Author(s): / Language(s): Serbian
Collected papers by seventeen authors on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In addition to a foreword by the editor and the prologue (Vladimir Arsenijević, The Walls), thus volune contains the following texts: ”It All Began in Serbia”, ”Nenad Stefanov, ”Fobia of a German Europe – The Serbian Intellectuals and The Year 1989”, Katarina Luketić, ”The Past is our Future”, Vojin Dimitrijević, ”From a Drunkard and the Fence He is Clinging Unto to the last Valve on a Flute . The Human Rights in Serbia before and after 1989, Sabrina P. Ramet, ”The Yugoslav Crisis and the West. Avoiding Vietnam, They Stumbled into Abyssinia”, Ugo Vlaisavljević, ”From Berlin to Srajevo. Inner Borders and Outer Walla”, Jean -Arnault Derans ”From Gayimestan to Mirovac Wall. Kosovo 1989 – 2009Ć. Xavier Bougarel ” ‘The Revenge of the Village’, Between Sociological Reality and a Nationalist Myth” Žarko Paić, Melancholy and Revolution . Culture in the Post-Communist State of Siege”, Indiko Erdei, ” ‘It Takes Two to Tango’, Economy and the Idetity of the Serbs and the Slovenes in Post-Socialism”, Mikloš Biro, ”Communism has Fallen – Capitalism and Democracy are still on their Way. Svetlana Slapšak ”The Post’ War War of the Sexes. Misogyny, Feminist Gettoization and Responsibility Discourse in Post-Yugoslav Societies”, Vjekoslav Perica, ”The Twighlight of Panslavic Myths”, Miroslava Malešević, ” ‘Serbia is Stronger than Nokia’. Identity Politics in Post-Communist Serbia”, Eric Gordy, ”A Totally Personal Remembrance of Cold War, Yugoslavia, and Inexpensive (but good) Wine”, Mitja Velikonja, ”The Return of the Written Off. The Emancipatory Potential Of Yugonostalgia”.