civilizational accumulations, the deformations of various nature and the need to rationalize them give rise to contradictory opinions about identical processes and events. Several Balkan authors are presented, as well as their views and methods and models they use. The Croatian DubravkaUgrešić and her painful nostalgia for the disintegrated Yugoslavia in 'The culture of Lies'; Turkish historian Fikret Adanir with his work on the Macedonian Question 'Die makedonische Frage. Ihre Enstehung und Endwicklung bis 1909', in which the leitmotif of the study is the principle of the Ottoman 'milliyet' system; as well as the book of Greek author Anastasia Karakasidou 'Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek Macedonia, 1870-1990', first published in the United States. It speaks of the Bulgarians in Aegean Macedonia, as well as the fate of the Macedonian citizen Vladimir Paunovski and his report revealing the ideology of Yugoslavism and Titovism, which generated Macedonism and the Macedonian language. The paper also reveals the connection between their views and their attitude towards the doctrinal framework of Benedict Anderson's fundamental for modern anthropology work, 'Imagined Communities'.
In the past years a lot of lead amulets have been found in Bulgaria and some of them enchantments on them against Nejit, who are believed to be a humanoid spirit in the folklore. The oldest amulet found is dated from 10-11th century. This paper is focused on an amulet that has been found recently near the town of Kyrdjali. The uniqueness of this amulet is that a mix of cyrillic and glagolic letters have been written on it. Two copies of the text exist that were analysed and described once by German and second time by Bulgarian linguists. The interval between the two examinations was 10 years. In this article a comparison between the Bulgarian and the German reconstruction of the text is being made as the two texts are evaluated in the context of the newest information.
The main objective of the research paper is to develop an analytical theory of identity, which in turn would make possible the study of identity on a textual level. Another objective is to show that Balkan identity is traumatic and current research on the topic does no more than perpetuate this trauma. And fi nally, drawing on the analytical theory of identity developed in the fi rst part of the study, the paper embarks on describing the identity games played by various actors involved in the Balkan presentations at the Chicago 1893 World’s Exposition. The current abridged version of the paper has only the humble goal of presenting the theoretical framework of the study and its general fi ndings. The presentation will go along the following lines: (1) I will try to describe the settings of the Chicago 1893 World Columbian Exhibition (which will be my object of study); (2) I will try to explain how we can study identity in the case of World Expositions; (3) I will try to give an account of the visual presentation of Bulgarian identity at the Chicago World Fair.
This text will focus on the identity of the Karakachans in Bulgaria – a former nomadic community forced to settle down at the end of the 50s and the beginning of the 60s of the last century. The Karakachans are Orthodox Christians and speak a specific Greek dialect. That, together with their former way of life and cultural tradition, makes them different from both Greeks and Bulgarians. This particular group gives a unique opportunity to outline the constant mental mapping and re-mapping carried out under specifi c national and transborder circumstances. The Karakachan case is, in a way, comparable to the “ethnic revivals” or “re appearances” of other small Balkan ethnic groups on the social, economic and political scene of the changing region1 Nowadays the small ethnic (local, ethno-confessional) groups (Karakachans, Gagauz, Gorani, Yuruks, Armenians and others) are not at the centre of the most severe Balkan confl icts. Some of them, the Vlachs/Aromanians, for example, have occasionally been in the focus of international contradictions; however, the gradual social integration, assimilation and emigration have reduced them in number and importance during and after the clashes of the “big” nationalisms. The very survival of some of the small Balkan ethnicities in the near decades is under question. Given the fact that both many of the Bulgarian Karakachans and quite a few authors share this view, the presentday situation proves to be much more complex and controversial. [...]
U radu su obrađeni ključni aspekti ostvarivanja prava pripadnika nacionalnih manjina u Bosni i Hercegovini. Prikaz osnovnih prava nacionalnih manjina garantovanih međunarodnim dokumentima dat je u oblasti društveno-političke participacije i ostvarivanja prava na kulturnu autonomiju (pravo na njegovanje sopstvene kulture, pravo na obrazovanje, informisanje i službenu upotrebu maternjeg jezika). Iako u ovom radu nisu posebno isticani problemi nacionalnih manjina na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, jasno je da postojeći sistem zaštite njihovih prava ostavlja prostor za dalje unapređenje.
Offprint drawn from „GLASNIK MUZEJA KOSOVA I METOHIJE, KNJ. I, PRIŠTINA 1956“ [Bulletin of the Museum of Kosovo and Metohija, Vol I, Priština 1956] // This work deals with a Gipsy folk-tale noted down at Prizren, which tells how once a wife has had two husbands simultaneously. In connection with this motive, a consideration is made to the occurrence of multi-husbandry or polyandry, to be suppose finally that this tale as well — with such subject — could be a confirmation of Gipsy’s origin from India, where we find such occurrences today, too.
The described project assumes the development of a new method for solving the problem of homelessness, in particular, with regard to the field of supporting people in an exceptionally difficult situation or those suffering from mental disorders and/or addictions to achieve independence and overcome problems. The aforementioned project is the first attempt at implementing this method in Poland. The basic assumption of the method is to solve the main problem of a person in the homelessness crisis, which is the lack of housing, and only then to provide support in solving other problems. The aim of the chapter is to give rise to discussion on the innovative solutions implemented by one of the local government to remedy the problems of homeless people. The issue is based on SDGs. The second described case study is the “Safe Future of People with Intellectual Disability”—implemented by the Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disability—reflecting the tested model based on support circles, i.e. social support networks in order to empower people with intellectual disabilities. The main objective of the “Safe Future” model is to develop and implement solutions that ensure legal, financial and social security of people with intellectual disabilities in situations where they have lost the support of the family. The concept of the support circles tested in this model is based on built networks of connections rooted in the social capital generated among the local community. The last example of sustainable development in the non-governmental sector is Social Cooperative Sunny Hill—as a social enterprise it is a unique entity on the market. It conducts economic activity, the main goal of which is not profit, but social and professional re-integration of people at risk of social exclusion. Contrary to a traditional enterprises, it does not distribute the profit among shareholders, but allocates it to social purposes.
One of the sustainable goals refers to the tourism services sector—by 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture as well as products. Responsible tourism (RT) means to: – minimise the negative impact on the economic, environmental and social sphere (3P model); – generate greater economic benefits for local communities; – support the welfare of host communities; – improve working conditions and access to the tourism industry; – engage local residents in making decisions that will have influence on their lives, surroundings and possibilities; – support the preservation of heritage in the sphere of nature and culture for maintaining diversity; – provide tourists with new experiences through closer and more meaningful contact with local culture and people. Below, of the following forms of tourist services are discussed—all-inclusive vacations and Airbnb. The goal is to invite readers to take part in the discussion on those popular forms of spending leisure time—how to make them—if possible—more sustainable.
Too much data describing a given phenomenon requires synthesizing them. For this purpose, researchers can use various methods of analysis. Factor analysis is one of them. In this section, first the basic theoretical aspects of factor analysis, as well as the stages of its use are described while presenting the essential minimum necessary to understand the essence of the method. The second part presents an example of the use of this method in research on sustainable consumption. The last part of this chapter presents case study of the use of factor analysis in research on managers’ ethics in retail industry.
Autoarea analizează pe baza informaţiilor de arhivă schimbările demografice complexe care au loc la Dunărea de Jos (Bugeac) în contextul schimbării stăpânirii otomane cu cea rusă. Pornind de la cazul oraşului Ismail, sunt analizate originea locuitorilor stabiliţi în nordul braţului Chilia, structura socială şi familială, originea etnică, pe baza numelor păstrate în documente.
Simion Mehedinți was a pioneer of Romanian science and culture in the first half of the twentieth century – when he militated for national renewal through education and culture in a Christian spirit; he was also a reformer of the Romanian educational system, but also a genuine Christian educator. As a researcher, he highlighted the educational value of science, professing himself a science out of conviction. His pedagogical conception contains two special nuances – the Christian one and its application to one’s own ethnic space – and he introduces the concept the school of work, as area and instrument of modeling the student’s character. In his ethnographic approaches we discover the recovering and pedagogical function of history and in the analysis of Romanian Christianity those valences which can be considered modern and democratic today.
This study will analyze the lifestyles of Sephardic women in the Turkish city of Istanbul from the 1930s through the 1980s collected via oral history interviews from a Centropa project by Sephardim from Istanbul. The interviews with Turkish Sephardic women in the Centropa interview database will be supported by research conducted in the Şalom Newspaper archives in Istanbul, the Turkish Official Journal archival database research, as well as historical and anthropological material search at libraries. As Sephardic Jews speak Judeo-Spanish, this study aims to shed light on Judeo-Spanish words used by Sephardic women on social activities, emphasizing the importance of the Judeo-Spanish language. Besides, this study also aims to analyze the societal roles of Sephardic women as professionals, their pastime activities, their culinary traditions, the historical information about their quarters’ surroundings, and the occupations that disappeared, underlining the importance of the reforms Atatürk brought to all the women living in Turkey as a way of history and culture education.
The social, cultural and historical context in which we live significantly influences our behavior and the decisions we make. In this paper, we aim to provide an analysis of the philosophy of inclusion - of recognizing the other, which advocates for a society in which people, regardless of abilities, ethnic origin, religion, or any other personal characteristic, have the right to a dignified life. This involves creating equal conditions for all, eliminating barriers and promoting diversity as a value. On the other hand, cancel culture has emerged, a notion present in recent discourse, to represent a framework in which people with opinions and behaviors that do not fit into the group ideology can be widely ostracized. Such a perspective implies an approach to identity that presupposes the existence of a form of history negotiated by groups, transmitted through institutions so that the targeted individuals recognize themselves in it.
he article is a result of a research that is part of the execution of the project “The speech of Rechane village, Prizrensko (with a particular overview of the morphological system)” of the Department of Bulgarian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography of the Institute for Bulgarian Language – BAS. Its main goal is to present part of the lexical treasure of the dialect of Rechane and more specifically some of the ways of naming domestic and wild animals in it. In the analysis of the presented in the study zoonyms that are an interest from the viewpoint of semantics and word formation, it is stressed on both their phonetic and morphological peculiarities, which represent an evidence for the belonging of the researched dialect to the Bulgarian linguistic field. The research is done in dialect context by stressing the bonds between the speech of Rechane and other Bulgarian dialects. The analysis is done entirely based on material that is personally collected by the author himself during the conduct of the candidate student courses of Bulgarian language, Literature, History and Culture for the Bulgarian minority in the Rechane village, Prizrensko, in the period between years 2015-2023.