Author(s): Elvira Hažiahmetović Jurida,Ena Nezirović / Language(s): Bosnian
Issue: 15/2023
In this paper, the algae research was carried out at 3 locations, namely the upper, middle and lower course of the Oskova River at the Zlača resort site. Each of these habitats is unique in its own way. Algae are predominantly aquatic, photosynthetic autotrophic plant-like organisms known as phytoplankton, living plant organisms without roots, leaves or flowers. It is estimated that there are more than 25,000 species of algae. Their presence or absence in water samples is an excellent indicator of the ecological status of water pollution, hence they were the subject of this study. As material for the actual research of algae through water sampling, we used standard equipment for working in the field, namely: a raincoat, rubber boots, impermeable gloves, a stick with which we stirred the water in order to search for a richer place of algae, then sterilized bottles in which we put the sample water. The method was conducted in these steps: Taking a certain amount of water in a sterilized bottle, Closing the bottle and storing the sample in a dark room at a temperature of 25+/-2 degrees C, Light at 3000-4000 lux with cold light at a distance of 25 cm, Microscopy and determination to the level of the genus of algae and conservation of the sample. Sample I was sampled from the Oskova River annual flow site and contained the genera: Navicula sp., Cymbella sp., Meridion sp. and Pinnularia sp. Sample II was sampled from the middle course of the Oscava River and sp contained the genera: Microcystis sp., Oscillatoria., Navicula sp. and Pinnularia sp. Sample III was sampled from the location of the downstream area and contained the genera: Mougeotia sp., Microcystis sp., Cymbella sp. and Oscillatoria sp.