Osmanli Toplumu Son Döneminde Kadın Dergileri ve Feminist Uyanış Feminist Awakening Through
Although the development of the women's movement in Ottoman society was different from that in Western countries, it is a fact that they were affected by the women's movement and publications that developed in the West. As a result of the liberation of the press, communication and transportation opportunities that started with the Tanzimat era, the Ottoman intellectual was able to follow the developments in Europe closely. This follow-up broadened the horizons of literate Ottoman women by providing close monitoring of western women's organizations and women's media. Ottoman men also supported the women's movement that flourished in the Ottoman Empire, sometimes by opposing the modernist protectionist discourse, and sometimes by including women writers in their publications. In this study, the formation of Ottoman feminism is examined based on Ottoman women's magazines published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the writings of Ottoman male intellectuals of the period. The work in which feminist theory of history forms the theoretical framework of the historical process of the emergence of feminism in the world and its debate in Ottoman society, and argues that the roots of the discussions on feminism lie in the late Ottoman women's publications and associations, and extend to the struggle they waged with Ottoman men. It produces a discourse contrary to the expression of women's movements and feminism identified with the Republican period. Archive work was carried out and discussions over the concept of “feminism” were analyzed in Ottoman journals published between 1908-1920.