Artystyczne, edukacyjne i wychowawcze aspekty międzynarodowej współpracy muzycznej młodzieży na przykładzie orkiestr „il mosaico” (Szwajcaria) i „Camerata Scholarum” (Polska)
Comprehensive benefits of active music performing by the young people have multiple dimensions. Making music together creates a unique opportunity to develop own interests, release creative attitudes, socialize and sensitize while positively affect selt-esteem as well as creates a source of personal satisfaction. Article applies to artiscic and educational aspects of musical activities of the youth in adolescence period. The author made an attempt to analyze these issues on the example of the projects jointly imple-mented by the youth string orchestra "Camerata Scholarum" from Kielce and youth symphony orchestra "il mosaico" from Wattwil (Switzerland) between 1994 and 2003.