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The periodical press is one of the most attractive historical sources. He was the subject of numerous studies on various aspects, roles and its implications and the public. Locals in 1878 and recorded a number of different newspapers and magazines. This article will attempt to determine: What locals want to read, whether the presented their information is “simple”, “populist”, aims to teach you “anti or pro” attitudes to other Balkan countries. What is the ratio of the post-liberation print to the fifteenth to the seventeenth century.
The present article focuses on the Russian military intelligence in Bulgaria in the period since the establishment of the Third Bulgarian State until the beginning of the Balkan War in 1912. The Russian intelligence in Bulgaria is carried out mainly by military agents in the country, which are subordinated to the General Headquarters of Russia. The main task of the military agents is comprehensive military statistical study of the Bulgarian state and its armed forces as well as collecting political information with military value. The author examines the process of building Russian military agents and the impact of the political relations between the two countries on the organizational structure and activities of Russian intelligence in Bulgaria.
The article examines the attitude of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church towards the proclamation of the state independence of Bulgaria in 1908 and 1909. The text also analyses the public discussion in the press, aroused by the issue concerning the fate of the exarchate in the Ottoman Empire under the changed political circumstances.
The present work is focused on the dynamics of the problems of the Bulgarian-Turkish military interaction during the war against Romania in 1916. The underlying thesis is that in spite of the joint military operations against the common enemy, the brotherhood-in-arms was a fiction because it was a political formula related to completely different geopolitical goals of the now-allied former enemies.
The article focuses on the role and the importance of the Bulgarian language as a foundation of the education process at the Bulgarian St. Cyril and St. Methodius Men’s High School. It discusses the historical factors which had an impact on Bulgarian education in Thessaloniki and studies the establishment and development of the Bulgarian High School in Thessaloniki as well as the role it played in educating teachers for the schools in Macedonia. The analysis focuses on the educational curricula adopted in the mid 1880s and is based on a comparison between the Men’s High School in Thessaloniki – as a representative school beyond the borders of the newly-liberated country – and the high schools in the Principality of Bulgaria. It also outlines the differences in the approaches to determining the number of Bulgarian language classes as well as the specifics of foreign language teaching at the High School in Thessaloniki and those in Bulgaria. Some attention has also been given to the textbooks and handbooks written byteachers from the school.
Donations and charity most clearly reveal the sympathy, solidarity, and willingness of the people to support cultural, educational, health, and social initiatives that are useful for the whole society. The history of Veliko Tarnovo in recent times has been marked by numerous acts of charity, which have had a significant contribution to the development of the city, and which are a permanent testimony to the morality and humanity of the Tarnovo citizens. This study is an attempt to systematize the available information about donations in Veliko Tarnovo in order to get a general picture of who is making these donations, to whom, for what, and for what reasons.
Based on the original documentary material collected by the author in the National Archives of the Republic of Moldova, an attempt has been made to investigate some unknown aspects of the struggle of Bessarabian Bulgarians against the tsarist policy of assimilation during the First World War. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Bulgarians ranked fifth in terms of population in Bessarabia – a province annexed to the Russian Empire in 1812. In all these years, they preserved their language, culture, and national traditions, transforming the Alexander III Boys’ Gymnasium in Bolgrad into a true centre of national culture. Many Bessarabian Bulgarians played an important role in the history of Bulgaria, holding positions of responsibility in the Bulgarian state. Some of them were the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Aleksandar Malinov, the Minister of War Danail Nikolaev, the Mayor of Sofia Martin Todorov and his brother General Georgi Todorov, and General Ivan Kolev. Despite this fact, and in contradiction with Russian historical mythology about special relations privileged with Bulgarians, the Russian authorities treated them equally with other national minorities, exposing them to forced assimilation, deportations, expulsions, repressions, and arrests of representatives of the Bulgarian national movement in the Russian Empire.
This article provides an overview of the Bund from the establishment of its precursor organization in 1890 until World War I. First it takes into account the historical conditions that led to the rise of a distinct Jewish socialist movement in the Russian Empire to then focus on its three spheres of activity: (a) economic difficulties, as a Jewish workers’ movement engaged in union-organizing and strikes, (b) political challenges, as a Jewish revolutionary movement working to overthrow the Tsarist system and (c) national obstacles, as a movement fighting for Jewish civil rights and Jewish national autonomy, the advancement of Yiddish language and culture, and the organisation of Jewish self-defense against pogroms. Appended to the article is the translation of an early Bundist pamphlet, The Town Preacher (1895), which presents the movement’s ideas in a simple, popular form, based on the story of the single strike of Jewish tobacco-workers in Vilna.
The present paper addresses in a schematic manner the image of Romanian women, a subject not well developed in the sociological literature. The text indicates references to the condition of women starting from the Middle Ages, continuing with early modernity time frame, following the interwar period, and ending with the communist oppression installment. This is, in fact, the first fragment of a wider study, designed in three main parts. The second one is based on research centered upon the Scânteia newspaper, the official trumpet of the communist power, documenting all the published references related to women between September 1944 and February 1954 (almost 30,000 pages), a study that will be published in 2022 in London. The third part, still under development, represents a reality check: the real herstory, that took place in the communist induced state of terror, a timeframe which was considered to be the harshest repressive regime that the country endured until the Revolution of December 1989.
Iosif Chișinevschi (1905-1963) is born in Bessarabia, of the Jewish origin. Member at Communist Romanian Party in illegality at 1928, imprisoned at Galatzi and Doftana. After 1945 possessed several positions in Romanian establishment. Chișinevschi to became after the Second World War gray eminence in apparatchiks and ideological problems. In 1952 prepared, cooperatively by Miron Constantinescu and Alexandru Moghioroș, accusation against Ana Pauker-Vasile Luca group. Entering in conflict by Gheorghiu-Dej, Chișinevschi is replaced from political positions in Plenary meeting P.S.M. (June 28-29, 1957), together by Miron Constantinescu. Professor Mihai Ralea was a typical ally of the Romanian communist regime of the first years. Despite his “bourgeois” origins and his collaboration with King Carol II, whose minister has been during the rbyal dictatorship, Ralea was appointed ambassador to Washington between 1946 and 1948. Losing this position, he led various cultural institutions dealing with foreign cultural exchange. Historian, former general of the Romanian Army, Radu R. Rosetti had important contribution to Romanian historiography, concerning the military past. Member of the Romanian Academy, director of the largest library in Romania, Library of the Romanian Academy and founder of the National Army’s Museum, Radu R. Rosetti was arrested for his collaboration with Marshall Antonescu’s regime as a Minister for Education. He died in prison. Mihail Ștefanescu was military prosecutor during the World War II. During this time he prosecuted several political prisoners. After the war, he managed to escape from the accusation of war crimes and continued his job successfully under communist as military judge. In the late forties he condemned thousand of “enemy of the people”, many of them being executed. In 1950 he was arrested and convicted to 6 years imprisonment. After 5 he was excused.
The inhabitants of Bessarabia and Bukovina became Romanian citizens after 1918 by virtue of their freely expressed will. After these territories were occupied by the USSR on June 28, 1940, the Soviet citizenship was collectively imposed on them. Their repatriation under the provisions of the Armistice Convention (September 12, 1944) continued to be a controversial issue in the Romanian-Soviet relations. This ended officially after the Peace Treaty of Paris was signed in February 1947.
The study analyzes the “socialist state rule by law” concept, as it was put into practice from the October 1917 revolution until the time of Gorbachev. The author makes a comparative analysis, focusing on the totalitarian character of that regime.
The study presents a summary of the history of population in two Romanian provinces, Bukovina and Bessarabia, under the Russian domination, 1812-1918; under the Bolshevik rule between 1939-1941 and after the second World War. The denationalization and Russification initiated by the Tsarist administration reached the climax during the Bolshevik period.
It is widely recognized that the expansion of the Russian Empire into Central Asia in the nineteenth century brought the peoples of the region face to face not only with foreign, non-Muslim, imperial rulers and colonists, but also with the realization that their traditional way of life was unequal to the rapid onslaught of an alien power. Particularly for settled people in Turkestan, and to some (less-studied) extent for nomads and former nomads in Semirech'e and the steppes, the blow to self-confidence they suffered was all the more vexing for the appearance, after native rule ended, of improvements in some (but certainly not all) aspects their lives. These psychic stresses are evident in different ways in the surviving literature of the time. Scholars focus primarily on three trends in the literature of Central Asian Muslims that can be labeled popular "revolt" and resistance, from the point of view that the Russian advance was a bad thing; progressive "reform" and accommodation, where the Russian presence could be viewed equivocally or even positively; 1 and pessimistic "resignation" and introspection, where Russian domination was more a symptom than a cause of generalized malaise.2 Guy Imart essentially summarized the cultural context of literary works of all these categories from the point of view of Moldo Qilic (1868-1917), a Kirghiz poet whose written works include a famous example of the third trend, Qissa-i zilzila 'Story of the Earthquake'.
The article examines the social activity of Veliko Tarnovo Diocese in one of the oldest Bulgarian monasteries – the St. Peter and St. Paul Monastery of Lyaskovets in the first half of the 20th century. Within the period under consideration, the monastery was inhabited for a while by a monastic fraternity of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, but according to specific public needs, it opened its doors to various noble initiatives in favour of Russian emigrants and Bulgarian citizens.
U radu se na osnovu arhivskih izvora (Državni arhiv Crne Gore, Hrvatski državni arhiv, Arhiv Jugoslavije, Vojni arhiv Srbije, različite privatne ostavštine i rukopisi) i literature te tiskovina pokušava rekonstruirati biografi ja vođe muslimanske milicije Sulejmana Pačariza, uglavnom za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata, iako je radom obuhvaćen cijeli njegov život. Rad u suštini promatra odnosno opisuje složene događaje i vojno-političke procese u regiji Sandžaka tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata s težištem na djelovanje Pačariza i njegove milicije. Kompleksnost mnogostrukih aktera događaja (Italija, Njemačka, četnički pokret, ustaška NDH, muslimanski faktor) s različitim interesima na tadašnjoj vojno-političkoj sceni Sandžaka u ratno vrijeme te nedostatak primarnih izvora u dobrom dijelu onemogućuju da se njegova biografija i djelovanje kao i djelovanje njegove muslimanske milicije kojoj je bio na čelu postave u pravom historiografskom smislu. Ipak, i ovi historiografski izvori koji su nam bili dostupni su nam omogućili da te događaje pa i ličnost Pačariza i pripadnika njegove milicije djelomično rekonstruiramo te tako pružimo pogled i na to dramatično i traumatično razdoblje prošlosti Sandžaka.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of organizing agricultural research and education in Ukraine in the period of the national liberation movements in 1917–1921, and to determine the role of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine and the Committee of Agricultural Education in their establishment. The authors compared the models of the development of agrarian research and education under Ukrainian Central Rada, Hetman P. Skoropadskyi, the Directory, and Soviet authorities. Coordination of sectoral science and education in Ukraine began with the establishment the General Secretariat of Land Affairs of the Ukrainian Central Rada in 1917. The conceptual foundations of Ukrainian science and education, the core of which was Ukrainization, were developed by the First and Second All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Congresses, as well as the First All-Ukrainian Agronomic and Economic Congress. Ukrainization primarily concerned the conduct of the scientific and educational process and the writing of new books and textbooks in national language. The article reveals the creative initiatives of the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine and the Committee of Agricultural Education in coordinating the activities of some institutions to disseminate agricultural knowledge and the organization of sectoral research and education, substantiated by the important role of famous politicians. The use of international experience for the practical confirmation of theoretical skills in various agricultural directions is highlighted. The Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, simultaneously instituted with the Committee on Agricultural Education, was interested in close creative cooperation on the sectoral specialist training.
The author aims to discuss three topics using the memory research method. The first part discusses construction of the imagined community and collective memory of 19th century Lithuanian intellectuals in a country where education in the national language, and the printing of books and papers, were banned. The second part of the article presents the impact of the Great War and the struggle for independence on collective memory as revealed in memoirs written in the 1914–1940 period by fighters on the front lines, refugees, intellectuals, and people in the occupied country. The third part discusses the extinction of the Great War and the battle for independence from collective memory as a natural and specially constructed phenomenon, caused by the Soviet regime.
The article is devoted to the problem of the origin and formation of the idea of the patron saint of the Belarusian territories and the Belarusian people in the period up to 1914. First of all, the history of the «Belarusian» component of the cult of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk is analyzed. For the first time in the Belarusian context, she appears as early as 1663 in the poems of Simeon of Polotsk, however, in the future, the correspondingidea of the «patron saint of Belarus» was actualized only in the 1830s and then in the early 1870s. Until the 1890s it is mentioned only situationally: in periods that are especially important for local Orthodoxy, individual representatives of the Orthodox clergy of Polotsk and Vitebsk position the saint as the patroness of not only the Polotsk, but also the Belarusian region. However, at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries the idea of the «Belarusian Euphrosyne» is becoming more popular, and not only the Belarusian region, but also the Belarusian people are increasingly being called the object of the patronage of St. Euphrosyne. The idea reached its peak in 1910, when it was loudly declared that Euphrosyne of Polotsk was the patroness of the Belarusian branch of the «triune Russian people». In addition, the existence of the idea of a «Belarusian saint» among the leaders of the Belarusian national movement at the beginning of the 20th century is considered. It is established that as such they positioned the traditionally revered in the region Polish Catholic saints, and, first of all, St. Andrew Bobola, while the image of St. Euphrosyne did not play a prominent role in their narrative. The common and special features in the processes of origin and development of two «projects» of Belarusian saints, their correlation with each other are singled out.