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The year 1937 saw numerous military maneuvers of the armies all over Europe. The booklet lists the various states and the maneuver-activities of their armies and tries to develop an interpretation of the respective political backgrounds and contexts, together with some conclusions for the near future. Published in 1938 by the Bulgarian Military Printing
Special edition of the »Political Monthly for the Young Germany«, published by Heinrich Heiß // see as well: Martin Spahn, Volk und Reich, vol 1 (1925), and the chapter “Mitteleuropa” (pages 2-38) // (The PDF-file shows the text as printed in German FRAKTURA types)
Author Iordan Georgiev is printed at the cover page as "Iordane Pope Guéorgieff". Second auhtor: " St. N. Chichkoff" The book is about: Aspect physique et population // Composition de la population sous le joug turc // Développement du grécisme jusqu'en 1872 // Développement du grécisme pendant les années 1872-1913 // a) Séparation des bulgares du Patriarcat . . . // b) La terreur grecque pendant les années 1902-1908 // c) Moyens divers // d) Ecoles // V. Conclusion. // VI Documents. // VII. Liste des documents // The Greek texts are translated into French. The list of documents can be downloaded in the introduction PDF file
One of the milestones of 20th century Greek national narrative is the Asia Minor Catastrophe, i.e. the defeat of the Greek Army in the Greek-Turkish war (1919-1922) and the resulting wave of refugees of Greeks from Asia Minor (Rum in Ottoman terms) to the Greek state. The object of this study is to analyse why and how during the forty-year anniversary of this event certain novels appear to commemorate the Asia Minor space and identity: Ματωμένα Χώματα [Bloodied Earth, transl. as Farewell Anatolia] by Dido Soteriou (1909-2004); Στου Χατζηφράγκου [Stou Hatzifrangou, In the Hatzifrangou Quarter] by Kosmas Politis (1888-1974); To Αϊβαλί, η πατρίδα μου [Aivali, My Homeland] by Fotis Kondoglou, all published in 1962; and Λωξάνδρα [Loxandra] by Maria Iordanidou (1897-1989), published in 1963. While literature, the novel and especially the novel with historical subject matter, has traditionally been connected to the discourse of nationalism (Brennan 48-49, 52), these texts challenge offi cial nationalistic discourses by commemorating a pre-modern space, which was destroyed by nationalism, and by exploring refugee identity. [...]
When drafting my research proposal nearly a year ago, I had decided to put the stress on the factors that drive, in my humble opinion, Bulgarian economic and social development during the Interwar period. In that research proposal I was contesting the conventional wisdom of correlating Bulgarian economic development to just a few key factors, the state and the investment banks (Gerschenkron, 1966). Moreover, it was my belief that other social structures had so far been omitted in the yet sluggish debate on Bulgaria’s effort towards modernization. Via my research I intended to insert other variables in the equation which Fukuyama (1995) calls ‘intermediate structures of sociability’ – the large corporations, the different forms of social activism and the political parties.
published in 1930 as issue 1 of a series "Yugoslav Unity Library" [Библиотека ЈугословенскогЈединства] by the "Association of Vojvodina in Belgrade" [Издаје Удружење Војвођана у Београду] // FROM THE INTRODUCTION: The Association of Vojvodina Residents of Belgrade decided to publish a series of booklets called "Library of Yugoslav Unity". The purpose of the Library is to show in the spirit of national and state unity all the connections, factors, phenomena, mutual influences, social, cultural, political and economic between individual regions, which have contributed and continue to contribute to the creation and strengthening of the idea of national ans societal unity. // In that Library, it will be seen especially that the Danube Banovina is presented, from the side of history, folklore, art, culture, national economy in the upper direction. // From the national point of view, it is especially useful to comprehensively study these mutual influences and all phenomena, whether social, cultural or economic, which cement the basis of our state life, the feeling of the national community and the peoples‘ unity. Only by getting to know each other and studying common values can we reach a full and clear understanding of the historical significance of each region as a whole. The library attaches special importance to the historical relationship between Šumadija and Vojvodina and to the national mission of Serbia and the cultural significance of Vojvodina, and that is why its first booklets will discuss these issues.
Ovde bih da ukažem na jedan primer ‘političke akcije’ jugoslovenskih sportista na Olimpijadi u Berlinu 1936 – akcije za koju danas malo ko zna. Berlinska Olimpijada je upamćena po pokušaju nacista da iskoriste najveći sportski događaj na svetu za promociju svoje ideologije, kao i po tome kako su američki crni sportisti – pre svih, ali ne jedino Jesse Owens – uništili nacistički mit o superiornosti nemačke ‘rase’. Manje je poznato da su jugoslovenski sportisti, kao i sportisti delegacija iz još nekoliko zemalja, odbili da pozdrave Hitlera nacističkim pozdravom na ceremoniji otvaranja Igara 1. avgusta. Još manje se zna da je za taj svojevrsni međunarodni bojkot Hitlera najzaslužniji bio jugoslovenski atletičar Ivan Stevan Ivanović (1913-1999). On se tada takmičio u trkama sa preponama. Devedesetih godina prošlog veka, Ivanović će biti rado viđen gost u liberalnim krugovima Beograda i bivše Jugoslavije, iako je prethodnih gotovo pola veka bio politički emigrant, nepoželjan i nepriznat u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji. Poznatiji je pod imenom Vane Ivanović – uspešni poslovni čovek, diplomata, sportista i sportski pisac, filantrop i (londonski) politički emigrant koji se sa malom grupom mlađih demokrata i predratnih jugoslovenskih političara u egzilu zalagao za transformaciju Jugoslavije u demokratsku državu i njen ulazak u ujedinjenu Evropu, odnosno za sprečavanje rata i mirno rešenje krize početkom devedesetih godina, kada je ponovo počeo da dolazi u svoju zemlju.
Povodom izložbe „Kraljevski namesnici (1934–1941)“ Pre skoro mesec dana u Domu narodne skupštine je otvorena izložba „Kraljevski namesnici (1934– 1941)“. Iako je proteklo izvesno vreme od otvaranja izložbe, a za ovu temu sam veoma zainteresovan, nije bilo umesno da o izložbi pišem pre nego što je posetim – što sam tek nedavno i učinio, pa otuda i ovaj relativno zakasneli izveštaj.
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1941
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1941
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1941
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1941
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1940
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1940
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1940
The text is dedicated to the character of the king Sigismund II Augustus in Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s novels: "Mistrz Twardowski" ("Mister Twardowski", 1840), "Zygmuntowskie czasy" ("Sigismund’s Times", 1846), "Dwie królowe" ("Two Queens", 1884) and "Infantka" ("Infant Princess", 1884). It also refers to the portrayal of this monarch in "Wizerunki książąt i królów polskich" ("Portrayals of Polish Princes and Kings", 1888), written by the same author. The writer’s vision, sometimes contradicting historic sources, consists of portraying the king as a sentimental-romantic lover type. The evolution of the author’s attitude towards the last ruler from the Jagiellonian dynasty is shown by his ceasing to accept this kind of character type and eventually beginning to criticize it as a threat to his “manliness”. According to the writer, the lack of the latter trait make it impossible for Sigismund II Augustus to be a good monarch, which is why his achievements are undervalued in Kraszewski’s novels.
Jan Matejko (1838–1893) is the author of more than three hundred twenty oil paintings, several thousand drawing sketches, a couple of hundred projects of the polychrome, stained glass, altars, and statues. He was a collector. He was a titan, not only artistic. His paintings received the highest awards. Also, honorary memberships of the European artistic associations were bestowed on him. In 1873 Matejko became the director of Cracow Fine Arts School. The artist conducted an inventory of historical places, creating an extraordinary pictorial documentation of often no longer existing objects. He acquired artifacts related to historical figures for his own collection. His painting talent and historical passion developed in parallel. From the beginning of his artistic journey, he embarked on pilgrimages to churches, libraries, monasteries, and through the streets of cities. He filled the pages of the album "Skarbczyk". He copied, drew, documented. The important fact is that since 1856, Matejko had a permanent right to access the valuable manuscript collections of the Jagiellonian Library, and from 1864 he was a member of the Cracow Scientific Society. Matejko’ s private library proves his extensive interests. He read about art, philosophy, and history. His collection included: Marcin Bielski’ s "Polish Chronicle", works by Jan Długosz, "Historical annals", "Cracow annals", "The Templates of Medieval and Renaissance Art after the End of the Seventeenth Century in Old Poland" ("Wzory sztuki średniowiecznej i z epoki Odrodzenia po koniec wieku XVII w dawnej Polsce") by Edward Rastawiecki and Aleksander Przezdziecki, as well as many other works in the field of history, philosophy, ethnography, given to him by the authors. He actively took part in the work of the Department of Archaeology and Fine Arts of the Scientific Society. Matejko depicted events related to the figure of Sigismund II Augustus in his works, covering various periods of his life as the heir to the throne and later as the king. He created portrait sketches, compositional sketches for paintings, historical paintings, and immortalized him in the work "Polish Clothing 1200–1795" ("Ubiory w Polsce 1200–1795"). The artist collected artifacts related to the Jagiellonian era.