Gospodarowanie odpadami z wykorzystaniem PPP w kontekście polskich rozwiązań prawnych
The environment protection is a priority problem area in the modern civilization. The efficiency of waste management in communities is dependent inter alia on the politics and strategy in this field. A waste supply – its type and amount – plays here an important role. When making decisions about crucial investments of this type one should consider cooperation with more experienced partners. Collaboration with a private partner is a great chance to improve the infrastructure by introducing new capital that can limit the direct budgetary expenditure. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a form of cooperation between public entity and a private partner or partners. The purpose of such a collaboration is an implementation of the public services project based on a long-term contract. Due to the relatively low capital expenditures waste gathering is an element of the waste management that is easily intercepted by the private sector, because of relatively low capital expenditure (services contracts). Increasingly, private investors build landfills and more advanced installations of the waste management but their share in its final phase still remains relatively small, due to the relevant risk of insufficient supply.