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The Holy Synod dedicated this year to the pastoral care of parents and children, as well as to the great Romanian Orthodox philanthropists. This article analyzes the meaning of these themes and highlights their relevance to the Christian life.
Christmas is the feast of gifts. We give gifts to our loved ones at Christmas, especially to children, and they are not only valuable as a utility, but they are valuable through the message they carry. Especially mothers, out of their overflowing love, want to give their children all that is best and most beautiful. On Christmas Eve, children sing carols and, of course, receive gifts. Even the text of the carols expresses this reality. In some places, at Christmas, the poor are in the attention of the faithful, because Christ, speaking of the Universal Judgment, emphasized the importance of the corporal works of mercy that will weigh heavilly. Our temporary gifts have eternal consequences. Our social involvement is important. By our good deeds we can make our home in heaven. Christmas is the feast of gifts. The gift that cannot be expressed in words is the gift of heaven to earth, by sending Christ. In popular theology, in carols, the Mother of God presents to the creature the gift of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ. We can give our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the greatest gift we humans can give him.
The joy of the Son of God’s birth was brought to us by the Virgin Mary, the purest and most blessed among all the women on earth. With the news of the fulfillment of time and the message sent by God through the angel to the Virgin Mary, joy came to everyone. The Virgin Mary, though so modest and humble, became the Mother of the King of heaven and earth. What does God teach us through the mystery of the Nativity of His Son from the Virgin? That the birth of a child into the world is a heavenly gift, that the woman-mother is the earthly heaven in the bosom of which God places, in procreation, life, to be protected and brought into the world. The family is the safest place and the only way to give birth, raise and educate children who, through Baptism, become sons of God by grace.
This Pastoral Letter speaks of the Jews who are the chosen people, who received the revelation of the two. The patriarchs of the Old Testament, the prophets, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christ as man, the Holy Apostles, the myrrh-bearing women, the first bishops, priests and deacons, as well as the first martyrs of the Church, all rose from the chosen people, so we must be aware about the importance of this nation in the work of redemption of the world by the incarnate Son of God, to whom men have been partakers. The primordial role of the chosen people in the history of the world was realized at the “fulfillment of time” (Galatians 4: 4), when the Son of God was begotten in Nazareth without male seed in the immaculate womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary and was born in Judea’s Bethlehem. The Jews who rejected Christ and His teaching lost their status of chosen people. They are favored by the nation from which they are born, not by the faith they share, because in the person of the Savior the prophecies of the Old Testament have been fulfilled.
The article deals with several issues regarding the vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 virus: it discusses the problem of developing a series of vaccines using cultures derived from fetal tissue, the problem of the alleged modification of our DNA by administering the new vaccines, the speed of their development, their possible side effects etc. The author tries to give an answer to these issues that are currently troubling society.
We intend to emphasize in this work a constant feature of the spiritual teaching of Father Placide Deseille of pious memory, three years after his passing away. He never ceased to emphasize in his sermons, which are a synthesis of his entire theological thinking, that Christian values must mean a series of “intrinsic” qualities of the Christian, some principles of life assumed as evangelical virtues (this is the phrase he used), out of a strong desire for spiritual increase on the path leading to the Kingdom of Heaven; regardless of the specifics of the society in which he lives, profane and secularist, as in France. The stakes of spiritual formation are eternity and holiness (or deification), which means they have an eschatological nature, but can be experienced since the present of the contemporary world in which they are prepared.
This text is intended to be a critical analysis of the times in which we live. The issue of the pandemic, the issue of the covid vaccine, the issue of freedom and God’s place in today’s so secularized society are brought up. Conclusion: God’s work in men cannot be defeated by the polychromy of evil.