Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) - the End of Conventional Education?
With its course on Critical Thinking - Reason and Fair Play in Communication that began in November 2014, the Maastricht School of Magamenet Romania jumped on the bandwagon and became the first Eastern-European country to offer a massive online open course (MOOC). As their name suggests, MOOCs are online courses offered by various educational establishments (especially from the United States and Western Europe) to a large number of students at no cost whatsoever. As usually the case with advances in technology deployable in the educational system, this new opportunity was seized by many frontrunner universities, so much so that the question arose: will this be the end of conventional education? The present paper analyzes different types of MOOCs in terms of their pedagogy, as well as the challenges MOOCs have to face before they can have a significant impact on the educational system.