Entrepreneurial competences from syntegrative perspective
This article nuances a distinct approach for entrepreneurial competences, key category in contemporary education, which is addressed to an individual who can choose himself and give meaning to his becoming by exploitation of learning opportunities in different moments of the life. The starting point is the holistic approach, as reflected by their definition in “ Key Competences for Lifelong Learning – An European Framework” from 2006, narrow in this case because it does not sufficiently capture the perspective of becoming. Personal meditations of professor Florin Felecanu who signals that XXI century predicts a new holism,as syntegrative type, have conducted the literature review to professor Stafford Beer achievements from Manchester Business School, U.K.Amazing discovery of syntegrative principles, basis of Syntegration® method that prof.Beer has proposed to solve complex problems, it caused transposition and connecting them to an educational context that has becoming the main reference. The paper presents a syntegrative model of entrepreneurial competences, illustrated by a cube, perfect figure, specifically chosen to involve components (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in a syntegrative functionality, three by three. It aims to show that in entrepreneurial competences training, three procurement categories work simultaneously in several basic steps of entrepreneurial process and can be common landmarks for different types of education. Because this last consideration were selected eight major stages of the entrepreneurial process and 12 types of acquisitions (four types of knowledge, four types of skills and four type of attitudes) after recomandations of 2004 national curriculum for Entrepreneurial Education in Romania high school, but also after 2006 “ Key Competences for Lifelong Learning – An European Framework”. Those correspond to the cube with 8 tops and 12 sides and all participate equally and simultaneously to the formation of entrepreneurial competences, necessary to start a business at any opportune moment of life. The model can be adapted to other types of competences, being a matrix of individual success, possible today or tomorrow.