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The health and social historiography of the Second World War is closely bound to the British national narrative of total war and the conflagration of the home front. The organisation of welfare structures during the conflict put enormous strain on existing socio-political constructs, if only because the state had to intervene in the day to day life of the nation on a scale not seen before. The prime initial concern was to minimise civilian death during enemy bombing, as losses in the hundreds of thousands were expected in the first few months of war. Plans were made to evacuate non-essential and vulnerable inhabitance from major cities and towns of. Displacement on this scale meant that medical and social services were similarly likely in need of significant reorganisation to match patient need and service location. In anticipation of this, the state created the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) to re-organise services within a supposedly more unified, planned national system. Using the Emergency Maternity Service as a case study, this paper seeks to explore the way in which the disruption of total war prompted the state to cross the threshold of the home into what was previously a private sphere - the family.
The aim of the research is to compare the well-being and social life of people over sixty years of age depending on the degree of national spirituality. The goal is to capture and describe the quality of life and spirituality among the Bhutanese, Norwegian and Chinese populations in comparison with Czech participants, mainly by semi-structured interviews and the use of interpretative phenomenological analysis serving as a tool for evaluating given interviews. For research work, it is crucial to contribute to the understanding of phenomena that can lead to greater seniors' satisfaction, which is important because the amount of these people is still increasing. The current results have shown a big difference between the religion in Norway and Bhutan, the country of happiness. There was found a strong belief in Tibetan Buddhism among Bhutanese participants so far. None of the participants considered himself an atheist or a person with non-religious spirituality. All respondents showed a high level of satisfaction with life, and they often experienced joy. They come from well functional families and are happy with themselves. Norwegian participants are mostly agnostic or non-religious spiritual persons. None of them has proved to be a practicing believer nor a strict atheist. They felt the sense of life primarily in sport and in nature, they often mention cross-country skiing as a way of getting closer to the spirit. Furthermore, the intention is to extend the research on other nations.
Family separations and detention due to immigration policies are traumatizing events that have a profound impact on the children and young adults involved. American society responded strongly and vociferously in 2018 to the news that children were being separated from parents, partially because the experience is widely recognized as being traumatic. The after-effects from harrowing occurrences might cause immigrants to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of severe psychological shock. PTSD can even manifest into physical symptoms that lead to illness and other impairments. The purpose of this paper is to explore how young victims react emotionally to the difficult challenges of risking entry, being detained, waiting for judicial hearings and then fearing deportation for years. The presentation will also evaluate the issues policymakers and judges face in solving these critical problems to address the mental well-being of those involved.
This research examines the marital satisfaction and happiness in men and women who are married at early age and who are married at late age. The research method is survey and the sample size is 240 married persons. In women, marriage under the age of 20 was considered early marriage and marriage of over 30 was late marriage. Also in men, marriage under the age of 25 was considered early marriage and marriage over 30 was late marriage. The instruments was Enrich marital satisfaction and Oxford happiness questionnaires. The results show that there is significant different between gender and marital satisfaction and happiness and also there is significant different between marital age and marital satisfaction and happiness. Also results show that women who are married at early age are less satisfied with marital satisfaction and women who are married at old age are more satisfied with marital satisfaction. On the other side, men who are married at early age are more satisfied with marital satisfaction and men who are married at old age are less satisfied with marital satisfaction.
This article is part of a chapter titled “Extra–ecclesiastical strategies based on friendship to improve consolidation,” from a DMin. thesis titled, “Development and application of a friendship program for the consolidation of the members of the Madrid–Calatrava Adventist Church,”—an unpublished manuscript written in Spanish and defended at Andrews University, USA, in July 2016) under the original title, “Desarrollo y aplicación de un programa de amistad para la consolidación de los miembros de la Iglesia Adventista de Madrid–Calatrava.” This article highlights the significant potential of four types of extra–ecclesiastical activities which help strengthening a church. Sports, trips, organized games, and birthday anniversaries were the core activities analyzed, which demonstrated a strong capacity to develop high level inter–personal relationships between the participants. Due to the unlimited structural legitimacy and addressability of these activities in relation to the human being, the author suggests that these activities can be incorporated as a common part of the life of any group which will help its cohesiveness and consolidation.
The basic idea of this handbook is that there is no unnecessary or misleading knowledge, but only the possibility of being misused. As an officer after military training and work with the young soldiers within the military service, I considered that the knowledge I had gained in the process of military education at its ultimate point implies destruction and inhumanity. However, the idea of knowledge is its ability to be timely, humane and transformationally applied in society. Art is a field that can transform any kind of knowledge into a positive context and thus the society within which it operates or intervenes. After all, where we experience failure as humans we can’t succeed as artists!
Accompanying the man throughout his life, the family proved to be one of the oldest and most stable forms of human community, which ensures the perpetuation of the species, the evolution and the continuity of the social life. Many approaches understand the family as a basic social form, based on marriage, which consists of the husband, wife and their descendants.The family is the basic cell of society, it is the one that makes man go from selfishness to altruism, the place where tribulations and joys are shared. The family is the first divine settlement, founded by God for man in heaven. The family is the fundamental institution in all societies. So it is a relatively permanent social group of individuals linked by origin, marriage or adoption.
Vodič u postupanju sadržinski je komplementaran Priručniku: Sudska razmatranja slučajeva nasilja u porodici u BiH i pripremljen je kako bi sudijama poslužio kao dodatni izvor korisnih informacija u vezi s nasiljem u porodici. Kao takav, vodič obrađuje oblasti koje se nadovezuju na teme i preporuke iz priručnika; ali sadrži i poglavlja koja obrađuju nove teme od značaja za sudsko razmatranje predmeta nasilja u porodici. Prvo poglavlje pruža sažet teorijski okvir nasilja u porodici koji je važan za cjelovitije razumijevanje kompleksnosti fenomena nasilja u porodici. U okviru ovog poglavlja definirano je zlostavljanje kao nasilje u porodici; objašnjeni su uzroci nasilja u porodici; ukratko su predstavljeni faktori rizika povezani sa nasiljem u porodici a koji se često u praksi pogrešno tumače kao uzroci nasilja; te je prikazana tipologija nasilnih veza i njen značaj za rad pravosudnih aktera. U drugom poglavlju predstavljena je tematika poznavanja konteksta nasilja u porodici, a kako bi sudovi imali potpuniju sliku prilikom razmatranja predmeta nasilja u porodici. U ovom dijelu posebno su predstavljene sljedeće teme: seksualno zlostavljanje kao nasilje u porodici, izloženost djece nasilju u porodici i posljedice nasilja na djecu, te davljenje kao oblik ekstremnog nasilja u porodici. Svako potpoglavlje sadrži praktična uputstva za sudije u vezi sa datom temom, s ciljem informiranja sudijske prakse tokom različitih faza krivičnog postupka.
The paper includes materials from the International Scientific Conference "Psychology in the Third Millennium - Problems and Solutions" (25.10.2019) and the Conference of Students - Future Psychologists (26.10.2019). The scientific achievements presented in this collection are useful both for specialists in the field of psychology and for specialists in the field of education, medicine, social work, who are interested in the present and future of psychology.
Although, development and modernization of the Republic of Moldova has constantly been on the agenda of the public authorities, civil society and the international community, there has been limited progress in initiating public debates on trends and policies affecting welfare in a long run perspective. The State of Country Report 2007 contains a series of analytical studies that offer some solutions to the problems specific to the process of policy making and policy planning in the Republic of Moldova. The main goal of this collective intellectual effort is to provide those that have the power to decide on key policy issues with an analytical instrument that would facilitate the process of understanding the main social and economic trends and evaluate the available alternatives at their disposal to achieve a specific goal. Because of the combination of a sectorial approach with a global view of the process and perspectives of Moldova's development, this report is unique in its genre. Moreover, the survey conducted within the framework of the report sheds light on citizens' pessimistic view on the current state of affairs. In order to overcome this socially sub-optimal equilibrium, the authors point out to a series of challenges and opportunities which should be taken into account by the current and future generations of policy makers.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has done a very poor job in protecting and ensuring the rights and freedoms of LGBTI (lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) persons. That much is confirmed in the annual report of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe) published in 2017 (Rainbow Europe Index 2017), that assigns the institutional and legal framework of BiH with a 31% ranking on scale of 0% (gross violations of human rights) to 100% (full respect of human rights). As for countries from the region, Croatia (62%), Montenegro (39%) and Albania (33%) all have a higher ranking, while Serbia (30%), Kosovo (30%) and Macedonia (16%) scored lower than BiH. While the legal framework for protecting the rights of LGBTI persons and ensuring their equality has been somewhat improved, hate speech, discrimination and violence against the LGBTI community are still a widespread occurrence in the society of BiH. Measures to ensure the equality of LGBTI persons were adopted through two important policies in 2015 and 2016: in late 2015 and the first quarter of 2016 governments of both entities adopted annual operational plans for the implementation of the Gender Action Plan in 2016, while the Council of Ministers of BiH adopted a one-year Anti-Discrimination Action Plan in April 2016. These policies include a number of measures designed to enhance the rights of LGBTI persons. The Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of FBiH was also adopted in April 2016 “regulating, among other things, hate crimes committed on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.” Finally, Amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Law of BiH were adopted in mid-2016. The amendments “finally introduce correct terminology by adding sexual orientation and gender identity as prohibited grounds of discrimination”, and also “include ‘sex characteristics’ as prohibited grounds of discrimination”, thereby making BiH the first country in Southeast Europe with an anti-discrimination legislative framework that protects intersex persons.4 On the other hand, fear, violence and discrimination are still part of everyday life for LGBTI persons and little has improved in this regard: in 2015, Sarajevo Open Centre documented “as many as 103 cases of hate speech and incitement to violence, 20 incidents and criminal offenses motivated by prejudice related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity.” The current, predominantly heteronormative and patriarchal social context, inundated with explicit homophobia, intolerance and violence against LGBTI persons, coupled with inadequate institutional mechanisms for protecting LGBTI rights and freedoms, has made the life of the LGBTI community much harder and considerably more limited than the rest of the population. LGTBI persons are often prevented from leading a normal life or meeting basic personal, social or cultural needs (e.g. being open about their relationships, freely expressing their gender, etc.). The results of this study indicate that fear of violence, discrimination and/or exclusion often leads to extreme forms of self-isolation, avoidance of certain cultural and social activities, reluctance to express one’s views, etc. The lives and needs of LGBTI persons are often incomparable to the quotidian life of those whose sexual orientation, gender and/or sexual identity falls neatly within the dominant and cultural matrix of the BiH society. Therefore, we decided to adopt a different approach. Unlike most studies and reports that focus primarily on the institutional and legal framework and/or social position of LGBTI persons, the study presented here aims to provide comprehensive, detailed insight into the attitudes of LGBTI persons and their outlook on everyday life, the challenges and problems before them and the real needs of the community. Although somewhat different in terms of methodology and scope of research, this study can be viewed as a continuation of Sarajevo Open Centre’s research work from 2013 when the organisation published the report “Brojevi koji ravnopravnost znače: Analiza rezultata istraživanja potreba LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini” (eng. Numbers of Life: Analysis of Results of Research on the Needs of LGBT Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina). The following section presents basic information about the methodological framework, the approach, as well as the demographic composition of the sample. The next part is dedicated to the analysis of key research results divided into ten thematic units. After that, we discuss the work of Sarajevo Open Centre, i.e. the effects of its activism. Finally, we present general recommendations drawn from this research on how to improve various aspects of the life of LGBTI persons.
The present collective volume is under the aegis of the Cross-Border Faculty of the 'Dunarea de Jos' University of Galati, Romania. Founded in the spirit of cross- border cooperation and with more than twenty-year experience and tradition in both cross-border teaching and research, the Cross-Border Faculty has managed to build a multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary academic community determined to facilitate a continuous scientific dialogue towards sharing and creating new perspectives in various fields such as education, arts and humanities and even engineering. The constant evolution of this cross-border endeavour has been concretized, in recent years, into large academic interdisciplinary events which have enabled the scientific dialogue not only between peers of the same academic field, but, also, they have permitted the collaboration and forming of new inter- and multidisciplinary teams oriented towards the advance of the higher education process, the flourishing of the business environment and the altogether improvement of society in general. Thus, Cross-Border research – interdisciplinary insights and borderless perspectives is an umbrella volume envisioned to bring together authors and topics that tackle issues such as consumers and consumerism, agriculture and food industry, administration, justice and law enforcement, finance, communication and education, and language and literature, not in a completely disconnected manner, but rather in an effort to provide a complex, diverse and useful research tool.
The publication was writtten as a response to various changes that the current family is experienced. They relate to the socio-demography, parent role challanges, the parent status, the educational styles, the educational goals, etc. The aim of this publication is to provide, in a concentrated form, the most important information about what we can meet in the raising children and how they influence the parenting. The publication is presented as a set of essays by which the author does not try to close the problem, but the contrary, he tries to open a scientific discussion about the topics that seem to be significant. The content of the essays relates to how we can establish a close relationship with the child, how we can raise he/she responsibly, but also what evil we can commit.
Throughout the extensive chronicles of human existence, homosexuality and gender reassignment, which were until recently seen as marginal, individual phenomena and were considered perversions by mainstream medicine, have gradually gained social, legal, and medical recognition over the past five decades, primarily in Western societies. Currently, homosexuality has ceased to be a social phenomenon and has become a social movement. Moreover, individuals, organizations, and states that do not embrace this condition are under global pressure. Based on fundamental sociological knowledge, the family, which serves as the bedrock of society and plays a crucial role in imparting social norms to individuals, has faced persistent challenges such as unmarried partnerships, postponed marriages, childlessness, and rising divorce rates. The increasing prevalence of homosexuality has exacerbated the challenges faced by the institution of the family. Not only is there a lack of a traditional family structure, but social conventions are completely reversed. Religion is often regarded as a means to avert the impending social apocalypse that humanity has brought upon itself. However, Protestant churches in the Western world have increasingly succumbed to the influence of LGBT advocacy groups. Consequently, it has begun to endorse the prevailing circumstances from a religious standpoint, permitting the appointment of homosexual priests and the solemnization of same-sex marriages within the church. The remaining prominent religions worldwide, particularly the Catholic Church and Islam, are significantly influenced by the explicit or concealed actions of LGBT advocacy groups. Today in Turkey, a significant number of religious folks, particularly among the younger generation, perceive homosexuality as a matter of personal volition and contend that religion should not meddle in such matters. This study seeks to examine the aforementioned issue from both a theoretical and practical standpoint. The compilation comprises writings by scholars specializing in diverse disciplines, including psychology, education, sociology of religion, religious education, and Islamic law
The publication is a continuation of the theme of communication about sexuality in selected helping professions. It focuses on the general population, including people with intellectual disabilities. It addresses basic needs including human sexuality in line with modern pedagogy and psychology. Our motto ""There would be fewer problems if more was communicated about sexuality."", sets the direction for the development of communication about sexuality. On the selected topics of ""society's acceptance of homosexuality and the problem of communicating about it"", as well as ""communicating with legal guardians about sexual issues"", the view of the need for further education on human sexuality is emphasized. Selected themes from the empirical research carried out are presented in the publication, in the context of uncovering and identifying the problem in attitudes and skills in future professionals.
In this study, the views of parents in Alevi-Sunni marriages on the phenomenon of religion and their children’s religious education are examined. While there has been a growing body of research on the role and significance of religion in Alevi-Sunni families, limited attention has been paid to their attitudes towards their children’s religious education, particularly within the context of cross-religious marriages. Based on this, this study aims to fill this research gap by examining the perspectives of parents in Alevi-Sunni marriages on their children’s religious education and family dynamics, using qualitative methods to provide in-depth insights. Ten families living in Sivas, Ankara and Tunceli, who were contacted through snowball and purposive sampling, participated in the study, in which qualitative research techniques were used. The data used in the study were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interview forms. The data was analzed with the content analysis. It was determined that the Alevi-Sunni difference did not have a significant impact on the participants’ religious attitudes or their children’s religious education. Almost all parents stated that they wanted their children to choose their own path by acquiring experience and knowledge about both religious interpretations/ understandings. The study identified two primary areas of difficulty in Alevi-Sunni families: familial opposition to the participants' decision to marry and conflicts surrounding the children's religious education. These tensions may stem from societal pressures to conform to sectarian norms and the fear of losing religious identity through cross/mixed (intrafaith) marriages. Such pressures highlight the need for open dialogue and acceptance within families, which many participants reported as key to resolving conflicts. The provision of religious education in the family and the religious identity of children have been discussed in a separate study. Therefore, in this study, participants’ views on “compulsory” religious education activities, which are also a subject of debate in society, were evaluated. In parallel with the findings in the literature, the participants’ opinions were grouped in three categories, namely “abolishing the courses”, “making the courses optional”, and “improving the courses along with preserving their compulsory status”. Following the interviews, it was seen that the participants could have arguments mostly due to external factors, and that their own religious understanding did not have any impact on family life, religious attitudes or child rearing. Attention was drawn to the need for freedom from prejudices, acceptance of the other as he/she is, honesty, trust and a communicative environment of dialogue in order to reduce the tension in these two areas.