»gegenstimmen extra«: DDR
The following text reached us from the GDR. Its authenticity is guaranteed and, as the reader familiar with the theme will recognize, is also proved by the nature of the text and the way in which its authors are arguing. Only so much can be said here about the authors: they see themselves as left-wing, socialist oppositionists to the existing system of the GDR; they expressly wish to have their paper printed in the SOK info, in the »gegenstimmen« and in other progressive publications in the West. They have sent us the text with the intention of influencing the discussion within the GDR. It is a text from the GDR for the GDR; the publication in the West is due only to the circumstanc-es. The authors see their sphere of influence in the other German state, they do not want to be a "case" for Western leftists with this impression, especially since they do not want their article misunderstood as a completed analysis and not as a finished ac-tion program. Rather, it is an attempt to come a little closer to this goal, to motivate it for a deeper analysis and to stimulate communication about it. Comments are therefore also desired, also from former GDR citizens, who now (have to) live in West Germany and West Berlin. Rudolf Bahro, for example, is addressed directly in the text. The authors do not want their text to be overrated. No spectacular events are to be expected in the GDR in the foreseeable future; the 12 proposals for action are tailored to this relative stability of the system. On the other hand, they take account of the fact that the left-wing opposi-tion figures in the GDR are numerically weak and, moreover, scattered into small dis-cussion groups and individuals who have hardly any contact with one another. The feasible in this situation moves below the level of organized socialist action, but it is the precondition for it.