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This essay and review article provides a panorama of phenomena and themes related to the fundamental difference of interests and the permanent conflict stemming from the schism and crisis in values that occurs between he changes in the field of broadcasting technology and technological revolutions and the memory of cinematography and film culture.
The article aims to analyze the educational dynamics of activists and the film production system of the Open Cages Association (SOK). It is an organization that fights for the rights of ‘farm animals’ through campaign videos published on the internet. In video-activist film productions and through educating volunteers and authors of audiovisual materials, SOK is aims at the effectiveness and optimization of time and costs of work. For this reason, it uses non-formal and informal forms of education. This organizational approach resembles that of a corporate strategy and strengthens social inequalities (non-formal and informal education is not available to everyone). This is in contradiction with the postulate of SOK – equality of all animals. Nevertheless, the activities of the organization are recalibrated. SOK subordinates them to the primacy of effectiveness in acting for the benefit of non-human living beings. I reconstruct the experiences of activist-filmmakers on the basis of in-depth interviews I have carried out with members of the organization.
This article looks at the state/forest relationship and how and when the state creates discourses about the forest to serve its current objectives and policies. It is a case study of the Polish state and its approach to forest restoration practices. Looking at past actions since 1918 through which the Polish state has restored the forest, the text traces the discursive practices of forest nationalisation. Combining historical perspectives with contemporary discussions of forest restoration within the European Union and global institutions, the text offers an analysis of the power relations inscribed and embodied in nature management activities. The text touches upon a broader reflection on nature management and the power relations inscribed and embodied within it and examines how “the environment” and environmental issues have been constructed as domains requiring state regulation and protection. Focusing on planting rather than deforestation, the article describes the use of environmental governance policy tools to maintain power over discursive and material actions in relation to the landscape by states and/or international institutions. This article is framed within environmental politics, combined with environmental history and anthropology.
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of Nikola Martić Under the melody of ringing words, a quilling pen stuck in difficult and unpleasant times, stuck in miomirs; in the sounds of spring, summer, autumn, winter... it got stuck and entangled in the south, in the Mediterranean - the origin of civilization, while the words are being spelled, they slip away from us, they slip out of too much love: from poetic rapture, they wave, they become wild: chains climb and fall - and spirits before the inner freedom brought and spelled by the word, limited by nothing: inner freedom - he sings. In Miljković's words, as the slaves used to sing about her and pursue her until she disappeared. The fairy tale roars, vigours and plays its game, not thinking about the strict form - not even thinking about what is said; releasing and letting out words to sail the sea, land and sky. The fire is burning - internal and external!
This will help to solve the eZero b'il sas rental problem: vns. in. One and the same person can be pronounced twice - b'ilsw and b'ilsu. in 2002 checked (cf. Savukynas 1966: 175-176; Baléikonis 1967: 130). This kind of steering depends on the speaker's desire to emphasize vns. jnagininka (heard- You even say prig'ére. b'i.ls1, although he said vns. noun. bilsas).
Питање је, да ли ико може са сигурношћу да објасни, када су и због чега настале бајке. Свако објашњење, на овај или онај начин, упада у непосредну зависност од тога, како ће се у основи интерпретирати функционална природа бајки и главна њихова намена. А то је, ипак, изванредно универзални и изузетно развијени жанр усменог словесног стваралаштва свих народа света, независно од нивоа културе писмености.
Urednik đakovačkog glasila „Hrvatskih pučkih novina“, odvjetnik Ivan Ribar, poduzeo je u lipnju 1912. s dvojicom prijatelja, židovskim veletrgovcem Danom Reichsmannom i poznatim đakovačkim bankarom Matom Ašpergerom, kraće putovanje u Bosnu. U sedam nastavaka prikazao je čitateljima bosanski ambijent, gospodarske prilike, povremene putne nevolje, prenio više različitih političkih opservacija i svoju zadivljenost prirodnim ljepotama. Nekim pojavama u Bosni se čudio, drugima je odavao priznanje i bio propisno impresioniran. Njegov neveliki putopis namijenjen je čitateljima lista, ali dijeli neke slične karakteristike s putopisima koji su već desetljećima približavali bosanskohercegovački krajolik zainteresiranim čitateljima.
Teze o „pádu“ či krizi zkušenosti v éře moderny — poprvé zformulovaná pravděpodobně Walterem Benjaminem (1979), a poté opakovaně potvrzovaná, mj. Theodorem W. Adornem, Hannah Arendtovou, Giorgiem Agambenem — nepochybně výstižně poukazuje na klesající význam a marginalizaci tradičního pojetí zkušenosti pro moderní dobu a modernisticko-avantgardní literaturu a umění. Je však třeba si uvědomit, že se tato teze nevztahuje (omezíme-li se zde na oblast literatury) k četným a rozmanitým tradicionalistickým variantám praktikování literatury ani k dynamicky se rozvíjející populární (masové) literatuře, a stejně tak — což bude předmětem následujících úvah — k jiným (zejména novým) formám zkušeností, jejichž uskutečnitelnost a potřeba artikulace na sebe soustředily pozornost a kreativitu nejvýznamnějších autorů moderní literatury. Pokud se však v prvních dvou zmíněných případech (tj. tradicionalismus a populární literatura) dříve vypracované způsoby artikulace (tradičně pojaté) zkušenosti staly součástí repertoáru ustálených literárních konvencí a atributem stereotypně chápané fikcionality, ve třetím případě se ocitáme ve zcela nové situaci. Rozmanitost nových, zprvu „bezejmenných“ zkušeností znepokojujících svou jinakostí vedla nejen k pokusům o jejich absorpci, uchopení a vyjádření literaturou, ale zapříčinila též změnu pozice samotné zkušenosti (na ose jazyk umění — realita) a v důsledku toho vyvolala proměnu literatury (v každém případě jejího moderního pojetí a rozvíjení).
The article examines and resolves many of the problems that appear in the anonymous Catalan Historia de Jacob Xalabín and determines its genre and structure. The article also pinpoints the place of the anonymous Catalan story in the overall flow of information about the battle of Kosovo. The article also establishes the sources on which the narrative is based, the reasons for some of the inconsistencies in the work itself, the time of its creation and its value as a historical source.
The article presents a copy of Kniga sistima ili sostoyaniye muhammedanskiya religii... by Dimitrie Cantemir, stored in “St St Cyril and Methodius” National Library. Despite the fact that this is a less known work of the author, the book is a valuable historical essay of one of the first Islamic scholars. A note in the margins of the book testifies to the connections between the aristocratic families of Moldavia and Wallachia, Cantemir and Cantacuzino. It gives us an opportunity to go back 300 years and to recall the curious story of their lives and relations.
Two recently established transcripts of an interesting work in the Ottoman Turkish language, preserved in the manuscript collection of the Oriental Collections Department of the „St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ National Library are presented. It is known under the titles Hâce-i Cihân ve Netîce-i Cân, Menâkıb-ı Hâce-i Cihân, Kitâb Tévâ ‘if‘Aşere and Tevâ‘if-i‘ Aşere and contains authentic information about various mystical dervish groups and the various forms of mysticism in the Ottoman state in the 16th century. In some of the titles (Kitâb Tévâ ‘if‘Aşere) they are defined as „groups of extreme beliefs“. One of the transcripts was owned by Osman Pazvantoglu‘s mother, Rukiye Khatun, and probably by Pazvantoglu himself, and entered the Vidin library, respectively. Copies of the work are still stored in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, London, Paris, Munich, Turin, Uppsala, Leiden.
The chronicles of that time have forever imprinted in their own way the national enthusiasm and the general national upsurge of the whole Bulgarian people on September 22, 1908, when all eyes and thoughts were directed to Tarnovo, where the former Bulgarian glory of the Assenevtsi was resurrected. The author traces in detail the preparation and proclamation of the Independence of the Principality of Bulgaria, as well as the role of King Ferdinand in this epoch-making event.
The Annual Meeting of the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) was held online. On behalf of the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” National Library participated a team led by the Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimira Alexandrova.
A Polish translation of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s essay A Vindication of Natural Diet: Being One in a Series of Notes to “Queen Mab”(a Philosophical Poem). Translated from Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Vindication of Natural Diet: Being One in a Series of Notes to “Queen Mab” (a Philosophical Poem), London and Manchester: F. Pitman, John Heywood and Offi ces of the Vegetarian Society, 1884.
Man is born alone and dies alone. It lies in the nature of things and is a law of nature”1 – says one of the characters in the novel Jealousy and Medicine in an internal monologue. He thinks with resignation about the mistake we make in not accepting this state of affairs, in running away from it - for example, in seeking love; However, it turns out to be only a "palliative"2. A similar statement could be quoted by referring to a source of greater importance or without any footnotes. The thought of the irremovable loneliness of man accompanies many human experiences, especially those borderline, but sometimes it appears when making even an easy decision. In such contexts, we understand the meaning of this thought, we know what it refers to or what experience it summarizes in a certain way.
Shudders have been sweeping globally through the education system recently, touching the very core of academic activity. At international conferences, principals and academic staff are asking themselves, and each other, similar questions about examinations and the content of courses. There has always been an awareness that pupils and students can cheat on their assignments. Plagiarism and the use of writers from other countries are examples of the deceitfulness that has been feared. Teachers have tried to curb cheating by appealing to morality, describing how to make references correctly and clarifying where the line falls between using other people’s texts and plagiarism. Tools such as “Ouriginal” are currently used to match and detect text theft.
Siç dihet, në themel të leksikut të gjuhës së sotme letrare shqipe – edhe për arsye historiko-gjuhësore të zhvillimit të saj – janë bashkëmarrëdhëniet gjuhë letrare (standard) – ligjërim popullor (të folme). Në studimin e tij të gjatë, “Baza popullore e gjuhës letrare shqipe dhe i ashtuquajturi purizëm”, profesor Androkli Kostallari thotë: “Duke ruajtur nëpër shekuj strukturën fonetike e gramatikore, fondin themelor leksikor, strukturën e mjetet fjalëformuese me vlerat reale e potenciale të tyre dhe me prirjet themelore të evoluimit të tyre, baza popullore ka luajtur e luan një rol vendimtar e shumë aktiv edhe për përhapjen e zhvillimin e pasurimin e gjuhës letrare njëformëshe e të përbashkët, e cila, jo vetëm është kristalizuar si e tillë duke u mbështetur në tërë sistemin e vet te kjo bazë shumë e gjerë dhe e thellë, por edhe është ushqyer e ushqehet pandërprerë prej saj”