Wpływ nowelizacji Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego na usprawnienie postępowania egzekucyjnego
Discussed amendment of Civil Procedure Code has entered into force on 3 May 2012 and it is still very speculative. Polish Civil Procedure Code is an act of 17 November 1965 which regulates actions in civil cases. It has been changed many times up till now. The amendment from 3 May 2012 implements big change in enforcement proceedings. It is obvious that enforcement proceedings may be undertaken only by the legally entitled bodies. This kind of proceedings are essential for creditors. Execution must be short and effective to provide creditors protect them rights. In order to improve the service of civil courts many responsibilities are now imposed on court referendary. In addition, to improve the quality of the enforcement proceedings it was necessary to implement rise of fines. The Polish legislator implemented new institution astreinte which may force debtors to obey the executive law. The amendment introduces also new definition of executory entitlement, shorter terms for some of actions and many other changes in Polish civil procedure. Now, there is huge possibility that debtors would obey the law more successfully. Even if the amendment dated 16 September 2011 seems positive there are opinions that there were too many changes in Polish Civil Procedure Code yet. The doctrine postulate implementing new civil procedure code in order to guarantee legal certainty and stability