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Personalism means giving something of a personal character, the personality of a person, raising a person – axiology is a value – and resocialization is a change (change) – personality of a person oriented towards the side of freedom, independent decision making and social roles having the possibility of autonomous and free decision making. The aim of the article is to develop (interpretation, continuation) the last paragraph of my – a scientific study – publication, taking into account the achievements of contemporary pedagogy, penitentiary psychology and teaching of the Church’s Magisterium: Destigmatization of criminals in the light of the Magisterium of the Church’s and views on rehabilitation. As part of my pedagogical and social rehabilitation considerations, in accordance with the pronunciation of the Church’s Magisterium, I formulated a concept (in harmony with the broadly understood humanist and existential trend, including humanistic and positive psychology, as well as axiological education directed at the personality potential of a human being). I called it the personalistic axiology of resocialization.The methodology used to write this publication was to conduct a critical analysis of literature, including my work and other documents, including available Internet resources.
The purpose of this article is to show the causes of disfunctionality of rehabilitation as conducted in the Polish penitentiary system, which proves to be inefficient in preparing inmates for social readaptation. It diagnoses the causes of lack of effectivity of individual influence programs and worsening of inmate conduct, which act against forming positive environment in penitentiary institutions. It also outlines the possibilities of improving the efficiency of social readaptation measures that are attainable through changing the organizational structure of penitentiary institutions and shifting the paradigm of the influence of correctional measures.
Humanizowanie systemu sprawiedliwości karzącej obejmuje pomoc w bezpośrednim rozumieniu oraz proces uczenia człowieka, aby zmienić zależność i niesamodzielność w stan samoorganizowania i osobistego kierowania swoim życiem. Oddziaływania pomocowe nie powinny być przeszkodą do indywidualnego rozwoju jednostki i wyzwolenia dynamizmu samopotwierdzenia. W procesie uczenia zaś należy uszanować możliwości i godność człowieka, gdyż wówczas jednostka, która spotyka się z szacunkiem odzyskuje wartość personalistyczną i może dobrowolnie uznać konieczność poprawy swojej sytuacji.Przystosowanie się winno być oparte na określonym systemie norm i wartości całego ogółu społecznego, wytyczającym określone cele i plany życiowe, które wraz z opiekunem mógłby wdrażać i realizować były więzień w środowisku życia.
In the scientific article, the author conducts research on understanding of investigative situations in the process of investigating crimes committed in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine, and determines that the planning of investigative actions and the nature of investigative actions depends on the investigative situation at any given stage of the investigation as a way of proof in the case. The author of the article determines that there are three main groups of factors that influence the investigation of crimes committed in the PIs: positive, negative and mixed. In the provisions of the article, the author identified a group of conditions that determine the investigation of crimes committed in the Ministry of Health, which is at least three groups: to the first group, refer to the personal characteristics of persons who commit penitentiary offenses; to the second group of conditions include the relations that prevail between the members who are in the PI; to the third group of conditions, the author suggests to include the social environment of places of deprivation of liberty.
The Czechoslovak prison system was at a crossroads after 1989. It was clear to everyone that it would have to be humanised and modernised; and also that a system would have to be set up to ensure respect for convicts’ basic human rights. This was an elaborate task; complicated especially by the fact that a successful reform depended on many factors; from human resources to the economy of the newly established state. The paper explores three topics. The first part outlines the key trends in the prison system in the last years of the Communist Party dictatorship. After that; the authors analyse the situation in the prison system during the so-called Velvet Revolution in 1989 and shortly afterwards. That time saw repeated riots in the prisons; the establishment of prisoner organisations as well as prison staff who were critical of the previous development of prison system; and the start of the process of ridding the prison staff of its most compromised officers. The third part describes the post-revolution transformation of the basic operational principles of the Czechoslovak prison system; which can be summarised as depoliticisation; demilitarisation and humanisation. Keywords: Czechoslovakia (ČSSR); prison system; normalisation; Velvet Revolution (Sametová revoluce); abuse of prison system; humanisation of prison system; modernisation of prison system; prison riot; Charter 77 (Charta 77); dissent; 1989 Those who are not against us; are they with us? Cultural Policy of the Kádár Consolidation and the Opposition of the Political System in Hungary Nora Szekér When János Kádár and his government came into power in November 1956; after the October Revolution; it was terror deployed on a large scale that laid the foundations of Kádár’s so-called “consolidation” that followed the far from general amnesty; which was granted as a precondition of international acknowledgement. From the middle of the 1960s onwards; although Hungarian society did not come to like it; an increasingly large proportion of society came to accept the so-called “Kádárism” as the best that could be achieved in the given international framework. The dictatorship’s Hungarian variant now resorted to a more refined complex of means; such as subversion; indoctrination; propaganda; and severe existential constraints; instead of the spectacular open terror of earlier times. The regime was becoming less repressive; politics were taken out of everyday life and cultural liberalism was gaining ground. The spiritual father of this variant of cultural liberalism was György Aczél. He exerted a very sophisticated form of power. He called this “federal policy”; while others spoke of “favour management”. This policy was based on the principle that the opposition or potential opposition must not be intimidated; but made to become the obligors of the regime. In this playing field; free-thinking is not a narrow area of individual autonomy; but the result of a bargain. The study explains how the culture-politics of so-called Goulash Communism affected the operations of the Hungarian State Security; and how that affected the Hungarian opposition movements and the political changes in Hungary in 1989.
The study attempts to present the experiences of social traumas based on a hitherto unused group of sources, i.e. psychiatric files. In its current state, this research is rather an attempt to offer a selection from the materials of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, while also taking account of its strengths (personal character, the representation of an often invisible social group) and weaknesses (data protection, generalizability). The traumas of 20th century Hungarian history appear in the anamneses dated between 1959 and 1961, often representing the triggering cause of the disease. These archival sources may be discussed not only from the perspective of the experiences of the patients, but offer the possibility to capture the dictatorial discourses from an interdisciplinary point of view (social history, clinical psychology, anthropology).
Prisons have their own rules. The protection of prisoners’ health is a very important element of everyday work with them. As an assumption, the way physical examination, forms of treatment, and rehabilitation are carried out should be commensurate with the needs of convicts. The text will present statistical data prepared by the Prison Service regarding the functioning of prison health care in 2017 and 2016 (in the comparative aspect). The situation of convicts is very specific, which is why the subject of health and illness in the prison raises many controversies, also in the socio-educational context. Therefore, it is necessary to implement actions to draw the public’s attention to the essence of this very serious issue.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie charakterystyki wybranych problemów,z którymi mają do czynienia osoby prowadzące badania w dziedzinie nauk społecznych na terenie zakładów karnych. Autorzy, na podstawie literatury przedmiotu oraz własnych doświadczeń,które zdobyli podczas prowadzenia badań w więzieniach, analizują wyzwania stojące przed badaczami spoza instytucji penitencjarnych. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono problemy związane z organizacją badań w instytucjach o charakterze totalnym, specyfiką grupy osadzonych – uczestników badań (w tym m.in. kwestie motywacji, autoprezentacji oraz funkcjonowania poznawczego i emocjonalnego więźniów) oraz koniecznością zachowania przez badacza neutralnej, bezstronnej, obiektywnej postawy wobec osób badanych.Druga część artykułu dotyczy refleksji na temat metodologii badań nad perspektywą temporalną,które pojawiły się w związku z realizacją projektu badawczego NCN „Temporaln easpekty aktywności mężczyzn odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności – badania longitudinalne”. Dokonano analizy specyfiki doświadczania czasu przez osoby odbywające kary izolacyjne oraz krytycznej analizy narzędzi do pomiaru temporalnych aspektów ich funkcjonowania.Artykuł kończą wnioski na temat czynników mogących zwiększyć poziom wiarygodności rezultatów badań prowadzonych w instytucjach penitencjarnych.
The aim of this article is to characterize selected problems faced by social researchers in prison facilities. The authors, referring to the literature on the subject and their own experience gained while conducting research in prisons, analyze the challenges facedby researchers who do not belong to penitentiary institutions.The first part of the article presents problems related to the organization of research in institutions of a total character, the specificity of the group of prisoners – participants of there search (including, among others, aspects of motivation, self-presentation and the cognitive and emotional functioning of prisoners) and the need for the researcher to maintain a neutral,impartial, objective attitude towards the subjects.The second part of the article is devoted to the reflection on the methodology of researchon the temporal perspective, which appeared in connection with the NCN research project“ Temporal aspects of the activity of men serving prison sentences – longitudinal study”. The analysis of the specificity of experiencing time by persons serving isolation penalties and thecritical analysis of tools for measuring the temporal aspects of their functioning is presented.
Latentprints are very common and important form of physical evidence that can be found at the crime scene. Traces of papillary lines may be present on various objects. Such objects can also be surfaces of fruits and vegetables. An important question for investigators and the judicial system is to determine the exact time of the appearance of latentprints-the age of the trace. The aim of this research is to try to determine whether it is possible to develop latentprints by using selected procedures, and if it is possible, to try to determine how long it is possible to find them (age of the trace), and finally try to determine, possibly, the characteristics of the developed latentprints which can help us to determine the exact age.
This article is of a review nature. It features a presentation and discussion ofconcepts (including typologies) of adaptation to isolation in prison, which have appearedin the literature over the years, namely concepts by: Leon Rabinowicz, Vladimir Pirozhkov,Donald Clemmer, Gresham Sykes, Erving Goffman, John Irwin, Stanley Cohen and LaurieTaylor, Roy King and Kenneth Elliot as well as Ben Crewe. The author explains the contextin which they were created, presents their advantages and disadvantages, and considers theissue of universality of each of these concepts.
Security is one of the most important needs that a person has to meet. This hasbeen well reflected in A Maslov’s theory of hierarchy of needs. The term “security” itself isdefined in the field of security studies. The term Human Security refers to the security levelof each person. It is in this respect that it can be considered in social sciences, including atthe social rehabilitation level.Therefore, security concerns issues such as: socialization, social control, which directly affectthe process of changes made during the period of imprisonment. Own research on thesense of security among women staying in prison breaks away from the common stereotypethat acts of violence are common in penitentiary institutions. For many women, this is thefirst time that such a sensation has occurred, which is associated with the deprivation ofthis need in everyday life. Reinforcing the sense of security in the institutions by educating,motivating and controlling prison guards results in the fact that the process of social rehabilitation(in some cases socialization) leads to the emergence of a need for security amongwomen serving prison sentences. The presented approach to the issues raised takes place inthe field of social rehabilitation studies, although in many cases it uses terms derived fromsecurity studies.
The imprisonment of female criminals together with their minor children in thePolish institutionalized penitentiary system, despite its lengthy history, still raises more or lessjustified doubts as to its resocialization value for the imprisoned women and the socializationconsequences for their minor children staying in the prison environment for several years.The environment is not identical from the perspective of both the mothers and their children.It is not burdensome with regards to experiencing these restrictive conditions, due tothe efforts which are made. However, these efforts are not always successful for the womenin post-penitentiary phase. In this article, the author attempts to show the imprisonmentconditions and, in particular, to characterize women staying in them, actively fulfilling theirmaternal roles towards their children during their stay in prison, and much too often only atthat time and in these conditions.
bezpieczeństwo jest jedną z najważniejszych potrzeb jakie człowiek musi sobie zapewnić. Zostało to dobrze ujęte w teorii hierarchii potrzeb A. Maslowa. Sam termin bezpieczeństwa jest definiowany na gruncie nauk o bezpieczeństwie. Pojęcie Human Security dotyczy poziomu bezpieczeństwa każdej osoby. Właśnie pod tym względem może być rozpatrywany w naukach społecznych, w tym również na płaszczyźnie resocjalizacji. Z tego względu bezpieczeństwo dotyczy takich kwestii, jak: socjalizacja, kontrola społeczna, które to bezpośrednio wpływają na proces zmian dokonywanych w okresie odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności.Badania własne dotyczące poczucia stopnia bezpieczeństwa wśród kobiet przebywających w zakładzie karnym łamią powszechnie występujący stereotyp, że w placówkach penitencjarnych często dochodzi do aktów przemocy. W przypadku wielu kobiet takie uczucie zachodzi po raz pierwszy, co wiąże się z deprywacją tej potrzeby w codziennym życiu. Wzmocnienie poczucia bezpieczeństwa w placówkach poprzez edukację oraz motywowanie i kontrolowanie funkcjonariuszy straży więziennej powoduje, że przeprowadzony proces resocjalizacji(w niektórych przypadkach socjalizacji), prowadzi do wytworzenia się potrzeby bezpieczeństwa wśród kobiet odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności. Przedstawione ujęcie poruszanych kwestii odbywa się na polu nauk o resocjalizacji, chociaż w licznych przypadkach posługuje się terminami wywodzącymi się z nauk o bezpieczeństwie.
Osadzanie przestępczych kobiet wraz z ich małoletnimi dziećmi w polskiej zinstytucjonalizowanej praktyce punitywnej, mimo jej zaawansowanej już historii, budzi w dalszym ciągu mniej lub bardziej zasadne wątpliwości co do jej walorów resocjalizacyjnych dla osadzonych kobiet i konsekwencji socjalizacyjnych ponoszonych przez ich małoletnie dzieci przebywające kilka lat w środowisku więziennym wraz z matkami. Nie jest to środowisko dla matek i ich dzieci identyczne, nie jest ono nawet uciążliwe w sensie doświadczania przez nie owych restrykcyjnych warunków, wszakże czynione w tych warunkach w zasadzie godne akceptacji starania opiekuńcze i socjalizacyjne nie zawsze skutkują pomyślnie dla nich w fazie postpenitencjarnej.W niniejszym artykule autorka podejmuje próbę ukazania owych warunków,a zwłaszcza dokonuje charakterystyki przebywających w nich kobiet – aktywnie spełniających wobec swoich dzieci funkcje macierzyńskie w trakcie pobytu w zakładzie karnym i zbyt często tylko w tym czasie i w tych warunkach.
This study explored the autochthonous methods of policing and law enforcement in the community and the perception of indigenes on the efficacy of these methods. The qualitative method was adopted, using the in-depth interview technique with indigenes: the youth forum, and community leaders and elders. Findings show that offences in Okposi community are classified into two: abominations and torts, while the indigenous structure for crime prevention and control were Ndi Uke (community male elders council); Unyom Okposi (female elders council); Ndi Okenye (village elders council); and Ndi Okorobia (the youths). The fear of the inevitability of spiritual consequences from the gods appears to be a good source of deterrence from crime commission. The traditional methods of policing were deemed more effective in crime control. It is recommended that the Nigeria Police should continue to take advantage of the cordial relationship with the community to enhance peace, security and justice.
Interview with Prison Chaplain Mgr. Ondřej Zikmund. The questions were asked by Anselm Benedikt Štefan
This paper examines the challenge of reconnecting probation knowledge, theory and practice throughout Europe. It will describe the history and rationale of the Thinking in Practice Seminar Series which was intended to promote thinking and debate about the supervision of offenders. It will consider how a collaborative approach might produce a greater groundswell of opinion and shared vision. The paper will draw upon practice literature and will use the seminar series as a case study to explore ways which allow probation services to continue to develop best practice. The paper will argue that the seminars have had some success in connecting with wider debates and could be replicated and developed further in other European jurisdictions.
The cost of crime is increasingly becoming a hot topic of various assessments of the impact on economic trends among politicians as strategic decision makers at national and local levels. This trend is especially relevant in the field of economic crime, which generates high costs as well as costs through lost profits or negative public perception. Crime reduction measures through increased surveillance, media campaigns, prevention measures and activities are yielding results but not enough to make us satisfied with what has been achieved.Different approaches to tackling crime through strategies determine the real trends in crime, the fluctuation of criminal phenomena and the early detection of social deviations and antisocial behavior. To make strategies dealing with crime effective, it is necessary to determine which are the phenomena that harm community, which strategies affect the feeling of fear, discomfort and general sense of citizens security. We also have to detect real scope of crime phenomenon and to which extent and in what way it affects citizens. Estimates of the cost of crime should be an integral part of strategies to deal with the causes and consequences of crime and should be a valid basis for taking action as well as proof of the effectiveness and efficiency of the action taken. In this paper, the author will present the practical application of crime cost analysis with reference to the dark number of crime and will use the selected method of crime cost estimation for society to create an estimate of known robbery costs for the Republic of Croatia.