Жертвоприношение, дар и молитва – ритуалът на поднасяне на дарове към планинското божество сред едно тибетско племе в региона Амдо
Marcel Mauss’ works on the social facts of sacrifice, gift and pray formed the fundamental concepts and theories for anthropological studies about the reciprocity between humans and gods and the contract principal in gift exchange. This paper will focus on a sacrificial ritual to mountain god in a Tibetan tribe and discuss the relations between the three concepts, to illustrate that in this kind of ritual, although sacrificesare nonliving beings rather than animals, the intensity of other steps still stay at asimilar level with classical sacrificial ritual with animal sacrifices; and in the ethics of reciprocal principal, the form of gift exchange in this sacrificial ritual shows obvious „merit“ and „karma“ values which has representativeness in Buddhist societies.