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The paper presents the technological changes made to the CSO from the purchase of the first Powers and Hollerith punch-cards machines in the twenties then starting in 1967 computerization and automation of works in the CSO and the Central Statistical Library, to the creation of the CSO information WWW, reporting and geo-statistical portals, development of warehousing and databases in the last years.
The main idea of the article is the specificity of the modernization of the Tunisian society, as well as its gender aspect, is largely due to the fact that this process, thanks to the efforts of the ruling elite, began before the establishment of the colonial regime. In the context of the existing Islamic tradition, the degree of engagement of women in the social or productive spheres was conditioned by social differentiation. After establishing the French protectorate, actively using the administrative apparatus, encouraging the growth of the non-Muslim population, the French pursued a policy of cultural colonialism, which led to the design of the ideological and political realities of Tunisia in two directions. Representatives of the first direction continued the traditions of pre-colonial reformism, substantiating the idea of self-sufficiency of Islam. Representatives of the second, not denying the cultural significance of Islam, considered the prospects of modernization with the absorption of European experience. Representatives of Islamic modernism argued that, reformed and adapted to the spirit of time, Islam became the ideological basis of social development, in particular the release of women, whose primary role was to play education. The most radical of them questioned the use of hijab, as a purely Islamic tradition. Without denying the traditions of Islam, they advocated assimilation of the achievements of European culture, science and public opinion. The ideal of a new Tunisian woman appeared in the context of the synthesis of Islamic and Western cultures. He called for the emancipation of women and the reform of family-marital relations, taking into account the socio-cultural traditions of the Tunisian society.
The proposed article aims to analyze the genesis and functions of the image of the sea in the emerging film language of early Greek cinema in the context of building the modern Greek national identity and reproducing national memory. The focus is on the first period from the birth of film art in Greece from the early 20th century to the mid-1930s, when many Greek filmmakers left the country due to the imposition of the Metaxas regime with a coup in 1936. The outbreak of the Second World War and the German occupation (1941–1944) stifled the successful aspirations of early Greek cinema, and turbulent political events would not allow it to enter its mature period until the 1950s.
Although the war and the Holocaust struck men and women equally, there are reasons to discuss the fate of the women and their specific problems, in order to fill in a missing linkin describing Jewish life and to offer a fresh perspective that would give us better tools to write the history of Jewish life at that time.This paper will discuss the Romanian Jewish Women’s activity during the Holocaust and will particularly look into the activity of “The Jewish Center for the Protection of Mother and Child”, founded in Bucharest by Mela Iancu. What was the center’s contribution to the Jewish children and mothers during the war in Romania and to the orphans rescued from Transnistria? What can be learned about the women’s role during periods of crisis and war? “Mama Mela”, as the children of the center used to call her, was a symbol of determination,inspiration, wisdom, and hope. Finally, by including her story in the historical discourse, this paper aspires to shape and contribute to the large framework designing a reviewed historical approach and a gender-sensitive agenda.
W początkach XX w. benedyktyńskie opactwo Maria Laach w Niemczech zaczęło ogrywać decydującą rolę w europejskim ruchu liturgicznym. Przyczynił się do tego długoletni opat (1913–1946) Ildefons Herwegen, który zachęcił mnichów do apostolatu i studiów liturgicznych. W opactwie kładziono nacisk na piękne sprawowanie liturgii, do której mnichów przygotowywały konferencje liturgiczne. Formacją liturgiczną objęto duchowieństwo, środowiska akademickie, młodzież oraz świeckich katolików. Prowadzono tam badania naukowe dotyczące historii i teologii liturgii. Szczególnym osiągnięciem była wypracowana przez Odo Casela teologia misteryjna. W opactwie przeprowadzono także eksperymenty liturgiczne, które stały się podstawą posoborowej reformy liturgicznej. Opactwo prowadziło także działalność wydawniczą. Najważniejsze wydawnictwa to czasopismo „Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft” oraz seria wydawnicza Ecclesia orans.
JAKOBYOVÁ, Barbora – NIŽŇANSKÝ, Eduard. Dejiny židovskej komunity v Dolnom Kubíne [A History of The Jewish Community in Dolný Kubín]. Bratislava: Izraelská obchodná spoločnosť na Slovensku, 2018, 240 pp. ISBN 978-80-971954-4-1
Review of: FICERI, Ondrej. Potrianonské Košice. Premeny etnických identít obyvateľov Košíc v medzivojnovom Československu [Košice Post-Trianon. Ethnic Identity Changes of Inhabitants of Košice in Interwar Czechoslovakia]. Bratislava: VEDA, Vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019, 336 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1737-2
The study examines the demythologization and remythologization of the Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Soviet relations in 1989–2019 in the context of the politics of history pursued in Bulgaria. It reveals the role of myths in politics of history for creating identities by maintaining certain interpretations in view of the new geopolitical orientation of the country after the end of the Cold War. The author analyzes the accumulated Bulgarian historical literature, which includes not only academic but also journalistic and parahistorical works. She points out the public reactions, fuelled by certain interpretations of some key moments of the Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Soviet relations. These are the character of the Russo- Turkish War of 1877/78, the role of Count Ignatiev and the character of the national holiday March 3, the Bulgarian-Soviet political and economic relations, and in particular – the Stalinist repressions, the occupation regime 1944–1947, the Soviet decisions of the debt crises of the 1960s and 1970s. It is concluded that after 1989 the demythologization of the Bulgarian-Soviet and Bulgarian-Russian relations took place as a moment in the development of the Bulgarian historical science. And to a large extent, the one-sidedness that turns this demythologization into a new remythologization is due to the use of new historical interpretations as an element of memory policy to overcome the communist past and “Sovietophilia”, as well as the politics of history to overcome “Russophilia”.
Review of: Hilmo Neimarlija - Enes Karić i Mustafa Spahić, NASUPROT ZLU : MUSLIMANSKE REZOLUCIJE IZ 1941. – ZAJEDNIČKA IZJAVA IZ 2015, Sarajevo: El-Kalem, 2019, 120 str. Fikret Karčić - David Motadel, ISLAM AND NAZI GERMANY’S WAR, Cambridge Mass., The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014, 512 str. Enes Pelidija - Šerbo Rastoder, MURTEZA KARAĐUZOVIĆ (1865–1941) : MUFTIJA CRNOGORSKIH MUSLIMANA, Podgorica: Almanah, 2019, 326 str. Edin Radušić - Aladin Husić, KADILUK TEŠANJ U DRUGOJ POLOVINI 18. STOLJEĆA (TEŠANJ, MAGLAJ I ŽEPČE U SVJETLU AKATA TEŠANJSKOG SUDA), Sarajevo: Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka u Sarajevu, 2020, 304 str. Ruhulah Hodžić - ZBORNIK RADOVA PRVE MEĐUNARODNE KONFERENCIJE O ZAŠTITI PISANOG NASLIJEĐA, SARAJEVO 16. i 17. 9. 2019, Sarajevo: Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka u Sarajevu, 2020, 233 str. Ahmed Zildžić - Munir Mujić, MOĆ I GRANICE KOMENTARA: KOMENTAR AL-MAQĀME AL-RŪMIYYE NEPOZNATOG AUTORA, Sarajevo: Centar za napredne studije (CNS) i Orijentalni institut Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2020, 248 str. Sead Bandžović - Fikret Karčić, SHARIʻA COURTS IN YUGOSLAVIA 1918–1941, Sarajevo: Center for Advanced Studies, 2019, 196 str. Mirza Sarajkić - Esad Duraković, CLASSICAL POETRY IN THE ARABIC, PERSIAN AND TURKISH LANGUAGES: A POETOLOGICAL APPROACH, Translated by Selma Đuliman, Ankara: Turkish Academy of Sciences, 2019, 269 str. Amer Maslo - Olga Zirojević, IZ OSMANSKE BAŠTINE, Beograd: Balkanski centar za Bliski istok, 2018, 157 str. Emina Mostić - Ahmed Zildžić, I PRIJATELJ I NEPRIJATELJ: RANO OSMANSKO DRUŠTVO I IBN ʻARABĪ, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Orijentalni institut, Posebna izdanja LXI, Sarajevo, 2020, 261 str. Hadžija Hadžiabdić - Nurija Agić, BOSNA U EVROPSKIM ENCIKLOPEDIJAMA ili Hronologija krivotvorenja historijske logike, Bosanska riječ, Tuzla 2019, 421 str.
The present paper investigates the biographies of actors published in the periodical press of Greece and Greek communities abroad, from the independence of the nation state (1830) to the 1930’s. One of the main bibliographical and historiographical problems a researcher of the history of Greek Modern Theatre has to face is the insufficient –almost non-existent– information about the fleeting work of actors. The current research aims at contributing to the history of acting and finding answers to questions such as: how the profession of the actor in Greece and in Europe evolves during the 19th century and how this significant change is reflected in the Greek periodical press.
Niemiecka CDU – niegdyś partia środka – musi dziś zabiegać o masowo odchodzących wyborców. Alternatywa dla Niemiec podbiera chadekom wyborców konserwatywnych i prawicowych. Dorosłe już dzieci typowych wyborców CDU odnajdują zaś swoją polityczną reprezentację w rosnących w siłę Zielonych.
Review of: Takahashi Sanami - Andrej Kotljarchuk and Olle Sundström, eds., Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Stalin’s Soviet Union: New Dimensions of Research [Södertörn Academic Studies, Volume 71] (Stockholm: Södertörn University, 2017), 292 pp.
Review of: Mirko Mlakar - Радмила Радић, Војислав Јанић (1890–1944). Свештеник и политичар. Поглед кроз аналитички прозор (Београд: Институт за новију историју Србије, 2018), 482 str. Mirko Mlakar - Радмила Радић, Мисија британске Хришћанске заједнице младих људи у Краљевини Југославији (Београд: Институт за новију историју Србије, 2019), 375 str.
Review of: Magdalena Lončarić - VLADIMIR KALŠAN, GRAĐANSKO DRUŠTVO U MEĐIMURJU, Vlastita naklada, Čakovec 2000., 170 str.