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The conflict Between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno Karabakh is the most significant obstacle to peace in the South Caucasus Region. The factor of historic past, always plays a crucial role in generating and developing of ethno-political conflicts. The media in Azerbaijan and Armenia remain a powerful instrument of shaping the public opinion, especially with respect to inter ethnic conflicts. In die ethnic conflicts Caucasus media professionals from both side used their pens as bayonets, so in this way perhaps involuntarily they delayed the coming of peace by narrowing the field for compromises. There is a general need to counter hate propaganda, specially in the media field.
Although the state-ayans (tax farming magnates) relationship in the Ottoman social history has been solved, it is not well defined how the ayan-public relations were. We hear from the people from their complaints about the former. Recent studies show that people might have gathered around different groups of benefit, and entered various relations in this context. Aim of this essay is to contribute to analyzing people-ayan relations in terms of different groups of benefit via the regulation of tax farming on March 9th, 1841, in Bendereğli, known today as Karadeniz Ereğli, and the uprising against Mustafa Ağa, then tax farmer of Safranbolu.
The Yellow Revolution which was considered to be the outcomes of the civil revolution experienced in Georgia and Ukraine was concluded with the complete control of the opposition in the country and flee of the President Askar Akayev (On December 27 2004, he had accused the West of sponsoring revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia and vowed to prevent similar scenarios in Kyrgyzstan). Neither Putin nor Russian Foreign Affairs could determine any attitude during crisis in Kyrgyzstan. Due to the fact that the events were developed rapidly, Russian had lost opportunity interfering crisis. The USA, being the invisible hero of the revolution, had clearly supported the Kyrgyz opposition as so expected. It was known that the activities of the Kyrgyz civil societies had been financed by the US foundations and the International Development Agency of the USA. At least 170 civil society organisations, responsible for the democratic developments and introduction of democracy had been established through the USA or such organisations had been financially supported by the USA. While the New Government in Kyrgyzstan established is making every effort to secure and stabilise the country, the consequences of the revolutions in terms of regional balances are still being discussed. The potential developments in Kyrgyzstan was of great importance in view of the regional stabilisation. The civil revolution nearby China which had strategically important status and hosting US and Russian military bases would have fundamental consequences over regional balances. Therefore, the approaches of the regional powers such as Russian Federation, People's Republic of China and the USA against yellow revolution raised particular importance gradually. The success of Kyrgyz example was of great importance for the other Central Asian republics. On the other hand, the civil revolution in cludes scenarios which may have domino effect and such scenarios affect the attitude of the Turkic Republics against the revolution.
Georgia was in a chaos from the last November on, due to corruption claims in the general elections. The Shevardnadze government, being in power for more than 10 years, could not resist much, and surrendered to the opposition, which made a velvet revolution. But the new administration, with clear Western tendencies, caused reaction of Russia and the autonomous regions of Georgia. The willy-nilly change of power may be interpreted as a positive step for democratisation, but the expected policies of the new Georgia may influence regional, or even world-wide balances.
The reality of the danger of active shooters performing a terror attack at school facilities during the working hours, inspires to thought about possible guidelines under which an unarmed person could stop an armed aggressor in the moment he breaks into school and launches an attack. Quality physical security measures can prevent infiltration of a trespasser into a building or make it at least difficult, however it is necessary to always take into consideration that the physical security measures will be surpassed and the attacker infiltrates the building. Surviving an active shooter event is possible when following the “run-hide-fight & survive” guidelines.
Ljuba Jovanović belongs to the generation that prepared, organized and carried out the liberation and union of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes into a single state. In 1876, as a grammar school student, together with friends, he organized the student or¬ganization „Branko Radičević”, spreading the spirit of liberty among the youth of Boka Kotorska Bay. When the Second Boka Uprising broke out in Krivosije in 1882, the members of the organization decided to leave the grammar school and join the insurrec¬tionists. After the uprising was put down, he fled to Serbia. In this new and unfamiliar setting, he made his way to the highest honors and titles, thanks exclusively to his own worthiness and abilities. He was among the initiators of the great national and cultural organizations whose activities would reverberate throughout the Slavic South: Sokoli, National Defense, Serbian Literary Cooperative. An initiative was launched in Boka Kotorska for Ljuba Jovanović to head the candidate list for parliament of the National Radical Party in Dalmatia, due to his personal ties with his place of birth. Even though he came to hold some of the leading positions in Serbia and The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, he remained an honest man, leading the fight against corruption in the National Radical Party.
This article contains the characteristics of a meeting called The Festival of the Youth, at which year after year gather tens of thousands of young people from all continents. Participating in this event young people follow the highest values and unite themselves in realization of common aims. Despite massive scale of the initiative there exists the atmosphere of kindness among the youth. As a result of this event there are positive changes both in personal life of the participants and in communal dimension. Hence, the article highlights the agoral character of The Festival of the Youth.
Mass-media have powerful influence on characteristics and development of contemporary societies. Modern societies are characterized by different varieties of violence as un-human social and anthropological behaviour paterns of different societies and as shapes of social pathology. Media are the most significant mediator between sport and men of modern societies, particularly of young people. Violence, as on expression of agressive behaviour, is not just a consequence of global society and mass-media influence on audience (especialy hooligans), but it is developing as a consequence of socialisation of personality. Youth violence is also a consequence of mass-media influence on young people's education. Children and youth are especially sensitive to violence in mass-media.
The Bosnian uprising (1875-1878) was the subject of various interpretations. There is a much smaller number of papers that dealt with this uprising from the perspective of the original Ottoman documents and from the perspective of Ottoman provenance, being much more based on the works of Western provenience. It is therefore important to present documents translated from the Ottoman / Old Turkish language in order to see the other perspective of this uprising to ultimately come to a consensus on this important issue from the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hasan Škapur is a proven scholar in several scientific disciplines, which was proved by the translation and presentation of these documents.
Review of: Hasan Škapur "ODNOS OSMANSKIH VLASTI PREMA BOSANSKOM USTANKU (1875-1878)"; Center for Ottoman Studies, Sarajevo, 2017., 468 pages by: Aladin Husić
Having as a starting point the analysis of the relations between repressiveness and responsibilities, the paper points to the postmodern totalitarianism of the entropy of rationality as the cause of social crisis and establishment of post-social constellations. Special importance is given to the emancipation of young people as a clinical symptom of the crisis of modernity.
Polazeći od analize odnosa represivnosti i odgovornosti, rad ukazuje na postmoderni totalitarizam entropije racionalnosti kao na uzrok krize socijalnog i uspostavljanja post-socijalne konstelacije. Poseban značaj pridaje se emancipaciji mladih kao kliničkom simptomu krize savremenosti.
The aims of this study were (a) to describe the prevalence of single versus multiple addiction problems in a large representative sample and (b) to identify distinct subgroups of people experiencing substance-related and behavioral addiction problems. Methods: A random sample of 6,000 respondents from Alberta, Canada, completed survey items assessing self-attributed problems experienced in the past year with four substances (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and cocaine) and six behaviors (gambling, eating, shopping, sex, video gaming, and work). Hierarchical cluster analyses were used to classify patterns of co-occurring addiction problems on an analytic subsample of 2,728 respondents (1,696 women and 1032 men; Mage = 45.1 years, SDage = 13.5 years) who reported problems with one or more of the addictive behaviors in the previous year. Results: In the total sample, 49.2% of the respondents reported zero, 29.8% reported one, 13.1% reported two, and 7.9% reported three or more addiction problems in the previous year. Cluster-analytic results suggested a 7-group solution. Members of most clusters were characterized by multiple addiction problems; the average number of past year addictive behaviors in cluster members ranged between 1 (Cluster II: excessive eating only) and 2.5 (Cluster VII: excessive video game playing with the frequent co-occurrence of smoking, excessive eating and work). Discussion and conclusions: Our findings replicate previous results indicating that about half of the adult population struggles with at least one excessive behavior in a given year; however, our analyses revealed a higher number of co-occurring addiction clusters than typically found in previous studies.
Проблема вивчення натовпу актуалізувалася в часи суспільних змін, потрясінь, а саме наприкінці ХІХ - на початку ХХ ст. То була епоха масових рухів, революційного настрою. В цей час виникла концепція психології натовпу, яка стала передісторією наукової соціальної психології. Предметом ретельного вивчення багатьох вчених різних країн стали масові явища, великі соціальні групи людей, механізми масового впливу, явища навіювання, наслідування, поведінка особистості в натовпі, взаємодії лідера та натовпу. Найбільш відомими працями з цієї проблематики є праці соціологів Г. Ле Бона, Г. Тарда, Н.К. Михайловського, С. Сігеле, Г. Блумера, Г. В. Плеханова, С. Московіча; психологів З. Фрейда, В. М. Бехтєрєва, В. Н. Войтоловського, Б. Д. Паригіна, С. К. Рощіна, А. М. Зимічева, А. П. Назаретяна, Д. В. Ольшанського.
The recent overflow of Disney-related online content like pictures, videos, articles, news or quizzes not only justifies the attempt of bowing it to theoretical reflection and structured analysis, but also proves it is needed in order to unfold the actual dimension of Walt Disney Corporation's influence not only upon the juvenile publics, but also upon the adult audiences. What is more, the accessibility and fluidity of such content on websites, blogs, social networks and online platformscreate unmatched possibilities of cross-disciplinary research of interest for diverse academic fields such as sociology, arts or communication studies. Developing on Atton's (2002), Bailey, Cammaerts and Carpentier's (2008) and Fuchs (2010) definitions and classifications of alternative media and Fuchs's (2010) concept of 'critical media', the present study employs quantitative and qualitative visual and content analysis and the study of public social documents such as online newspaper articles to determine whether the digital artworks of Middle-Eastern artist, Saint Hoax,is a form of (1) alternative media and (2) critical media.
This article attempts to offer several keys to understanding the considerable role of mass media as regards shaping the public opinion on the Church. This analysis is based on the media reactions to the resignation of Benedict XVI. The news appearing in mass media is confronted with the institutional statement of the Pope (declaration). The article presents the factors that make the news and refers the news values to information regarding resignation of Benedict XVI. This indicates why this decision raised common public attention. This article also introduces the role of mass media in shaping the public opinion based on the discussed example of the papal decision of 11 February 2013. The text focuses on how mass media, within their interpretation of the reality, can use manipulation techniques hindering access to truth and making it difficult to understand the news – this issue is also briefly presented in the text.
Politics and politicians continue to affect editing media and journalists. If we’re talking about public television and radio, the current Law on HRT permits more direct interference in personnel policy on HRT than ever in the last decade. After the privatization of the print media influence policy on them is smaller but it is very sophisticated and has not stopped. The main parties have ‘their’ journalists that they do the work. There is a huge role of journalists spins in building political image. Socially responsible journalism must disclose political spin to citizens as autonomous entities freely decide on policy.
Opinia publiczna, jak określa to w podtytule swojej klasycznej książki Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, „nasza społeczna skóra”, kształtuje nasze poglądy na otaczającą nas rzeczywistość. Stąd wywodzi się znaczenie i obowiązek poznania mechanizmów jej powstawania i funkcjonowania. Jej funkcją jest odzwierciedlanie rzeczywistych i dominujących w społeczeństwie poglądów i ocen. W zjawisku opinii publicznej uwidacznia się przede wszystkim społeczna a nie indywidualna strona natury człowieka. Owa społeczna natura skłania człowieka do lęku przed odrzuceniem, popycha do starania o szacunek i sympatię otoczenia. Opinia publiczna jawi się jako potężna siła zdolna rozpalać konflikty i obalać rządy, będąca w stanie prześladować i wykluczyć jednostkę, która jej się sprzeciwia. Jej działanie dostrzega się w coraz to nowych przestrzeniach, dlatego warto poznać jej niezwykłą skuteczność, by rozumiejąc jej działanie, mniej obawiać się jej siły.
Na temat problemów nadużywania alkoholu i narkotyków powiedziano już wiele. Bez większych trudności można znaleźć dziesiątki książek i artykułów, których autorzy straszą, co prawda słusznie, tragicznymi skutkami sięgania po alkohol i środki narkotyczne, łącznie z pojawieniem się demoralizacji, przestępczości i groźnych chorób kończących się śmiercią. Pisaniu tego materiału przyświeca bardzo ważny cel, jakim jest akcja profilaktyczna – powstrzymywanie młodych osób, w tym przebywających w zakładach poprawczych i schroniskach dla nieletnich, przed używaniem środków uzależniających, niezależnie od tego, czy mieli już wcześniej kontakt z nimi, czy też dotychczas nie próbowali alkoholu ani narkotyków.