In memoriam to Jean Baudrilllard (1929-2007)
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In memoriam to Jean Baudrilllard (1929-2007)
The obituary remembers the leading Czech historian Jan Křen (1930–2020). He was one of a generation of historians which was initially influenced by Marxist views and which worked its way toward critical thinking in the 1960s. He joined the reformist movement during the Prague Spring, was expelled from the Communist party for his attitudes, and was working in a menial job in the 1970s and 1980s. However, he continued to devote himself to history privately. He was among the first signatories of the Charter 77 and was participating in the production of historical samizdat works and in “underground” historical seminars. Since 1989, he was intensively participating in scientific life as a researcher, lecturer and organizer. He established the Department of German and Austrian Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University, and was the director of the Institute of International Studies which the department transformed itself into for many years. He participated in activities of institutions focusing on past and present Czech(oslovak)-German relations and also cooperated with the newly established Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a member of scientific councils. Many of his works have been translated and published in Germany. In the 1960s, Jan Křen was dealing with, in particular, Czechoslovak emigration in the West during WW2, and later especially with the history of Czech-German relations and the history of Central Europe, which his impressive work "Two centuries of Central Europe" (Dvě století střední Evropy. Prague: Argo, 2005) was devoted to.
The obituary is a reminder of Hana Havelková, a sociologist and one of the leading personalities of the Czech feminist thinking after the fall of the Communist regime. She was initially focusing on Critical Theory; since the 1990s, she was active in the community of the non-profit Gender Studies organization in Prague and the Slovak feministic magazine "Aspekt". In the beginning of the new century, she was the prime mover of the establishment and accreditation of the discipline of gender studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University in Prague, where she subsequently lectured until 2018. Hana Havelková was not an activist, but a scientifically oriented researcher interested in a mental definition and exact analysis of the gender as an organizational principle of the society at both institutional and symbolical levels. She studied the gender on topics such as the fate of the Czech women’s movement during the socialist era and after, dilemmas of feminism in Eastern Europe, the role of expert thinking in the formation of gender relations, or political participation issues. Initially, she was the only person in the Czech feminist environment to step out from the sole source of inspiration represented by Anglo-American authorities and the first introduce Italian, German and Austrian sources into this community. The authoress stresses the significance of Hana Havelková as a source of inspiration for Czech contemporary history, whose mainstream did not show any interest in a discussion with gender studies for quite some time, and her ability to cross interdisciplinary boundaries in this area.
Prin anii '60, în zilele de duminică, băcăuanii iubitori de activităţi de sală erau invitaţi prin mijloacele mass-media locale la conferinţele ţinute, de regulă la Casa de Cultură, de un' om devenit familiar pentru mulţi locuitori ai urbei: IULIAN ANTONESCU.
In memoriam: Ştefan Cucoş (1936-1992). (Written by Viorel Căpitanu)
In memoriam: LAURA BAZ FOTIADE (1930 ‒ 2002) ‒ Mariana Mangiulea
In memoriam of Ruth Mirov (24. XI 1928 - 26. IX 2022)
Doc. PhDr. Ivan Bajo, CSc. (25. 11. 1935 - 15. 7. 2022) bol moj pedagóg na vysokej škole - bol moj vzor pedagóga s praxou. Bol vzacnym prikladom špečiálneho pedagóga, ale aj milovnika prirody vysokych hér, o ktorych dokazal s humorom, jemu vlastnym, dlho rozprávať. On, milovnik vysokych hér, a ja, milovnik hlbokych podzemnych priestorov. Dlhoročné priatelstvo i viaceré roky spoločného putovania po Liptove mi pomohli presvedčit' ho (po neblahych skúsenostiach s jaskyniarmi) preskúmat' nepristupn jaskyňu v Janskej doline. Statocne pät’ hodin bojoval v tme a po veceri skonstatoval, Ze liezt' do tmy ho už nikto nepresvedči. Mne sa to už nepodarilo. A tak nase priatelstvo dalej pokracovalo hlavne na odbornej psychopedickej baze.
Prim. dr. Asim Dizdarević, dr, ljekar pedijatar, dr medicinskih nauka iz oblasti kliničke genetike. Primarijus, naučni saradnik. Poslanik u skupštini SRJ, SiCG, CG, potpredsjednik Skupštine CG u jednom mandatu. U dva mandata predsjednik Crvenog krsta Crne Gore, u dva mandata potpredsjednik Crvenog krsta Jugoslavije. Član predsjedništva Udruženja pedijatara Srbije i Crne Gore i predsjedništva pedijatrijske sekcije Društva ljekara Crne Gore, član Predsjedništva DPS Crne Gore u jednom mandatu.
In memoriam to Sadik Rama Harabdaj
In MemoriamProfesor Mirosław Skarżyński (26 VIII 1952–23 VIII 2019).